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The Submarine Race in the Malaccan Strait

If India trying to lock the Malacca strait just to choke the China logistic, they will alienating the three countries who keep Malaca strait for years, and it is India will confront the alliance of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore for godsake it means you will see us as your enemy besides China.
Don't count your chickens before the eggs hatch. I heard news that India will overtake China in 10 years & fell for it. That was 10 years ago mind you. As long as China remain the undisputed superpower in Asia. Any opinion or article regarding "China fall" must be taken with a grain of salt.

neither me nor govt of india said that china would fall..a fall of china would be disastrous to india too.as i said both the countries would resist a war.my intention of the post was to state the strengths and weaknesses of both the countries if u read it carefully.

India can completely choke the shipping traffic through Malacca straights, which accounts to almost 40% of worlds shipping.

The day after you will find your entire navy gone. USN will not allow anyone to disrupt the traffic. Stop daydreaming.
Its in a newspaper article from 10 years ago do you think I still keep it! Like I said don't count your chickens before they hatch. When India ACTUALLY manages to catch up to China then I will believe it. Till then all article or opinion on "China fall" should be taken with a grain of salt.
When hard to catch up to China, now it's time for 'China fall'. :sleep:
no1 can challenge india on Andaman and Nicobar islands. no1:pissed: indian have blue water navy.
The day after you will find your entire navy gone. USN will not allow anyone to disrupt the traffic. Stop daydreaming.

Ha ha look at ur desperation china of all people relying on USA ,on the contrary USA would just love to play us against china and would waste no oppurtunity to teach chinese a lesson.
This is not to say we will do this for fun,but if china invades us it should prepare for total halt of its oil imports .

If India trying to lock the Malacca strait just to choke the China logistic, they will alienating the three countries who keep Malaca strait for years, and it is India will confront the alliance of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore for godsake it means you will see us as your enemy besides China.

Our problem would be with china,that too if china invades us.Then we have legitimate right to defend oursleves by any means possible.We have no problem with indonesia,malaysia or singapore.Infact we have great relations with singapore and singapore even have bases in our country for exercises.
Ha ha look at ur desperation china of all people relying on USA ,on the contrary USA would just love to play us against china and would waste no oppurtunity to teach chinese a lesson.
This is not to say we will do this for fun,but if china invades us it should prepare for total halt of its oil imports .

You don't see the bigger pictures here, if you trying to choke let alone blockade Malacca straits for disrupts oil shipment to China, not only you disrupt China economics but all of other countries who depend their trade line to Malacca Straits like South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, US and PRC. The moment you blockade Malacca straits for your day dreaming ambitions to provoke war with China at least you can count five other countries to add to your listing new enemies it will be Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and South Korea. Can your so called "number one" India Navy can face the wrath of 10 biggest Naval forces in Asia?
You don't see the bigger pictures here, if you trying to choke let alone blockade Malacca straits for disrupts oil shipment to China, not only you disrupt China economics but all of other countries who depend their trade line to Malacca Straits like South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, US and PRC. The moment you blockade Malacca straits for your day dreaming ambitions to provoke war with China at least you can count five other countries to add to your listing new enemies it will be Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and South Korea. Can your so called "number one" India Navy can face the wrath of 10 biggest Naval forces in Asia?

We won't be doing it to 'provoke' china,we will do it to retaliate against chinese invasion.And we have legitimate right to defend ourselves.Japan,south korea,taiwan and USA.i doubt they will be unhappy about china's problem.And we will blockade chinese shipments not their shipments,all chinese ships will be sunk not other nations.If indonesia and malaysia still have problems thats unfortunate but we have a right to defend ourselves from chinese imperialism,and 1-2 squadrons of sukhois from the andaman unsinkable carrier can shut down chinese shipping in the malacca.
Ha ha look at ur desperation china of all people relying on USA ,on the contrary USA would just love to play us against china and would waste no oppurtunity to teach chinese a lesson.
This is not to say we will do this for fun,but if china invades us it should prepare for total halt of its oil imports .

The only desperate kid here is you making up fantasy scenarios to suit your twisted world view. The US dont give a darn how two third world countries fight each other... as long as you dont disrupt the commercial traffic. If you do, your navy will be fishfood before you get out of your dorm.
The only desperate kid here is you making up fantasy scenarios to suit your twisted world view. The US dont give a darn how two third world countries fight each other... as long as you dont disrupt the commercial traffic. If you do, your navy will be fishfood before you get out of your dorm.

China is not 3rd world.
We won't be doing it to 'provoke' china,we will do it to retaliate against chinese invasion.And we have legitimate right to defend ourselves.Japan,south korea,taiwan and USA.i doubt they will be unhappy about china's problem.And we will blockade chinese shipments not their shipments,all chinese ships will be sunk not other nations.If indonesia and malaysia still have problems thats unfortunate but we have a right to defend ourselves from chinese imperialism,and 1-2 squadrons of sukhois from the andaman unsinkable carrier can shut down chinese shipping in the malacca.

It is hard to explain to ignorant kids. But i will try.
Most of the ships transit the malacca dont carry their own flags. The flag flown is related to the country of registration: so much so that the word "flag" is often used symbolically as a synonym for "country of registration". That including the chinese.
Therefore you do no know which is which until you board the ship. You gonna try that on ALL the ships transit the malacca?
What you fail to understand is it is not solely a chinese problem as you called it. It affects everyone.

The USN has guarded freedom of sea for decades. Anyone who try to disrupt it is gonna feel the full might of USN. If you dont get it, then you are just a typical indian internet warrior.
The only desperate kid here is you making up fantasy scenarios to suit your twisted world view. The US dont give a darn how two third world countries fight each other... as long as you dont disrupt the commercial traffic. If you do, your navy will be fishfood before you get out of your dorm.

Usa gives a lot of damn about china,what do u think the whole 'pivot to asia' is about?Ur ignorance fuels ur delusion.

It is hard to explain to ignorant kids. But i will try.
Most of the ships transit the malacca dont carry their own flags. The flag flown is related to the country of registration: so much so that the word "flag" is often used symbolically as a synonym for "country of registration". That including the chinese.
Therefore you do no know which is which until you board the ship. You gonna try that on ALL the ships transit the malacca?
What you fail to understand is it is not solely a chinese problem as you called it. It affects everyone.

The USN has guarded freedom of sea for decades. Anyone who try to disrupt it is gonna feel the full might of USN. If you dont get it, then you are just a typical indian internet warrior.

Simple thing...no matter the flag..in case of chinese invasion we will sink any ship destined for chinese ports.Inncoent sailors will be given time to leave the ship before its destroyed or seized or forced to turn back.
Blockade is legitimate action in war.If world wants to blame someone blame the chinese invaders.Self defense is our right.
Usa gives a lot of damn about china,what do u think the whole 'pivot to asia' is about?Ur ignorance fuels ur delusion.

What part of the US dont gives a darn unless you disrupt the commercial traffic did you not understand? Need to be spoonfeed to understand this simple statement?

Simple thing...no matter the flag..in case of chinese invasion we will sink any ship destined for chinese ports.Inncoent sailors will be given time to leave the ship before its destroyed or seized or forced to turn back.
Blockade is legitimate action in war.If world wants to blame someone blame the chinese invaders.Self defense is our right.
And I repeat my point. The moment you try to disrupt commercial traffic around malacca, is the moment your navy cease to exist. And stop using the word "we". You are only a typical indian internet warrior. You do not represent the decisionmakers in India. They are not as stupid as you to invite armageddon on themselves by sinking ships transit malacca strait.
And I repeat my point. The moment you try to disrupt commercial traffic around malacca, is the moment your navy cease to exist. And stop using the word "we". You are only a typical indian internet warrior. You do not represent the decisionmakers in India. They are not as stupid as you to invite armageddon on themselves by sinking ships transit malacca strait.

just let alone Malaysia and Singapore,Indonesia will not feel comfortable and will consider as threat because that development is so close to its main land, Indonesian Navy will start to claim that water area.
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