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The Russia-China-Pakistan Axis | Implications

sahi hai yar dont need to get emotional its just a discussion you are acting like you are being left alone. This scenario is impossible now a days the biggest weapon is economy and everyone is dependent on one and another that they cant afford to lose each other.
These theories are just for fun or to annoy people like you. My request for you is to take a chill pill.
In my humble opinion we should convince oil producing countries to increase oil prices to restore power balance in the world(I know many will call me names for this humble opinion :) ).
Russia should also be offered with a port on our coastal line. And Russia should also be a part of CPEC, to decrease the cost, increase the safety and viability of the project.
Thirdly, India may also be offered a similar project like CPEC to Afghanistan. We dont need to counter anybody. By teaming up we can earn more rather than fighting each other.

There are 2 ways to look at oil prices. It is also an opportunity for governments to shore up reserves for development through indirect taxes. For e.g, if the cost is 100 Pkr and people are used to 100 Pkr, you need not bring down price if your cost drops to 60pkr. Bring it down to 98pkr and mop up the rest 38 pkr under indirect taxes, which can then be used for developmental projects and repayments.

As of date, Russia will not be very interested in developing any ports. Because unlike China, they will not be interested in doing any developmental work without proper compensation. Soft loans from Russia is out of the questions. They will wait for the CPEC and see its success before taking any decision.

The project with India need not be just to Afghanistan. There is Iran to the west, one of our major suppliers.
mmmmm how about something that the Soviet Union disintegrated trying to accquire?

Now, Its just a myth. Its a Pakistani fantasy/dream that Russia still needs a link up to warm waters similar to the requirement of Soviet Union. Pakistan has nothing...nada....to offer to Russians. Its just a lollypop sold to Pakistani gullible masses by Pak establishment to prove Pakistani importance in global affairs. Its reasons are as below:

1. Russia is not Soviet Union.
2. Military & Economic muscles of Russia are nowhere near as comparative to USSR.
3. Industrial & Technology output of Russia is non-existent as compare to USSR, so the requirement for new markets (South Asia, SE Asia and parts of Africa) is not there at the scale of USSR.
4. Geo-strategic requirements have changed exponentially since cold wars. With oil industry revolution in USA, the importance of blocking oil supplies to North America & Europe passing through Persian Gulf are diminished to a large extent.
5. Also, diminished requirement due to the declining of Russian Geo-strategic influence globally due to point 1, 2 & 3.
6. The land locked geographical area of USSR (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan) for which USSR required this access to warm waters is not there with Russia.

I can go on and on......

Gwadar.........fool.....Gwadar.....A dream of Soviet union, to access warm waters.....

The dream of Soviet Union not Russia!!!!!
I am not trying to make it sound like anything that it is not. Neither am i talking confrontations and wars! In fact, do you really think that alliances are meant ONLY for wars? I mean, you gov. states otherwise. Alliances are for mutual interests and benefits and are not necessarily "against" any one like you are trying to imply here by first talking about some non existent anti-India agenda and not a nuclear war between India and Pakistan.

Anyway, i wont debate on this useless topic any further as the OP asks clearly that this is to share you views about implications of such an alliance. Things are happening and are there for EVERYONE to see unless someone have decided to play blind. In that case nothing can be done anyway!

The number reason in history for alliances is to fight a stronger power. Alliances can be for mutual benefits. I have no problem with Pakistani state pursuing an anti-Indian agenda if it benefits its citizens.

You are claiming warm water access is required or desired by Russia. You fail to explain why it is required. The links provided do not state the reason. You fail to explain why Gwadar is the choice for Russia.

The dream of Soviet Union not Russia!!!!!

Pakistanis are yet to wake up to the fact that Russia is not Soviet Union.
The number reason in history for alliances is to fight a stronger power. Alliances can be for mutual benefits. I have no problem with Pakistani state pursuing an anti-Indian agenda if it benefits its citizens.

You are claiming warm water access is required or desired by Russia. You fail to explain why it is required. The links provided do not state the reason. You fail to explain why Gwadar is the choice for Russia.
I fail to provide links? Dear would you have a look at those around dozen links that are explaining this situation. Now do you expect me to provide you a link of statement of Mr. Putin himself stating that he loves Gwadar?

Come on. Learn something from this history. You are assuming that the the alliances are anti-India. I praise you for being on the right track of development, i do and have done that on many occasions in the past as well, However if you think you have reached a level where the whole world is conspiring against you, well my friend, i am sorry but you are totally wrong.

It is also you who is assuming that Russian to not need an access to warm waters as you think that was a requirement only for Cold War era as it was just limited to a military base! Sorry again but this goes to show your lack of appreciation towards the world turning into a global village. Trade and commerce are the ways to go. The more easier and more points of access one can get the better it is.

If you think Russia wont be interested in warm waters as the do not need a military base as the cold war is over then what can i say!

Also you are ignoring the fact that China and Pakistan offer much more to Russians than warm waters! I wont repeat all those points, i explained them all in the previous posts. If the intention is to actually learn something you may look up the last few pages of discussion. And again, do not worry, it is not some anti-India alliance of friendship that we are look forward to. The world do not revolves around India dear :)
I fail to provide links? Dear would you have a look at those around dozen links that are explaining this situation. Now do you expect me to provide you a link of statement of Mr. Putin himself stating that he loves Gwadar?

Come on. Learn something from this history. You are assuming that the the alliances are anti-India. I praise you for being on the right track of development, i do and have done that on many occasions in the past as well, However if you think you have reached a level where the whole world is conspiring against you, well my friend, i am sorry but you are totally wrong.

It is also you who is assuming that Russian to not need an access to warm waters as you think that was a requirement only for Cold War era as it was just limited to a military base! Sorry again but this goes to show your lack of appreciation towards the world turning into a global village. Trade and commerce are the ways to go. The more easier and more points of access one can get the better it is.

If you think Russia wont be interested in warm waters as the do not need a military base as the cold war is over then what can i say!

Also you are ignoring the fact that China and Pakistan offer much more to Russians than warm waters! I wont repeat all those points, i explained them all in the previous posts. If the intention is to actually learn something you may look up the last few pages of discussion. And again, do not worry, it is not some anti-India alliance of friendship that we are look forward to. The world do not revolves around India dear :)

I do not think the whole world is anti-Indian. Neither does the Indian foreign policy establishment. They have pursued relationships with USA, USSR, Saudi Arabia, Iran and China even when these countries were hostile/indifferent to Indian interests. The world is complex. Leave it at that.

China has a lot to offer Russia. There is suspicion in Russia about China's real long term intentions. Right now Russia needs money and China needs energy. It makes for a good barter arrangement.

Russia does not make a whole lot manufactured goods for export. Exception being weapons. The rest of it is natural resource extraction. The biggest customers are in Western Europe and China. Tell us how access to a Pakistani port helps in that regard. Are Africans going to buy Russian natural resources ? India will pursue a knee jerk reaction ordering Russians to ship by sea.

Unless there is some geographical constraint sending goods by ship is a lot cheaper than sending it by trucks. There is complete freedom of navigation on the seas. The US Navy is capable of enforcing it. If I send my container on truck through Gwadar and some lunatic sets it on fire in Pakistan who is going to compensate me ?

I hate to put it - Russian government has degenerated into a mafia elite. The smartest Russians have emigrated to the West. Russia has the landmass. They have some military industrial base left. They have massive nuclear arsenal. They have UN Security Council veto. They are not the superpower of the Cold War.
The dream of Soviet Union not Russia!!!!!

The way US annoying Russia and encircling it...They need warm waters more now than ever...I m not geo political expert but Russians always had wish to reach to warm waters....

Now, they have opportunity to come straight down to Arabian sea (Gwadar) through China....thorugh CPEC...They can export their products to ME through CPEC; a cost effective one....
In which class/school you are studying???? If your parents saw your post, they should be really worried after reading this:(!!!!! You need to concentrate on your studies more and need extra tuition in Geography:D!!!!!!

.Ap ne jis school se geography parhi hai uska principle aj bhi mujh se parhne ata hai....:p:
Pak slowly and steadily is building up a positive "story" for herself in the face of plethora of overwhelming opposition. With 200m folks, mostly young, and a growing economy she has much to offer. With a game changer project like CPEC where many countries are highly likely to converge since China is gradually establishing herself as a major driving and jelling force, Pak is drawing lots of attention. These all are against the openly stated Indian official policy to isolate Pak and make her an insignificant country submerged in internal fights and terrorism carried out by the Indian funded proxies.

Bottom line: India's redemption lies in Pak's destruction. Any positive development for Pak is an antidote to this.
The way US annoying Russia and encircling it...They need warm waters more now than ever...I m not geo political expert but Russians always had wish to reach to warm waters....

Now, they have opportunity to come straight down to Arabian sea (Gwadar) through China....thorugh CPEC...They can export their products to ME through CPEC; a cost effective one....

What products may the Russians want to export to the Middle East ??
What products may the Russians want to export to the Middle East ??

Whatever they make, I forgot to mention they can import products as well through Gwadar....

Russian main exports are energy (oil and petroleum products, gas, coal), rolled steel, ferrous and nonferrous metals and minerals. The greater part of Russian exports belongs to oil and petroleum products. Other leading exports are natural gas, timber, fertilizers, machinery and equipment, armaments.


I was a non-medical student, so have no relation to geography:lol:!!!!!!!

:lol:.......Non medical student means student of all things outside medics and you're geography student seeking to gain knowledge from me.......I learnt that today but problem for you is that seats are reserved and there is strong resistance among students to take any Indian student in class.,...They hate curry smell.....:lol:
Whatever they make, I forgot to mention they can import products as well through Gwadar....

Russian main exports are energy (oil and petroleum products, gas, coal), rolled steel, ferrous and nonferrous metals and minerals. The greater part of Russian exports belongs to oil and petroleum products. Other leading exports are natural gas, timber, fertilizers, machinery and equipment, armaments.

Shipping heavy weapons on the Karakoram highway is impractical. Why would Russia export oil to the Middle East ??
If there is a market for Russian products in the middle east it is a tiny one
Shipping heavy weapons on the Karakoram highway is impractical. Why would Russia export oil to the Middle East ??
If there is a market for Russian products in the middle east it is a tiny one

heavy weapons? what are u talking about? Whether market is tiny or small, it doesn't matter. What matter is their involvement in CPEC....I m sure Pakistanis and Chinese will bring many players as they can in CPEC...
heavy weapons? what are u talking about? Whether market is tiny or small, it doesn't matter. What matter is their involvement in CPEC....I m sure Pakistanis and Chinese will bring many players as they can in CPEC...

You included armaments in the list of Russian exports.

You claim it is a $46 billion investment. it is not going to pay off unless there is economic activity to justify the tab. For an economic corridor no attempt has been made to woo India or Iran.

Second the goods can be shipped from Karachi. It is the fastest approach. Shipping from Gwadar raises suspicions especially in Iran.

Third for India and China to exchange goods the shortest route is through Burma and Yunnan province to coastal China. The Karakoram highway is a long route.
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