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The seminar on Assam in Delhi adds fuel to the fire

I agree buddy; in fact I too deeply respect him for his initiative and desire to change our region. But the problem is those people who have solutions to our problems are never given power and instead pathetic losers and anti-national traitors rule the roost.

Let me tell you something; though we are all from same country, the central government supports NO ONE. They only see their personal gains and all states are suffering from this terrible corruption and treachery. Go to UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Haryana etc.. all the people will tell you some or the other form of gross negligence.

Our biggest weakness as northeasterners is that we don't have the weight of voting unitedly. We in-fight (a common problem all over India) and this is where the central government (aka Congressi losers) takes advantage.

Or why just central government? Let's introspect ourselves as well:

Gogoi sits like a king in Assam; tell me, what did he do? He just called for help after all the damage had been done.

Instead he and that puppet MMS went to meet the mullas who only prescribed worse. Until we go back to our cultural roots and unite, some or the other politicians will keep screwing our region up. I don't want to point at Sikkim because Chamling is doing a good job, but barring him and the late Dorjee Khandu, most CMs have been complete @$$holes in our region.

The problem is no one likes Congress yet it always come to center. Question is who chooses congress? My Dadi (grand mother) used to give vote to congress. When asked, she said Sonia lost all her family just to serve people. She lost her husband, yet she is standing in election. Her mother in law was good leader.

Yes, this logic also went above my head. But things are like this. Congress name is associated with freedom struggle and many people are emotionally attached to the party
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