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The state that loves bullfighting but isn't Spain

so before we had 1 Pakistani=10 Indians
now 1 bull=100 Indians :D

and thus you have conclusively explained why Pakistanis are are so full of BS...because by your own calculation makes it 1 Bull = 10 Pakistanis whereas = 100 Indians.

they are not allowed to fight with mother aka cow but fine to have fight with father aka bull

and that explains why you people can't distinguish between cow's milk and bull's whatever! these are bulls for God's sake!
In ancient Tamil Nadu only those who had tamed a bull were considered for marriage. I am living in lucky days :P

We are all living in better days my friend.
Taming 600 kg of muscles & raw energy is a daunting task but I think it's still do able provided one remains calm & plays on the Bulls weakness. It's eyesight & stamina being the two major weaknesses. Novices try to scare the beast with shouts & gestures & that hardly ever works, experts however remain very calm & avoid giving any signs of nervousness & try to make the beast calm & feel secure. Remember these animals have long been domesticated & it's become a part of their DNA, so as long as you are able to make them feel secure & they know they ll be safe in Your hands they ll submit theirselves to a human.
It's the same for horses as well.

By the way what are the rules of the game ?
We are all living in better days my friend.
Taming 600 kg of muscles & raw energy is a daunting task but I think it's still do able provided one remains calm & plays on the Bulls weakness. It's eyesight & stamina being the two major weaknesses. Novices try to scare the beast with shouts & gestures & that hardly ever works, experts however remain very calm & avoid giving any signs of nervousness & try to make the beast calm & feel secure. Remember these animals have long been domesticated & it's become a part of their DNA, so as long as you are able to make them feel secure & they know they ll be safe in Your hands they ll submit theirselves to a human.
It's the same for horses as well.

By the way what are the rules of the game ?

It depends on the owners. The owner knows the Bulls strength and weaknesses. In some types of Jallikattu, gifts are tied to its horns or humps, and in those games, 1 or at maximum 2 persons are allowed to touch the bull.
Though many people surround the Bull as u see in images, but they cannot touch it. Only 2 people can try to take the gift.

In Some types, an Bull is tied to a rope in the centre, and it can go round and round in a circle. A gift is present at the centre which one must take within 2-3 minutes. Sometimes, 3-4 persons are allowed to tackle the bull within an time limit.

The most famous ones, are which Bulls are allowed to run long distances, like some 100-200 metres. The persons must hug along with the bull and complete the full metres or try to tackle it before it crosses the end. This is most famous type, yet the dangerous types of Jallikattu. Again there is a person limit.

The rules are made as per the decisions of the village committee. Even my village in rural Madurai conducted the 2nd form of Jallikattu I had mentioned. In the year 2010. But after that, due to SC, getting permissions for conducting such events are scarce.
I wonder how many people know, to use a bull for agriculture its testicles must be pinched hardly by keeping them in between two wooden bars. Then only those bulls can be used for agricultural works, else they will search for a mating partner and will not obey on work.

I don't know how many animal rights geniuses knows about this.. Bulls used for agriculture are the ones who are going through extreme harassment stupids. This is happening for centuries across india, why not call for a ban from using bulls in agriculture?
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I wonder how many people know, to use a bull for agriculture its testicles must be pinched hardly by keeping them in between two wooden bars. Then only those bulls can be used for agricultural works, else they will search for a mating partner and will not obey on work.

I don't know how many animal rights geniuses knows about this.. Bulls used for agriculture are the ones who are going through extreme harassment stupids. This is happening for centuries across india, why not call for a ban from using bulls in agriculture?

U mean it cant be mated ? Or only temporarily?
The one who created this have no idea about the rules of jallikattu, if anyone engages the bull others should not touch the bull is the first basic rule. Those who violates this rule repeatedly will be disqualified, sometimes bull owners will throw open challenge to the crowd "to catch the bull with all the man power it takes if they can" then only people will try in groups.

It's not like that 100 against a bull, every one will try to engage the bull, if anyone caught the "thimil" of the bull, rest should move away.

And manju virattu is entirely different from jallikattu...

Pictures suggest that no one is wearing shoes. Is it a rule too?
Pictures suggest that no one is wearing shoes. Is it a rule too?

Most of the people do not wear shoes and walk bare feet. I use to wear shoes only when I was at school and even use to play cricket with bare feet with no gloves, pads, helmet or guard
agriculture its testicles must be pinched hardly by keeping them in between two wooden bars.
:o: , bull must really be a strong animal. Poor thing, why not put some flaps on eyes like they do for horses?
Most of the people do not wear shoes and walk bare feet. I use to wear shoes only when I was at school and even use to play cricket with bare feet with no gloves, pads, helmet or guard

Is it a culture or because of poverty? ...(no offence)
Also, most of the animal's feet are nailed to a metal plates to protect them from thrones. It a very painful procedure performed on animals that I have seen.

Is it a culture or because of poverty? ...(no offence)

For most part it is due to poverty. fyi.. Hindus do not wear shoes within houses even if they could afford.
Also, most of the animal's feet are nailed to a metal plates to protect them from thrones. It a very painful procedure performed on animals that I have seen.

It is unfortunate that bull hooves are protected from thorns and human are roaming barefooted...
Buddy, this looks horrible. Really.
Next time when you go to any village near madurai or anywhere, compare the bull in cart with jallikattu bulls. Even before their mating stage, their testicles will be pinched if the owner decide to put them for domestic use. If testicles are not pinched, they will just be manly like jallikattu bulls and you can not put them in carts.

I am sure if jallikattu is banned, these bulls has to go slaughter houses or will be in domestic use after this painful process.
:o: , bull must really be a strong animal. Poor thing, why not put some flaps on eyes like they do for horses?
By putting flaps you cannot control their manliness, they won't obey your orders in the field.
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