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The Stealth In India's Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft

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Just curious, how many companies are competing for the AMCA contract?
There are no companies here, its ADA and DRDO.

Its an Indian program. No tender involved.
F-22 is not a flying dodo like F-117. You will find more commonality between F-22 and other US fighters than F-117.
Except for stealth, can you list other common features between F-117 and F-22?

i think he was also pointing to the fact that americans got alot of experience in stealth tech when developing f 117....
There are no companies here, its ADA and DRDO.

Its an Indian program. No tender involved.

That is incorrect ADA and DRDO are working with other Indian Companies through sub-Contracts
F-22 is created from scratch. Sure, it has two wings instead of 3 wings. But there is a big difference between an F-22 and a 4+ generation plane. F-22 is more similar to F-117 and that is where F-22 designer can obtain experience from. But I'm certain that they do not get it from F-4, F14 or F-15E.

Wow, I never Knew that F-22 was created from Scratch???? Its Design Yes..... But Your engineers had Prior Knowledge and Quality In System Integration and Engineering through many Programs Taken Up In the Past, and Thats What I mean When I say a Base or a Platform.... The Experience, The Technical Knowhow... Same Goes Here, Our Engineers have Gained certain Amount of Skill to go ahead with LCA mk2 and AMCA...

I Guess Every Fighter Plane in the world that does not have a Delta is Inspired from JF17 by that Logic !!!

And How do u get inspired from a plane that even does not exist on paper as of now ??

BTW, Thanks for the Entertainment.

[Troll... Troll Baby]

You Got to worry more for the 250 FGFAs , which are certain to be fielded by India before China which is yet to test even a Fifth Gen Fighter.

May be...Actually India is Already doing so with the First Phase commenced with the "Aura" as 6th Gen will be a Pilotless Combat Aircraft...

aura lol first complete the lca and then think about acma and then.........
aura lol first complete the lca and then think about acma and then.........

I'm imagining where the AMCA will fit in...
Imagine we go to war today and imagine we had 250 Pak Fa, 250 AMCA and 200 LCA Mk 2- how are we likely to deploy them? My guess is:

a) To enagage enemy aircraft deep inside the enemy territory and carry out deep penetration and strike we'll use Pak Fa. It has range and firepower to support it

b) If aircraft are detected taking off from,say Karachi and headed to India, u'll send AMCA, so will you if you want to carry out ground strikes in areas not too far from India- smaller range & payload. It's theatre will be India, some pak and bordering regions

c) If the enemy reaches bombay, chandigarh etc. your LCA MK-2?

Of the three Pak Fa will need most of it's strategic stealth strength coz it's theatre MIGHT be almost entirely INSIDE hostile territory. AMCA- Hmm...partly in India. And frontal stealth might be enuf for head on intercept missions until they let go of their BVR missiles.
Just a thought.
you are telling the satuation of 2035 what about if war before that ..........
yes, agreed, but I was talking about the shape..which i dont think will be influenced by the FGFA ...apart from that , yes India will definitely gain fron the other ventures that its doing with external vendors...

a very good suggestion which I got from a friend was that india can buy the old project of Mig's like 1.42/1.44 to speed up the work and gain experience...but still again..a doubt remains about how stealthy the 1.42 project was..

sources suggest that Mig 1.44 was TD and data gained from its tests is used in PAK FA.
F-22 is created from scratch. Sure, it has two wings instead of 3 wings. But there is a big difference between an F-22 and a 4+ generation plane. F-22 is more similar to F-117 and that is where F-22 designer can obtain experience from. But I'm certain that they do not get it from F-4, F14 or F-15E.
Again, faithful the so called areonatics expert. The F-15 was the highest performing aircraft the USAF had. There is a reason why both share similarities. Its like trying to deny the T-50 isn't an evolution of the Flanker.
Any body has any idea about MIG-XX...is this related to AMCA ..?

BTW AMCA looks like a very good design...and again the max. speed is on lower side..max speed should be atleast 2.2-2.5 Mach..
Twin engine Mig XX is cancelled and LWF is going on
If imported engines are used , the speed can reach 2.5Mach . Like F22 and FGFA engine, i think that is super cruising speed . F22 can reach Mach 1.8 .
250 fgfa beeeeeerrrrrrrri sooo scared how about a shaheen to welcome them ? or ghauri or abdali or raad or babur? same gose for india aswelll....

To develop it takes time but importing weapons, stealing technology does not takes time a nation which is suffering from home grown terrorism,drones attack,weaker democracy,weaker judiciary,allows America for drone attacks,falling forex reserve, any one can guess how you managed so develop the complex technologies.

---------- Post added at 06:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:59 PM ----------

no need to **** is already fucked.
Inspired from JF-17 Thunder blk-2

Finally, indian obsession with tail less delta is over!
Now they finally learned that canard is add to RCS contrary to the general belief of Indian members!

i think this is the wildest imagination of urs, keep jf17 with ur self we dont get inspired by chinese junks
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