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The seminar on Assam in Delhi adds fuel to the fire

Understand this fact Bharti. I am a Mard e Musalman and this is my only idendity Bharti. Kapish.

You calling me FAG. Didn't Bharti court recently approved gay marriage. Aren't you a citizen of Gayland of gay-hind. Fag-ism is your property in SA, you Mushrik Hindu. Now get the F out because you ain't going to win with your fagish identity against mard e musaman.
Lol. Looks like a typical youtube comment. Too cute, if you are under 16. :)
Indians are trying to be extra fundamentalist after their ideological terrorist leader Bal Thackeray expired.
Indians are trying to be extra fundamentalist after their ideological terrorist leader Bal Thackeray expired.

nothing like killing some pole vaulters on the eve of his cremation :lol: uski aatma koshanti milegi :P
Who claimed here that these people in question are ethnically Assamese Muslims?? Did you forget that Bengalis make 1/2 of your population??? Or you just want to stay as moron for ever by not lookign around??

And wat type of country is India known for .. ??? Indic typ I suppose!! NO?

1. do u claim there are no etnical assamese muslims ????? and btw even if i consider muslims in cachar district has been staying here for decades , if not centuries, then how do u explain the hordes of bangladeshi accented ppl in jungles of arunachal pradesh, roadside ditches of meghalaya .........or maybe western assam where its predominantly bodo and assamese (trickles of bengali speaking populace is there and among them there are legitimate indian muslims, who btw dont brood like chickens.
(Note: i m not talking of countless other brooders in nagaland , manipur or mizoram coz i havent seen them with my own eyes , athoh heard of them from my frens )

2. my dear sir, before calling me MORON or by any other name please check the demography of assam. who said it to u that assam's population is 50% bengali???? and going by ur logic of ethnic bengali muslims, dont u think the percentage of muslim population wud decrease further ???? and yes every indigenous person assamese, bengali or muslim, they speak assamese fluently by the age of 5~6. do u know y ???? becoz they mingle with the indigenous population and not hide in jungles or remote areas where they dont have to fear all the time abt being caught.

hell i wonder how do u come across all these s#it sitting in the states. know ur country first and then try to talk abt another country.

3. and wat the hell is suppose ??? arent u sure ???? if u arent sure then u shudnt be commenting.
yes every indigenous person assamese, bengali or muslim, they speak assamese fluently by the age of 5~6. do u know y ???? becoz they mingle with the indigenous population and not hide in jungles or remote areas where they dont have to fear all the time abt being caught

So, Bangladeshi swamps are this much bad that they are ready for committing any extreme to stay back in India.
So, Bangladeshi swamps are this much bad that they are ready for committing any extreme to stay back in India.
i dunno much about their swamps but i have seen these migrants living in absolute humiliation and isolation.
i ll tell one incident
while my dad was posted in arunachal, i used to go on cycling tours out of town, sometimes alone and sometimes with frens. we used to reach places where there were no roads, not even cycling was possible. so we put our cycles there (no fear of cycles getting stolen) and proceeded on foot. so after about an hour upstream trek along a small river we came about a small valley adminst the hills. in the valley some illegals had settled in with small huts and even small paddy fields surrounding those huts. and u can imagine the sandy soil of hills. althoh we cudnt stop ourselves from admiring their tenacity to survive in such adverse conditions.
First read the article before commenting. The article clearly indicates that the illegal immigration of Bangladeshis to Assam is a myth propagated by the Indian Government to harrass innocent Muslim citizens.

who made you a thinktank? Your post is just not a lie but also makes no sense.
Government of India spreading my about illegal bangladeshi? That's actually true. Government of India and government of assam denying this fact that millions of illegal bangladeshis living in NE because of vote bank. Most Muslim votes for congress. If you said that opposition of government( like BJP/RSS/ASJP) propagating this fact then it would make little bit sense because they don't like bangladeshis at all.
i dunno much about their swamps but i have seen these migrants living in absolute humiliation and isolation.
i ll tell one incident
while my dad was posted in arunachal, i used to go on cycling tours out of town, sometimes alone and sometimes with frens. we used to reach places where there were no roads, not even cycling was possible. so we put our cycles there (no fear of cycles getting stolen) and proceeded on foot. so after about an hour upstream trek along a small river we came about a small valley adminst the hills. in the valley some illegals had settled in with small huts and even small paddy fields surrounding those huts. and u can imagine the sandy soil of hills. althoh we cudnt stop ourselves from admiring their tenacity to survive in such adverse conditions.

Here in Assam some migrants were brought by british from south to work on the silt deposited by the river locally called as 'char areas'. Majority of bengoli muslim still live in char areas and state govt even provides reservation for char area people also and lots of other goodies too. Locals dislike the char ares, though it is very fertile, due propensity to get submerge during annual flooding. These places have now become the launchpad for illegal migrants ,once they cross the fence they head to this areas and when the flood come they are first to line up for free food and tents. But more than this, the problem is that, constant change in river course and flooding completely submerges the home of char people and govt is left with no option but to rehabilitate them to higher ground which is occupied by locals and this is exploited by the migrants to gain foothold on the real territory and the cause of discontent among the locals .because there is no way of telling who is migrant from genuine citizen.When they say issue is land this is what they are talking about.
1. do u claim there are no etnical assamese muslims ????? and btw even if i consider muslims in cachar district has been staying here for decades , if not centuries, then how do u explain the hordes of bangladeshi accented ppl in jungles of arunachal pradesh, roadside ditches of meghalaya .........or maybe western assam where its predominantly bodo and assamese (trickles of bengali speaking populace is there and among them there are legitimate indian muslims, who btw dont brood like chickens.

Why are you making circular logic when loosing the argument.
There are minority ethnical Assamese muslim and majority Bengali Muslim in Assam. Bengali Muslims are agan grouped between original Sylheti Muslim in the East or Barak valley and the Mymensingh Muslim brought by british in the lower Assam in Bramaputra valley. The last groups are the one who live in the Char areas and often dislocated by the river erosion and often labelled as illegal immigrant. They are the ones you will find by the street side or some other palces in NE for finding a new home as they lost their homes to river.

It is properstorous to show small minority ethnical assamese muslim as the real inhabitant of assam as it is far from truth. Assam is the home for both Bengali and ethnical assames. you got to accept it and start learing Bengali like Bhupen Hazarika. Good for your career and good for your mental health.

(Note: i m not talking of countless other brooders in nagaland , manipur or mizoram coz i havent seen them with my own eyes , athoh heard of them from my frens )

what is that??? we have a lot buchas in our country too. did we ever claim that they are Indians or chinese?

2. my dear sir, before calling me MORON or by any other name please check the demography of assam. who said it to u that assam's population is 50% bengali???? and going by ur logic of ethnic bengali muslims, dont u think the percentage of muslim population wud decrease further ???? and yes every indigenous person assamese, bengali or muslim, they speak assamese fluently by the age of 5~6. do u know y ???? becoz they mingle with the indigenous population and not hide in jungles or remote areas where they dont have to fear all the time abt being caught.
hell i wonder how do u come across all these s#it sitting in the states. know ur country first and then try to talk abt another country.

My bad, bengalis are the biggest ethnicity in Assam even bigger than Assamese. They are close to 45% of the total population not 50%.
Thank you.

3. and wat the hell is suppose ??? arent u sure ???? if u arent sure then u shudnt be commenting.

Some guy or you claimed that India is mongloid country so I got confused!! Is it?
LMAO !! under congress I can guarantee you one thing.. most of the menial work will be done by Muslims.. There won't be upliftment. I am serious here.. They are more inept than your RAWAMY league !!

Congress is not forcing muslims in India to do menial works. Rather, it is their unability to adapt to modernization that is hurting them. The very mindset of muslims discourages them in India for self-improvement. They are averse to education, does not believe in modern science and education, but stick to the centuries old superstitons. No amount of political change will uplift them. Only thing is they live in peace when Congress is in power.
Yes .exactly !! we were too dependent on Govt to protect us and paid the price ,what is hapening now is that civil society and various other organistaions here are becoming active to prevent such situation ..
Various organisation has passed non formal diktats to not allow the illegals to work in Kokrajahr and sorrounding ares , if any one one found employing or even use any services remotely related to illegal migrants will be heavily fined and shunned by rest of the community.
Rumors are floating around that NDFB passed orders that unless the citizenship of refugees are firmly established they wont be allowed to return to their homes , the recent killing of 4 people was because of them trying to overlook these orders . Although I personally condemn violence but it seems that GOI is still not serious about the situation and such gatherings of intellectuals is indeed a welcome sign..

BTW people of NE have huuuge respect for Mr.GK Pillai for his in-depth knowledge of our problems and his eagerness to help NE tackle its many problems.. That man is real hero to me..:tup:

I agree buddy; in fact I too deeply respect him for his initiative and desire to change our region. But the problem is those people who have solutions to our problems are never given power and instead pathetic losers and anti-national traitors rule the roost.

Let me tell you something; though we are all from same country, the central government supports NO ONE. They only see their personal gains and all states are suffering from this terrible corruption and treachery. Go to UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Haryana etc.. all the people will tell you some or the other form of gross negligence.

Our biggest weakness as northeasterners is that we don't have the weight of voting unitedly. We in-fight (a common problem all over India) and this is where the central government (aka Congressi losers) takes advantage.

Or why just central government? Let's introspect ourselves as well:

Gogoi sits like a king in Assam; tell me, what did he do? He just called for help after all the damage had been done.

Instead he and that puppet MMS went to meet the mullas who only prescribed worse. Until we go back to our cultural roots and unite, some or the other politicians will keep screwing our region up. I don't want to point at Sikkim because Chamling is doing a good job, but barring him and the late Dorjee Khandu, most CMs have been complete @$$holes in our region.
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