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The state that loves bullfighting but isn't Spain

Why are the indians abusing the bull, I thought they worship them?
It is unfortunate that bull hooves are protected from thorns and human are roaming barefooted...
Actually the floor will be spread with coconut brushes to protect the human feet.. Jallikattu bulls won't wear horse shoes, bulls that are in domestic use will wear them since they have to work in thorny fields, roads, etc... Jallikattu bulls only job is to build yourself well for the complete year, come to the crowd on the pongal day for 5 mins and show them how strong you are and rip them who dare to touch you..
Why are the indians abusing the bull, I thought they worship them?
Only jallikattu bulls are worshipped, bulls in domestic use are the ones going through extreme harassment, they never mate in their lifetime.

It's quiet funny no organisation raised this issue like they are protesting against jallikattu.. No wonder the sellout people, just took the issue that will bring them to the limelight.. Who will support them, if they call for ban on bulls in domestic use? Now rest of indians has nothing to do with jallikattu, so they are simply supporting the ones against jallikattu.
It is unfortunate that bull hooves are protected from thorns and human are roaming barefooted...

Actually it's not that bad. If you are accustomed to walking bare feet since childhood you would not be bothered about lack of shoes.

As I said there Indians do not wear shoes at homes, or in Temples or even on pilgrimage (walking miles to the temple)

It is unfortunate that bull hooves are protected from thorns and human are roaming barefooted...

You should watch this to get an idea.

Actually it's not that bad. If you are accustomed to walking bare feet since childhood you would not be bothered about lack of shoes.

As I said there Indians do not wear shoes at homes, or in Temples or even on pilgrimage (walking miles to the temple)

Infact walking barefoot is like having natures acupuncture. But unfortunately after wearing shoes/slippers for long time our soles end up become too soft even for a even surface like tar road.

Wearing shoes actually reduces the power of the arch to support the body weight and increases sensitivity of sole. Shoes are nothing but modern invisible crutches for our soles. Over a period of time they provide so much support , it should not be a surprise if some generations later foot sole becomes totally flat and soft like maida roti.
Infact walking barefoot is like having natures acupuncture. But unfortunately after wearing shoes/slippers for long time our soles end up become too soft even for a even surface like tar road.

Wearing shoes actually reduces the power of the arch to support the body weight and increases sensitivity of sole. Shoes are nothing but modern invisible crutches for our soles. Over a period of time they provide so much support , it should not be a surprise if some generations later foot sole becomes totally flat and soft like maida roti.

Not been allowed to enter the house with slippers on since was a kid. Only in Bangalore its allowed, since the floor gets pretty cold.
I wonder how many people know, to use a bull for agriculture its testicles must be pinched hardly by keeping them in between two wooden bars. Then only those bulls can be used for agricultural works, else they will search for a mating partner and will not obey on work.

I don't know how many animal rights geniuses knows about this.. Bulls used for agriculture are the ones who are going through extreme harassment stupids. This is happening for centuries across india, why not call for a ban from using bulls in agriculture?

U are spot on & it's also true for Horses & Donkeys used for labour & even Slaughter animals. The process is one horrifying ordeal to witness let alone bear it. My Grand father had a great fondness for Bulls & the only agriculture related work he did was to plough land with multiple pairs of Bulls & he treated Bulls like royalty & that's true for all the rest of Farmers. You wouldn't believe the sort of Diet is arranged for these lots. Bulls getting metal shoes is extremely rare these days as the only Bulls who would have metal shoes are the ones who were either used to separate grain & husk after a harvest or the ones used for Carts & both of these are extinct now. The only other exception being where a bull is in use over a sandy or soft soil for a long period of time.

It depends on the owners. The owner knows the Bulls strength and weaknesses. In some types of Jallikattu, gifts are tied to its horns or humps, and in those games, 1 or at maximum 2 persons are allowed to touch the bull.
Though many people surround the Bull as u see in images, but they cannot touch it. Only 2 people can try to take the gift.

In Some types, an Bull is tied to a rope in the centre, and it can go round and round in a circle. A gift is present at the centre which one must take within 2-3 minutes. Sometimes, 3-4 persons are allowed to tackle the bull within an time limit.

The most famous ones, are which Bulls are allowed to run long distances, like some 100-200 metres. The persons must hug along with the bull and complete the full metres or try to tackle it before it crosses the end. This is most famous type, yet the dangerous types of Jallikattu. Again there is a person limit.

The rules are made as per the decisions of the village committee. Even my village in rural Madurai conducted the 2nd form of Jallikattu I had mentioned. In the year 2010. But after that, due to SC, getting permissions for conducting such events are scarce.

Having a lot of people makes it tricky as the Bulls rage & energy is driven by fear in such situation. If I were to take part then I would take part in the ones where there is only a 2 to 4 people involved, enough to keep the bill distracted but not make it go bonkers.
The last one sounds the best as only a brave bull would run straight making it easier for the person to climb or hold on for such a distance, a weak or a clever one would head straight towards obstructions or hurdles making it harder for the person to last the distance.

Do the Bulls have any ropes around them since u mentioned gifts being tied around them & do they have ( Nath ) the rope going through their nose aswell ?
U are spot on & it's also true for Horses & Donkeys used for labour & even Slaughter animals. The process is one horrifying ordeal to witness let alone bear it. My Grand father had a great fondness for Bulls & the only agriculture related work he did was to plough land with multiple pairs of Bulls & he treated Bulls like royalty & that's true for all the rest of Farmers. You wouldn't believe the sort of Diet is arranged for these lots. Bulls getting metal shoes is extremely rare these days as the only Bulls who would have metal shoes are the ones who were either used to separate grain & husk after a harvest or the ones used for Carts & both of these are extinct now. The only other exception being where a bull is in use over a sandy or soft soil for a long period of time.

Having a lot of people makes it tricky as the Bulls rage & energy is driven by fear in such situation. If I were to take part then I would take part in the ones where there is only a 2 to 4 people involved, enough to keep the bill distracted but not make it go bonkers.
The last one sounds the best as only a brave bull would run straight making it easier for the person to climb or hold on for such a distance, a weak or a clever one would head straight towards obstructions or hurdles making it harder for the person to last the distance.

Do the Bulls have any ropes around them since u mentioned gifts being tied around them & do they have ( Nath ) the rope going through their nose aswell ?

Just tied around their horns and humps.
Just tied around their horns and humps.

I am asking because getting a finger stuck in a rope tied around a raging bull is never a good idea. I have seen a finger cut in half in an instant while stuck in a rope tied to a bull.
I am asking because getting a finger stuck in a rope tied around a raging bull is never a good idea. I have seen a finger cut in half in an instant while stuck in a rope tied to a bull.

All kind of things happen buddy. Lots of injuries. I still feel it can be more organised. In a way to attract international participants. :D
U are spot on & it's also true for Horses & Donkeys used for labour & even Slaughter animals. The process is one horrifying ordeal to witness let alone bear it. My Grand father had a great fondness for Bulls & the only agriculture related work he did was to plough land with multiple pairs of Bulls & he treated Bulls like royalty & that's true for all the rest of Farmers. You wouldn't believe the sort of Diet is arranged for these lots. Bulls getting metal shoes is extremely rare these days as the only Bulls who would have metal shoes are the ones who were either used to separate grain & husk after a harvest or the ones used for Carts & both of these are extinct now. The only other exception being where a bull is in use over a sandy or soft soil for a long period of time.

Having a lot of people makes it tricky as the Bulls rage & energy is driven by fear in such situation. If I were to take part then I would take part in the ones where there is only a 2 to 4 people involved, enough to keep the bill distracted but not make it go bonkers.
The last one sounds the best as only a brave bull would run straight making it easier for the person to climb or hold on for such a distance, a weak or a clever one would head straight towards obstructions or hurdles making it harder for the person to last the distance.

Do the Bulls have any ropes around them since u mentioned gifts being tied around them & do they have ( Nath ) the rope going through their nose aswell ?
Actually it seems to be a conspiracy of NGOs.. If jallikattu is banned permanently, bulls will go to slaughter houses or agricultural works. The owner has to make them infertile if they want to use them in agriculture and the bull will never mate in their life time.

That's it, no bull will exist with manliness to further spread their breed. End of the most ancient native bull breed, then they can introduce their commercial breeds..

Twenty years back one day my grandfather came from our village with his right eye in his packet for going to hospital, the reason being one of his bull raised its head after drinking water and the horn accidentally hit and took off his eye. Next time when i went to my village asked my grandpa why you are still keeping the bull which took off your eye, as a kid. It's just an accident dear, it's not the mistake of the bull actually the bull loves me a lot it won't even allow anyone to come near it except me including your grandma and other workers, that's why I went to feed the bull and this incident happened. It's just a real life example for bonding between a man and a bull within my family. My grandpa just passed his remaining life only with his left eye, in this process of cattle raising he also lost four of his toes but he never gave up.
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Its a bull not a cow. And by the way a cow is called a mother because it gives u milk. (The only other animal which fed us milk is our own mothers) I guess now you got the analogy.

But Nandi in temples are bulls.

All kind of things happen buddy. Lots of injuries. I still feel it can be more organised. In a way to attract international participants. :D

Exactly. If the Spanish & Potugese can earn millions of Dollars from ritualised barbarism called Bull Fighting & promote it all over the world in their colonies, then why can't a sport with rules like you have described be promoted & made commercial to earn money & help raise awareness about an agrarian society ??
But for that to happen the farmers themselves especially the young educated class of today, would have to stand up for their millennia old traditions & defend their way of life.
But I know that wouldn't happen as the education & social structure is designed in such a way that by the time a farmers son finishes education he is completely transformed in to a mirasi wanna be. The transformation is amazing, the only honour left is the caste title to preserve a vain sense of belonging..

Actually it seems to be a conspiracy of NGOs.. If jallikattu is banned permanently, bulls will go to slaughter houses or agricultural works. The owner has to make them infertile if they want to use them in agriculture and the bull will never mate in their life time.

That's it, no bull will exist with manliness to further spread their breed. End of the most ancient native bull breed, then they can introduce their commercial breeds..

Twenty years back one day my grandfather came from our village with his right eye in his packet for going to hospital, the reason being one of his bull raised its head after drinking water and the horn accidentally hit and took off his eye. Next time when i went to my village asked my grandpa why you are still keeping the bull which took off your eye, as a kid. It's just an accident dear, it's not the mistake of the bull actually the bull loves me a lot it won't even allow anyone to come near it except me including your grandma and other workers, that's why I went to feed the bull and this incident happened. It's just a real life example for bonding between a man and a bull within my family. My grandpa just passed his remaining life only with his left eye, in this process of cattle raising he also lost four of his toes but he never gave up.

I don't think it's a conspiracy by anyone apart from the farming classes themselves. Farmers ought to organise themselves & defend their way of life their traditions & customs. That's only possible when the young educated generation is willing to join their forefathers trade but that's not happening. Farming is a tough physical job without much financial return compared to other fields for an educated young man hence the refusal to be part of this tradition any more coupled with the growth in population & the resultant decrease in levels of farm holding.

Post the invasion of Afghanistan by NATO, stock values have increased tremendously. Farmers although happy at the increase in prices for their stock didn't realise the potential disaster awaiting them with the Seed ( Male ) stocks vanishing, the reliance on un Natural methods has not only increased but also become an accepted Norm. Until around 2001/02 the practice of raising a Male animal of the best possible qualities as public property was common, this was done to ensure the availability of seed. The animals was free to roam around where ever it wanted to. You wouldn't see a farmer chasing it out of ones crop or farm shed unless it created trouble. I myself witnessed my grandpa raising a couple of them until they were fully grown up but now there is nothing of that sort.

In our area Untill a few years ago every morning after 9 o clock you would see herdsmen taking large herds of animals out towards pastures for grazing & then see them come back at evening in long queues with dust rising around them but now that sight is extinct along with the last generation of farmers/herders. One of my regrets in life is not to have captured that sight on camera.

Farmers have great sense of care in their personality & a respect for nature.
My Grandpa ( mothers side ) had a fairly large herd of Buffaloes & many of the qualities that I loved about him were due to his agrarian life style. With his death a whole life style has gone extinct for his descendants as he was the only one involved with Farming since the rest of his brothers had all moved over to major cities first & later Foriegn countries to become professionals.
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