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The rise of the Cyber Hindu

Don't worry... you carry on with your day job of Pappu worshiping. You look out place with your Samaritanism! :lol: 

Why? Is he jealous 'cause he wanted to have an affair with Modi ? :lol:

No one has a problem with modi if he has an affair...but when he puts his entire police force from the IG to SP to the entire Police Force of the state for more than a month behind a woman who doesn't wanna sleep with him...well that is weird isn't it? So much for his 'focused efficiency'
Don't worry... you carry on with your day job of Pappu worshiping. You look out place with your Samaritanism! :lol: 

Why? Is he jealous 'cause he wanted to have an affair with Modi ? :lol:

Seeing the depth of his hate, it is possible that it comes from a women scorned :lol: ........modern day surpanaka ?
No one has a problem with modi if he has an affair...but when he puts his entire police force from the IG to SP to the entire Police Force of the state for more than a month behind a woman who doesn't wanna sleep with him...well that is weird isn't it? So much for his 'focused efficiency'

Does your video say Modi put all his might behind this? or it's just your pre-tuned imagination coming to this conclusion? So what now? Congress is going to put all it's govt machinery behind this to investigate despite that fact that there is no complaint from anyone?
Oh well.. they might as well. Afterall it's their's to use....
Does your video say Modi put all his might behind this? or it's just your pre-tuned imagination coming to this conclusion? So what now? Congress is going to put all it's govt machinery behind this to investigate despite that fact that there is no complaint from anyone?
Oh well.. they might as well. Afterall it's their's to use....

Ohhhhhhhh sooo you diiiiiiiidddddddddd watch the videoooooooo... well modi did it because BJP has decided not to contest this. Instead they've decided to give the explanation that this was done because the father of the girl asked modi to keep a tab on her. Begs the question what kind of father should it be that made a request and all of Gujarat Police from IG to SP to people in 24 hr watch to ppl inside plane in Bombay to 'watch over' the daughter. Besides the SP himself says that he has discussed several aspects with 'Saheb' directly.
Ohhhhhhhh sooo you diiiiiiiidddddddddd watch the videoooooooo... well modi did it because BJP has decided not to contest this. Instead they've decided to give the explanation that this was done because the father of the girl asked modi to keep a tab on her. Begs the question what kind of father should it be that made a request and all of Gujarat Police from IG to SP to people in 24 hr watch to ppl inside plane in Bombay to 'watch over' the daughter. Besides the SP himself says that he has discussed several aspects with 'Saheb' directly.

Don't flatter yourself. I didn't even watch 1 sec of it. I know that this is not the 1st one & there will be few others coming out from Congress factory during the course of next six months to malign Modi. Afterall they can not fight him on any real agenda. Why not resort to some sleazy means? Desperate measures at desperate times... & I'm wasting my time even debating this crap with you....
Don't flatter yourself. I didn't even watch 1 sec of it. I know that this is not the 1st one & there will be few others coming out from Congress factory during the course of next six months to malign Modi. Afterall they can not fight him on any real agenda. Why not resort to some sleazy means? Desperate measures at desperate times... & I'm wasting my time even debating this crap with you....

But the BJP is not disputing the tape and it has been provided by the man who led the operations...
The crux of the article is that accurate observation that while the Cyber Hindu has a big mpouth, he is less than 10% of the population. :sarcastic:
TOO bad those cyber hindus grew in size since 2007 to 2013, where reports say majority of urban youth are internet hindus, you will see more joining in coming years,i dont see people joining sicklular brigade in droves? the proof is there for you to see in any social media platform or forums,abuse congress you get 50 likes, abuse hinduism you get 100 replies back.

Oh please. These guys know nothing of their religion. It's not that they're here after reading the Vedas to promote their religion in the true sense. They're just a bunch BJP stooges promoting their party. Don't call them 'internet hindus', just call them 'ignorant, silly, ridicoulous BJP supporters on the internet' 

I don't have a relative in the congress, turns out I'm literate 'coz I can type this post. I support congress.
AND your your emminence know about hindu religion more than its practicioners? if i may ask what is your religion in first place?
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I like signature of one Indian members its something like that

"I am a hindu and nationalist so basically I am a Hindu Nationalist and I feel proud for that."

It is my signature and is a direct quote from Narendra Modi when he made the Hindu Nationalist remark. I should not be ashamed to be a Hindu.

And I am proud to be an Internet Hindu. Thank you Sagarika Ghose for giving this term
Well, you dodged the question under the secular smoke screen. I asked no terms on the article..I asked of nationalism being linked to the Hindu religion. Is being into Hindu practices a prerequisite of nationalism that it should create the term in the first place? Can one not be into Akhand Bharat and still be a nationalist Indian?

we dont trust the intentions of the bosses of abrahamic religions or its pawns or foot soldiers who exist in India. 
if that was the case you may not have seen the "Hindu Nationalists" term either :)

Sagrika was blocked just because she angered these very Hindu nationalists and hence come the term Internet Hindus.

I would say internet hindus must give her credit for coining this term.

At personal level i believe Internet Hindus come to life as a result of discrimination towards identity of majority Indians who have been stuffed with "secular" phrase simple as that.

India is a Hindu state one way of the other it exhibists this idenity even at state level/justice system etc etc so why not give it proper recognition instead of creating "Hindu-Secular" clash

Sagarika and many such journalists are Pittus of the establishment and Delhi snob culture,most of them are Jaahil people who can only conduct an exercise in verbosity at best.

They paint silly fake pictures of reality and pretend to behave like responsible,intelligent people when they are neither.

We dont care what Sagarika calls us,if she wants to get popular by using this,so be it.

when i throw a dog a bone,i dont want to find out how it tastes.
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I tell you the difference.

The difference is we stand for our ideology whereas despite your Hindu nationalism you still need to hide behind some confused phrases like "secular India".

So nothing wrong with linking Hindu nationalist ideology with Indian nationalism as long as you stand up for it and thats what you are. 
So are you guys proud of being Internet Hindus??

Then stop serving daaru,deshi and videshi in your country first like saudi arabia. 
These fanatics can shout at internet the way they like but they can not temper with secular fabric of India(even if in power) , i am also Hindu and a nationalist but not a stooge of RSS

RSS has no stooges like secular fuddus. 
Think about it... In tamil nadu we are caught between DMK and ADMK both corrupt and lots of negatives , but how did Tamil Nadu end up being one of the better performing states? All we did was change the govt every 5 years!! that puts fear into the two parties to act with caution and give the public something back.. if you follow tamil nadu politics you will find that each govt will bring out the corruption of previous govt's and they also do something good to stay in ppl's memory..
Now both ADMK and DMk have their plusses and minuses ... I see DMK as lesser evil and many others see ADMK as lesser evil.. but the point is Tamil Nadu didn't become another Bihar because we changed govt every 5 years since the death of MGR.

Now I see the same story repeated in national level , both BJP and Congress have plusses and minuses, but the problem is we already gave UPA one term too many..
That is why it is important to vote them out this time...
You have reasons to dislike BJP/Modi but I am convinced it cant be worse than the present UPA rule

yeah but TN has lost a lot by choosing such dravidian parties.
I am a proud Hindu nationalist and I will answer your question.

If Islam can be linked to nationalism in Pakistan (or the majority of the 50-odd muslim states), then why can Hindu nationalism not be a pre-requisite for Indian nationalism.

Yes being a Hindu nationalist is a pre-requisite to being an Indian nationalist, as the purpose of the Indian state (being the only Hindu majority state in the world) should be to provide for and secure the future and aspirations of close to its 1 billion Hindu citizens.

Ah, but the Pakistani state does not call itself a secular country in the first place. Hence, the analogy cannot apply. Either India declares itself a Hindu state, or its people are deceiving themselves as to its ethos and constitution. 
Have you forgotten Two Nation Theory? (Nationalism+Religion):lol:

By the way, I do not support the term"Hindu Nationalist".

Exactly. And it is to negate the very theory that Indian founding fathers like Nehru stood on principles of secularism. Yet the opinions of many Internet Hindus as they are...seem to actually support that two nation concept rather than disparage it. 
Oscar... Nationalist and religion are two different thing. These politician are playing with fire to mixing things up and creating a big rift in our society.

You do not need to be Hindu/ Muslim/ Christian to be Nationalist !!

There is nothing wrong calling united India but once it's called Akhand Bharat it's communal :hitwall:.

That is the point. Again, I would gladly take my word back if not for your fellow Indians doing exactly that. As such the term Akhand Bharat means the same as United India, yet when it is taken under the term of Akhand Bharat for hindus.. it becomes communal.
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Ah, but the Pakistani state does not call itself a secular country in the first place. Hence, the analogy cannot apply. Either India declares itself a Hindu state, or its people are deceiving themselves as to its ethos and constitution. 

Exactly. And it is to negate the very theory that Indian founding fathers like Nehru stood on principles of secularism. Yet the opinions of many Internet Hindus as they are...seem to actually support that two nation concept rather than disparage it. 

That is the point. Again, I would gladly take my word back if not for your fellow Indians doing exactly that. As such the term Akhand Bharat means the same as United India, yet when it is taken under the term of Akhand Bharat for hindus.. it becomes communal.

Nationalist is a nationalist... there is no religion required, in any nationalism...

Now all the internet hindutva stuff which is being very eloquently proposed in the opening post, I actualy just age old "Anti Incumbency Factor" in the day and age of Internet....

thats about it!!
we dont trust the intentions of the bosses of abrahamic religions or its pawns or foot soldiers who exist in India. 

Sagarika and many such journalists are Pittus of the establishment and Delhi snob culture,most of them are Jaahil people who can only conduct an exercise in verbosity at best.

They paint silly fake pictures of reality and pretend to behave like responsible,intelligent people when they are neither.

We dont care what Sagarika calls us,if she wants to get popular by using this,so be it.

when i throw a dog a bone,i dont want to find out how it tastes.

Dragging Abrahamic religion, By which i have an inkling you are avoiding the "muslim" is uncalled for...

The question is about the existence of the internet hindu, which I think is just a clever take on ignorant Hindu, and I am sure a lot of them exist.

Now Snobbish or otherwise, Journalists and columinist will have an opinion, and if they coined a term to demean individuals, then that is fair game... Jiha di and associated words have also been thrown around in the day and age of zero intellectual accountability, so Hindus also will bear the brunt...

Now I have been called internet hindu by someone that I dont recall on this very forum which is funny as with every passing day I turn more richard dawkins than himself.... The term where internet/ignorant Hindu is appropriate, it should be used, but to use it for every tom dick and harry who is either in support of BJP or opposes Congress is gross misrepresentation of the individual, although the term might have been coined to do exactly that!
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