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How come this racist Indian gets made into a "Think Tank" and no Chinese members get this privilege?

And he is not just being racist, but being extremely illogical as well, all his claims broke down after one post.

Do you really think a racist Indian is better suited for such a post on a Pakistani defence forum compared to any Chinese?

What claims?any point given on the favour of the 'west' is automatically labelled 'white worshippers' by the chinese fanboys here.As for chinese member think tanks,what do u guys really do except badmouthing others,spamming rape threads, and chest thumping the great CCCP?
As for me being illogical.Chinese logic is precisely that.anything agisnt ur held view is 'pro western slavish attitude'.If u all want to have a single one sided conversation where no dissent or dissimilar point of view is tolerated and answered by crying to mods,its useless to call it a 'forum' anymore.Better name it CCCP praising section.

"Chinese have tendency to overestimate themselves,and throw racist slurs at others"?

What kind of racist generalization is this, by a Think Tank no less?

And by the way, we are not the ones claiming to be a superpower:

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - Economic Times

This is from India's favorite President. See how your racist generalization is broken so easily.

As for your accusation that Chinese are racist, that is very ironic since you are the one making racist generalizations, and given the fact that India is regarded as "the most racist country in the world".

A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries - Washington Post

Really extreme hypocrisy.

Did i ever bring India into this thread or boast of India's supreme economy,Who is distracting the thread.
I used that word because you first brought up 'white slaves' and its a general tendency these days by quite a few chinese memebrs to use this word whenever any indian member disagrees with their pov.
What claims?any point given on the favour of the 'west' is automatically labelled 'white worshippers' by the chinese fanboys here.As for chinese member think tanks,what do u guys really do except badmouthing others,spamming rape threads, and chest thumping the great CCCP?
As for me being illogical.Chinese logic is precisely that.anything agisnt ur held view is 'pro western slavish attitude'.If u all want to have a single one sided conversation where no dissent or dissimilar point of view is tolerated and answered by crying to mods,its useless to call it a 'forum' anymore.Better name it CCCP praising section.

The facts are clear, you are the one making racist generalizations here:

Chinese have tendency to overestimate themselves,and throw racist slurs at others.

Not only that, but your accusation is extremely illogical as well.

You accuse Chinese people of being racist, well it is India that is called "the most racist country in the world" by all the recent polls. Not to mention you being racist yourself.

You accuse Chinese people of overestimating themselves, it is the Indian President Kalam who said that "India would be a superpower by 2012". Tell me, was India a superpower in 2012?
The facts are clear, you are the one making racist generalizations here:

Not only that, but your accusation is extremely illogical as well.

You accuse Chinese people of being racist, well it is India that is called "the most racist country in the world" by all the recent polls. Not to mention you being racist yourself.

You accuse Chinese people of overestimating themselves, it is the Indian President Kalam who said that "India would be a superpower by 2012". Tell me, was India a superpower in 2012?

Who brought 'white' and 'black' into the thread? Me?
I used that word because YOU first brought up 'white slaves' and its a general tendency these days by quite a few chinese memebrs to use this word whenever any indian member disagrees with their pov.

What a lie. I never mentioned the phrase "white slaves" in this thread?

Who brought 'white' and 'black' into the thread? Me?

I never mentioned the words "black" or "white" in this ENTIRE thread, are you able to read?
What a lie. I never mentioned the phrase "white slaves" in this thread?

I never mentioned the words "black" or "white" in this entire thread, are you able to read?

Go back to post number 20 of this thread by beidou2020.Then talk 'who' brought 'white' and black into the thread.He's the same member in whose support u came out so gallantly.I only used the r-word after that post,not before.Read a thread properly before accusing people .
Go back to post number 20 of this thread by beidou2020.Then talk 'who' brought 'white' and black into the thread.He's the same member in whose support u came out so gallantly.I only used the r-word after that post,not before.Read a thread properly before accusing people .

You falsely accused ME just now:

I used that word because YOU first brought up 'white slaves' and its a general tendency these days by quite a few chinese memebrs to use this word whenever any indian member disagrees with their pov.

Are you able to read?
You falsely accused ME just now:

Are you able to read?

I never accused you.Read the thread properly,i always said 'chinese members'.U attacked ME in support of beidou calling me a racist when its beidou u should have condemned.
I never accused you.Read the thread properly,i always said 'chinese members'.U attacked ME in support of beidou calling me a racist when its beidou u should have condemned.

You did accuse me directly, now I will quote your post for the 3rd time:

I used that word because YOU first brought up 'white slaves' and its a general tendency these days by quite a few chinese memebrs to use this word whenever any indian member disagrees with their pov.

This is a pure lie, I never mentioned "white slaves" or anything remotely close to it in this thread.

And I am NOT Beidou2020, what do you think all Chinese people are the same person?

Whatever Beidou2020 said has nothing to do with me.

My problem is with your racist generalization of Chinese people:

Chinese have tendency to overestimate themselves,and throw racist slurs at others.

Which is not only a racist generalization, but extremely illogical too.
And I am NOT Beidou2020, what do you think all Chinese people are the same person?

Whatever Beidou2020 said has nothing to do with me.

My problem is with your racist generalization of Chinese people:

I apologize ,i misquoted u on that occasion.But it WAS beidou who first brought black and white into that thread,and he IS a chinese member.My beef with u on this thread started when u accused me of being racist when i used that term against beidou and was justified in doing so.Instead of admonishing beidou u instead attacked me,so what was wrong there?
And this is not the first time, other members of chinese origin like beast,genesis,shuttler,kiss of the dragon have used similar terms before.
I apologize ,i misquoted u on that occasion.But it WAS beidou who first brought black and white into that thread,and he IS a chinese member.My beef with u on this thread started when u accused me of being racist when i used that term against beidou and was justified in doing so.Instead of admonishing beidou u instead attacked me,so what was wrong there?
And this is not the first time, other members of chinese origin like beast,genesis,shuttler,kiss of the dragon have used similar terms before.

If it was an honest mistake then that is fine, but I am not Beidou2020 nor does my username look anything like his at all, we are two separate people.

And I have read the posts from all the users you have mentioned, I have not seen anything remotely close to "dirty chink faggot" like we are regularly called by Indian members? Check this post for proof: Rationale discussion with indian members on PDF simply isn,t possible | Page 7

Even Indian Northeasterners get insulted like this right? I don't see Chinese calling anyone "dirty nigger faggot"? But we are always called "dirty chink faggot"?
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