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The Siachen reality

Read Your sources correctly cuz Army even never took part in Kargil conflict, it was NLI who kicked your Bharti A$$e$ .

It was'nt the Army in Kargil, but the NLI? The NLI is'nt Paksitani Army?
Now please don't say the NLI men buried in Giyari are not your Army. You'd be disowning them again. And just insulting the victims of a tragedy.

Neither PA is withdrawing from any area nor India can occupy any more territory even around Siachen let alone K-2 which is in the Baltoro glacier. It's not possible due to PA presence and geography of that region. Nawaz Sharif can say whatever he want to. Obviously we have democracy in Pakistan right now. Doesn't mean we will act according to what he said. We didn't act according to what he said when he was a PM. :D
It was'nt the Army in Kargil, but the NLI? The NLI is'nt Paksitani Army?
Now please don't say the NLI men buried in Giyari are not your Army. You'd be disowning them again. And just insulting the victims of a tragedy.

NLI was sent in without any support. Duh
Ok, a clarification. No Indian soldier has died from the cold & altitude related health issues in Siachen for the last 8 years. The post of yours talks about helicopter crashes & avalanches as if that were somehow unique to Siachen In any case even if you add all of that up, you are miles away from a death a day that is routinely spoken of.

Prove that if you can, with the same data or any other.

Come on Bang. This is unlike you. He proves youre talking rubbish and backs it up with facts. Then you change the goalposts just to attempt to confirm you were correct all along - not like you. Dont change or the respect one has for you will dwindle.
Look at the posts that are going backwards and forwards. "You lost more troops than we did" bla bla bla. You guys are relentless. Does it change the situation?
Reality is a few too many have been lost on both sides of the border. One cant expect or take pleasure in the thought. Doesnt matter which side of the border you sit. Dont make the scenario sound like "axis and allies" or "Risk" - these are real lives belonging to real countries with real families.

This is an Indian drawn map and clearly shows how Indian advanced into Pakistani territory on Siachen. Just ask yourself -- why did Indian advanced and are still holding the ridge despite so much losses? what do they wish to achieve ?

Indian army is now holding the Saltoro ridge inside Pakistan and if our forces withdraw, India would advance further and capture the K2 also!! Do we want to give K2 to India and also Karakorum highway, Gilgit Baltistan, Sakardu and land borders and road links with China??? No dignified Pakistani would even dream of doing this.

That is why we are there for the last 22 years fighting and blocking the Indian advance. Instead of asking the Indians to withdraw to the line of control, our traitors in SAFMA and NS want us to withdraw further handing over entire north to India. Haramkhor !!!

you make it seem like the Indian army can shimmer from over 16,000 feet ASL to the all the low ground leading up to the Saltoro Ridge (which is what Pakistan controls) its easier said than done mountain warfare requires a 10x the number of attackers than defenders the troop levels at Siachen are at the most at battalion level
Oh I see. You are sure then that your forces are loosing one in 3 days vs Indian losses? Maybe you are loosing. 10 times as many? There is no end to those kind of theories. Anyway if you are not a baby, stop whining & accept that India holds all the cards in Siachen. You can either accept the AGPL or accept status quo. We are not too concerned either way.

proof me that india is not loosing its soldiers in siachen i will accept it :lol: you are saying that your army have become stronger by staying in siachen they became rajnikant type stuff who can survive in -50 temp hahahahaha

Neither PA is withdrawing from any area nor India can occupy any more territory even around Siachen let alone K-2 which is in the Baltoro glacier. It's not possible due to PA presence and geography of that region. Nawaz Sharif can say whatever he want to. Obviously we have democracy in Pakistan right now. Doesn't mean we will act according to what he said. We didn't act according to what he said when he was a PM. :D

lol advancing baltoro will remain their dream karakoram's terrain is the toughest terrain of this planet :devil:
come to jammu and kashmir valley and see.. in P0K and GIlgit Balitstan the pakistanis have flooded those regions with pakistanis so not valid.

india was given kashmir by its king. just like pakistan was given pakistan by the british

And you call yourself democracy??? :lol:
Come on Bang. This is unlike you. He proves youre talking rubbish and backs it up with facts. Then you change the goalposts just to attempt to confirm you were correct all along - not like you. Dont change or the respect one has for you will dwindle.
Look at the posts that are going backwards and forwards. "You lost more troops than we did" bla bla bla. You guys are relentless. Does it change the situation?
Reality is a few too many have been lost on both sides of the border. One cant expect or take pleasure in the thought. Doesnt matter which side of the border you sit. Dont make the scenario sound like "axis and allies" or "Risk" - these are real lives belonging to real countries with real families.

Sir to transalate the goodwill in your post to reality all Pakistan has to do is accept reality that India controls Siachen now and authenticate the AGPL.

Once that is done, we can start demilitarization immediately.

And you call yourself democracy???

Do you understand the meaning of democracy and the relevance here ?
if whole j & k is indias what is the green part then ?


not enough tell me then what is this yellow part on the extream left known as aksai chin ?


what was the aim of indians of capturing the siachin glacier ?? it seems like indian didnt liked that pakistan have world's highest and biggest number of glaciers and indians tried to mark there name in this list by capturing the no man land siachen :lol:

Sir to transalate the goodwill in your post to reality all Pakistan has to do is accept reality that India controls Siachen now and authenticate the AGPL.

Once that is done, we can start demilitarization immediately.

Do you understand the meaning of democracy and the relevance here ?

how can you claim siachen glacier your part ??? it is part of pakistan which was captured by indian cowards
proof me that india is not loosing its soldiers in siachen i will accept it :lol: you are saying that your army have become stronger by staying in siachen they became rajnikant type stuff who can survive in -50 temp hahahahaha

What we have learnt from Siachen is useful to entire Humanity and not just our army. Your comprehension skills fail you, miserably.


Commendation Card for Studies in Avalanche Problems in Siachen to Col K C Agrawal for 1985 .

Commendation Card for studies of Snow and Avalanche Problems in Siachen to Capt Anup Singh Dogra for 1988.

Sena Medal for Services of exceptional order in establishing AWS in Siachen to Sub TK Mukhopadhyay for 1999.

http://www.genecampaign.org/Publication/Article/Biodiversity/Indo Pak Peace.pdf

India and Pakistan , as the entire sub- continent is home to several thousand species of plant, insect
and animal life. This biological wealth is one of the most sought after resources in the world today.
The Indian subcontinent contains some of the most important biodiversity „Hot -Spot „ areas of the
world, regions where a particularly rich and varied level of biodiversity is found in high
concentrations. This region is home to several varieties of food and cash crops and has contributed
significantly to the stability in global agriculture. The famed Basmati being poached by America ,
belongs to the Indo- Pak region. The subcontinent has contributed atleast 20,000 varieties of rice to
the International Gene Bank in the Philippines. Similarly it has contributed many kinds of pulses, peas
and beans , other kinds of cereal like ragi , vegetables and spices to various gene banks across the
A Gene Bank is one of the facilities necessary to conserve the fast eroding genetic diversity in our
fields. If we fail to conserve our genetic (biological ) diversity, we risk the future food security of this
country , as also of the world. In addition to plant varieties in agriculture, there is an urgent need to
save our forest resources, the animal and fish varieties in our rivers , the insects and the
microorganisms of our region. Biological resources not only constitute the basis of our food security
and the foundation of our rural and tribal economies. In this era of biotechnology, the raw material of
which is biological resources, these are a very valuable economic resource and highly sought after by
the multinational biotechnology industry. The need to conserve our biological wealth is greater than
ever before

Making a gene bank in the Siachen would really be quite a simple affair. All the technical know-how
is available at the National Gene Bank in Delhi. What is essentially required is for seed samples to be
treated appropriately for long term storage, put into special aluminium pouches, labelled properly and
put into the bank. What is important is that the samples can be retrieved periodically and sent back
to the field to test that nothing has gone wrong in storage and that they are still viable . The seeds
derived from these grown-out samples can go back to the bank. Suitable sites in the Siachen can be
selected as , so to speak, Ice Cupboards where boxes containing the aluminium pouches can be


Vegetable seeds have been developed that can be cultivated in Siachen. Lot of other products have been developed for military use in Siachen that also have civil use.
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