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The slow poisoning of Pakistan - Mera Jisam meri marzi is anti-thesis of Islam

Its obvious buffoon Mullahs will not get a wife if the women were allowed to choose who they can marry, I mean, look at the height of hypocrisy buffoons living in west visiting nude beaches whenever the mood strikes are all for upset if the Ladies of Pakistan want the right to choose and reject 70 year old perverts wanting to marry 12 year old children.

They are going as far as Spreading fake news about blaspheme to make their argument valid.


(Organisers and supporters of the Aurat March Karachi are calling for an apology after a video from the March 8 demonstration was doctored to falsely show participants raising blasphemous slogans and widely shared online.)

All of sudden the outrage about Blasphemy will disappear, becasue it turns out that they themselves are the ones insulting..
Look at the foundation. And the foundations are. 1. Forced marriages 2. Educated girls married to jahils 3. No education allowed. No jobs allowed 4. Serve husband all your life and suffer. 5. Beating women. 6. Give them no say. 7. Prisoners at home.

what does this have to do with islam? the things you listed arent allowed in islam. so what is your point?

I could go on all day but let's blame the communists

i didnt say the communists are to blame for the aurat march as the main culprit. not at all. i am saying they are a part of this movement, and anti-islamic elements in such movements must be countered.

Below is the google result for "Communism". What do you object to such a humane and harmony-desiring bunch of ideas, other than the thinking that communists are "godless" ?

you are godless. that is only explanation for someone that puts Gaddafi, Nasser, et al on the same bracket as Prophet Muhammed. a sign of a non-muslim is one who only ever takes inspiration from non-muslims and i have yet to hear you say one thing that should or shouldnt be done because its the clearly stated position of Allah. you never refer to Islam whenever you talk, except to bash it, subtly or brazenly.

You seem to have developed a habit of calling every second person a murtad.

a sign of the coming of the Last Day is so-called muslims will delete ayahs of the Quran that they choose to. masjids will be filled but there wont be one worshiper among them, women will dress immodestly, and those who argue using Islam as their reference point will be shunned and the deviant will be given authority over the masses.

Secondly, what is Allah's message you want to propagate ? Is it living in harmony with other humans and with Nature ?

living in harmony has to be done in accordance with the guidelines and rules stated by Allah. rejection of his commands isnt allowed.

USSR was quite good at space operations and had a program started in the 1970s that was supposed to bring about a manned mission to Mars by the mid-1980s ? Apart from that what is the minister's objection to leftist thought ?

leftist thought if it opposes Islam is kufr. as for the USSR, they were good at killing tens of millions of civilians, which you have yet to acknowledge. you are waiting for some chinese prophet to even tell you what to think of Mao.
and why shoud he sir ? personal belive of someone is his/her own matter . its really bad that we start getting personal once we have no reply of argument

so he can stop pretending he even knows what is/isnt allowed in islam. when it suits him, he starts talking about who is a hafiz, and when it suits him he starts showing whose commie nuts he likes to suck on.
you are waiting for some chinese prophet to even tell you what to think of Mao.

TaiShang is not a prophet but he is among the few actually sensible Chinese members. I just wanted his side in this allegation against Mao.

living in harmony has to be done in accordance with the guidelines and rules stated by Allah. rejection of his commands isnt allowed.

What does that mean ?

a sign of a non-muslim is one who only ever takes inspiration from non-muslims and i have yet to hear you say one thing that should or shouldnt be done because its the clearly stated position of Allah. you never refer to Islam whenever you talk, except to bash it, subtly or brazenly.

But I have quoted to you the example of an Indian Christian woman who married an Indian Muslim under Islamic marriage law. This sort of thing is what draws sensible people to Islam. Not half-day-long Quran recitation from rote memory. You have not yet replied to this point.

And how is it wrong if a non-Muslim says something that is sensible and is accepted by a Muslim ? A non-Muslim like Marx or Elon Musk.

as for the USSR, they were good at killing tens of millions of civilians, which you have yet to acknowledge.

And how many Afghan civilians did the so-called Mujahideen and the later Taliban kill ? How many Saudis were sent to chop-chop square ? We can name other such groups.
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TaiShang is not a prophet but he is among the few actually sensible Chinese members. I just wanted his side in this allegation against Mao.

TaiShang is your prophet. you will only do amanna wa sadaqna of whatever he says. no brain of your own. there isnt one commie, not one that you have a negative thing to say about.

What does that mean ?

it means, disregard communism and all other deviance.

But I have quoted to you the example of an Indian Christian woman who married an Indian Muslim under Islamic marriage law. This sort of thing is what draws sensible people to Islam. Not half-day-long Quran recitation from rote memory. You have not yet replied to this point.

ah, you are right. this was the one time you referred to Islam. what is the point that you are trying to make of this christian woman marrying through nikah?

And how is it wrong if a non-Muslim says something that is sensible and is accepted by a Muslim ? A non-Muslim like Marx or Elon Musk.

nothing wrong with it, as long as you dont put their word over Allah's, which you do.
And how many Afghan civilians did the so-called Mujahideen and the later Taliban kill ? How many Saudis were sent to chop-chop square ? We can name other such groups.

sure, be a man and criticise them all. better than being a little commie bit*h and whitewashing the commies crimes and only blaming other groups/ideologies for atrocities.
there isnt one commie, not one that you have a negative thing to say about.

Take the Cambodian movement called Khmer Rouge. This movement called itself communist but killed intellectuals, rejected modern learnings and technology and pushed people into medieval peasantry.

And I think Stalin's Gulag system was wrong to a large extent.

And the current China is not exactly communism-desiring. There are rich and poor in China, and some of the poor cannot afford Chinese medical treatment and so come to India. I never understood what is meant by "Socialism with Chinese characteristics".

How is all this for a start ?

it means, disregard communism and all other deviance.

Read this proposal of mine for a new, progressive economic system. It removes the traditional system of money found in most countries and eliminates rich-poor classification.

ah, you are right. this was the one time you referred to Islam. what is the point that you are trying to make of this christian woman marrying through nikah?

Like I said, the example I quoted is the sort of thoughtful thing that attracts sensible people to Islam. No non-Muslim will see an irritating Tableeghi Jamaati and think "Oh, what a wonderful and enlightened thing Islam is !".

nothing wrong with it, as long as you dont put their word over Allah's, which you do.

Example please.
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Hello everyone,

This issue is a few days old but deserves raising again as the "mara jism meri mazi" (میرا جسم میری مرضی) narrative is an antithesis of Islam and even though it has gone for this year, it will resurface again, and again until made to stop.

Islam (اسلام) literally means "Surrender" (تسلیم), "to give up yourself" and accept commandments of Allah Subhan Wa Taela. This means I surrender myself, I surrender my will, my money, my desired, my wants, my personal like and dislike, my preferences and my existence before the Will of Allah Subhan was Taela and, and this is my conscious and willful oath I have taken by choice to become Muslim.

Now Mera Jism Meri Marzi is the anti-thesis of this principle. What this narrative says is that "I own my will and I will execute it however I will, I am not surrendering my will before anyone" and "I am, so I will as I wish". In literal words, this is the antithesis of Islam, the anti-thesis of surrender. The narrative that I have the right to wear less, be exposed or naked, have relationships with a boy or a girl or both at the same time - is the ultimate objective of this poisonous initiative.

Our sisters, daughters and mothers who are a victim of this propaganda do not know what sin they are committing. They do not understand that this slogan is a purposeful venom, a poison that some ignorant or enemies at heart are injection into my Nation, year after year after year.

My countrymen, slow poisoning is the only possible poisoning. If you poison fast, like inject concentrated venom into a plant, the plant instantly kills its own branch where the poison had gone and saves the rest of its body. But if the poisoning is slow, the plant will not resist and will die. A Nation too is like a plant that has a body and roots in the principles. "Mera jism meri marzi" is a diluted venom that is directed towards our National roots. A few Pakistan based NGOs are attacking the spirit of Paksitan, the very foundation of why we exist.

Save Paksitan. Save our Nation by blocking this slow poisoning.

I see the court has permitted to conduct rallies in the name of freedom of expression. A judge has said "we cannot block freedom of expression", I wonder if freedom of expression cannot be blocked then is not every crime too an expression? Drugs are an expression, robbery is an expression, corruption is an expression and so is treason. What else can you permit in the name of freedom of expression? Allah has given you all the principles you need to make decisions, as a leader and a judge - you have to follow them.

I really hope people in power and patriotic circles are aware and working to kill this cancer. People who are part of "mera jism meri marzi", willfully or in their ignorance are attacking the roots of Paksitan, the very foundation and reason why we are who we are.

May Allah save my Nation, my country and may we prosper to rise one of the strongest Nations on the planet.

I mean Khuaja Sara are always can be seen dancing there. So, sure unka jism unki merzi.
Tou bhai in ka hal kia hai. If Aurat March is against all these things then why we don't see educated sensible people in this march.
Are you in Pakistan and have you been to a march?

I can assure you there are such women there. However, those women don't make the news. News is made by people who show tamasha and yes there are women who are there for tamasha but we are talking about a country that socially is sick. Molvi who get kandeel baouch killed. Molvis who block roads and prevent ambulances from passing. Molvis who say the ahzan is wahabi kafir ahzan. Subhanallah I lived in Pakistan for the last 7 years. I love my country but there are real tamasha baaz there
Are you in Pakistan and have you been to a march?

I can assure you there are such women there. However, those women don't make the news. News is made by people who show tamasha and yes there are women who are there for tamasha but we are talking about a country that socially is sick. Molvi who get kandeel baouch killed. Molvis who block roads and prevent ambulances from passing. Molvis who say the ahzan is wahabi kafir ahzan. Subhanallah I lived in Pakistan for the last 7 years. I love my country but there are real tamasha baaz there
I have always said that in the circus of extremist lefts and extremist rights, the silent majority is suppressed.

The thing is, one cannot earn respect without giving respect in return. I respect every unknown human regardless of their gender/caste/nationality and I also seek the same in return. Now if some people say that all men are trash, rapists and harassers then why should I not be offended and still support such trash?

That being said, I do not hate true liberals or atheists who mind their own business without cursing religion and religious people. What I hate is ignorant jahil people saying that TTP is the true version of Islam.
I have always said that in the circus of extremist lefts and extremist rights, the silent majority is suppressed.

The thing is, one cannot earn respect without giving respect in return. I respect every unknown human regardless of their gender/caste/nationality and I also seek the same in return. Now if some people say that all men are trash, rapists and harassers then why should I not be offended and still support such trash?

That being said, I do not hate true liberals or atheists who mind their own business without cursing religion and religious people. What I hate is ignorant jahil people saying that TTP is the true version of Islam.
MashAllah you are very wise. May Allah keep you blessed
it is a bad slogan targetted to harm the family system.
How? Would you like your daughter, mother or sister to be married to an abusive man who beats her, rapes her, and controls her as if she has no rights? The slogan just means that such men should not abuse women like this and let them live freely.
And "mera jism meri marzi" is not welcome. Even if it had the right intention, it reads terribly. Likewise, if men would say that, they will be equally unacceptable.
It's perfectly acceptable for a human to demand basic rights, according to Islam, the constitution of Pakistan, and international law.
its not about answer nhi hai its about you are taking me too far . let these females decide what they want to be its men's job to told them now what to do ? very same men whom they are sick of ?
Of course let the women decide


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Those who spread the word about evil are also part of the evil
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