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The Sanction War

just proves you should keep your money in russia, russians were already robbed once in cyprus
That's why the JEWS never should rule the world, because we never know what they gonna do
Europe must be significantly weakened. This way a significant part of the 'western world' will be weakened. This is why the European debt crisis was great to see. The weaker Europe gets, the weaker the west gets.

Good way to talk about one of ur largest markets,on which hundreds of thousands of chinese worker's jobs depend.Truly intellectual.
Can Russia survive this? Sure, but the name of the game is hit, don't get hit. Russia maybe able to KO the EU, but they will take a massive beating themselves too, maybe big enough to render the entire EU to Russia irrelevant for decades. The world cannot be bi polar like cold war era, it needs three, hopefully four like now China, Russia, EU, US. No one is for sure on another's side on everything and working together is possible, no one is willing to go too crazy.

How so ? as i said earlier , The Sanctions will not work , EU cannot survive without Russia's energy supplies and the stuff which Russia imports is nothing special and can be imported from other countries as well.. Question is can the EU take another hit ? no it cant...its took weak right now

Missile shields and bases won't be placed in Ukraine, not any time soon. For as much as it would hurt Russia, I doubt the US and EU are sure Russian spies and such are not in the Ukrainian military and won't take their secrets to Moscow. It's hard if not impossible to vet since the bond is so tight.

Its NATO military men and equipment in Ukraine , it was already proposed by the E.U...

Whether EU does this or not is irrelevant, the force behind them is America, if EU decide to act and go head to head with Russia, by the time they are both tired and beaten, America will come in and sweep the battlefield clean, they have the advantage to begin with.

Sweep what clean ? America is not in a pleasant moment right now. Any war will lead to America Printing more dollars, increasing its debt , exporting its inflation to other countries , forcing nations to switch the Dollar and working with Russia ..

Once again, name of the game, hit, don't get hit.

Only game is for Russia to protect its strategic interests in Ukraine , NATO threatened Russia in Georgian crisis too , it was an empty threat , There will not be any war ...
Good way to talk about one of ur largest markets,on which hundreds of thousands of chinese worker's jobs depend.Truly intellectual.

We have our own growing market that is the 2nd largest consumer market after the US.

Most of our exports are now far more diversified and exporters always adjust to changing conditions. The low cost labour intensive industries are not needed anymore as they are a burden with pollution and resisting a stronger currency.

A weaker western world is extremely desirable for China. Our economy is extremely dynamic and resilient and now domestic demand is the main contributor to growth.

Unless you understand our economy instead of just spewing western made up propaganda, don't talk.

We were supposed to not grow once the 2008 crash happened in the west, but not only did we grow but we are now the biggest contributor to global growth and it is the west that rely on our markets (2nd largest market overall). In fact many western multinational giants already consider China their largest or 2nd largest market for their business.

Geopolitically, a collapsed western world is the best thing to happen to humanity.

Obviously you being an Indian that is used to worshipping white people, i'm not surprised by your views but we don't have those slave mentalities.

We are an independent country with a dynamic, diversified and resilient economy.
In other words, the EU will impose no real sanctions that will harm the Russian economy.

Are you being serious here?

A weakened Western world is in the eminent interest of the rest of humanity.

A strong West will mean that countries such as yourself will never grow rich as the West will keep most of the world's resources for themselves.

It is no surprise the Hindus of South Asia were slaves for most of the last millennium with mentality like this
US and Nato economy sanction on Russian won't have much an impact because of bilateral trade between China and Russia. China hungry for resource allow Russian the relief valve to lessen the blow with the sanction impact to the Russian economy. Japan thirst for oil and gases energy after the tsunami destroy and cripple Japan nuclear facility, Japan need oil for the industrial output, hurting Russia will also hurting Japan economy. Russia isn't completely isolate from the world, China won't ruin their own economy and stop trading with Russia. Only solution for Nato and US need to fight a war with Russia in other to prevent Crimea break away from Ukraine.
Good way to talk about one of ur largest markets,on which hundreds of thousands of chinese worker's jobs depend.Truly intellectual.

The long term goal is to build up the huge chinese market of 1 billion citizens. If crisis with USA brakes out, than China will decide a wage growth of their workers and stimulate the chinese market. China will also stop to produce cheap goods and will shift to quality production. Than you westerners are truely fvcked.

Russian Energy + Chinese Manpower = World Peace.
We have our own growing market that is the 2nd largest consumer market after the US.

Most of our exports are now far more diversified and exporters always adjust to changing conditions. The low cost labour intensive industries are not needed anymore as they are a burden with pollution and resisting a stronger currency.

A weaker western world is extremely desirable for China. Our economy is extremely dynamic and resilient and now domestic demand is the main contributor to growth.

Unless you understand our economy instead of just spewing western made up propaganda, don't talk.

We were supposed to not grow once the 2008 crash happened in the west, but not only did we grow but we are now the biggest contributor to global growth and it is the west that rely on our markets (2nd largest market overall). In fact many western multinational giants already consider China their largest or 2nd largest market for their business.

Geopolitically, a collapsed western world is the best thing to happen to humanity.

Obviously you being an Indian that is used to worshipping white people, i'm not surprised by your views but we don't have those slave mentalities.

We are an independent country with a dynamic, diversified and resilient economy.

Chinese have tendency to overestimate themselves,and throw racist slurs at others.However nobody's collapse helps the world.In a globalised economy best if everybody prospers.But chinese imperialist never understood this.I'm not fan of USA or west,but i don't wish them any collapse either.

The long term goal is to build up the huge chinese market of 1 billion citizens. If crisis with USA brakes out, than China will decide a wage growth of their workers and stimulate the chinese market. China will also stop to produce cheap goods and will shift to quality production. Than you westerners are truely fvcked.

Russian Energy + Chinese Manpower = World Peace.

I'm not a westerner,but from what we are seeing from the constant bullying attempts of a rising china ,chinese hegemony will be even worse than that.Russia may need u now due to arrogant west,but don't think they trust u or don't know china's hidden desires towards siberia.
Chinese have tendency to overestimate themselves,and throw racist slurs at others.

"Chinese have tendency to overestimate themselves,and throw racist slurs at others"?

What kind of racist generalization is this, by a Think Tank no less?

And by the way, we are not the ones claiming to be a superpower:

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - Economic Times

India has become very advanced in space technology, he said, adding the country would become a superpower by 2012.

"Though I have envisioned India to become a superpower by 2020, the attitude and the confidence of the youth, to conquer everything in the right spirit, would make the country a global leader and super power within five years," Kalam told reporters.

This is from India's favorite President. See how your racist generalization is broken so easily.

As for your accusation that Chinese are racist, that is very ironic since you are the one making racist generalizations, and given the fact that India is regarded as "the most racist country in the world".

A fascinating map of the world’s most and least racially tolerant countries - Washington Post

Really extreme hypocrisy.
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Chinese have tendency to overestimate themselves,and throw racist slurs at others.However nobody's collapse helps the world.In a globalised economy best if everybody prospers.But chinese imperialist never understood this.I'm not fan of USA or west,but i don't wish them any collapse either.

I'm not a westerner,but from what we are seeing from the constant bullying attempts of a rising china ,chinese hegemony will be even worse than that.Russia may need u now due to arrogant west,but don't think they trust u or don't know china's hidden desires towards siberia.


How did this anti-Chinese Indian become a PDF think tank?

Please remove that status from him please.

Thank you.
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