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The rise of British Pakistani boxers

I'm sure she was the presenter?

ha yes, good looking lady. Although this was much later. She has got older in that video.
ha yes, good looking lady. Although this was much later. She has got older in that video.

Here is what she is doing now.

Personal life[edit]
Khan now lives in Los Angeles, United States.[36] She is married to cardiologist Dr Junaid Zaman.[37]

Did she marry a Pakistani guy?
ha yes, good looking lady. Although this was much later. She has got older in that video.

Here is what she is doing now.

Personal life[edit]
Khan now lives in Los Angeles, United States.[36] She is married to cardiologist Dr Junaid Zaman.[37]

Did she marry a Pakistani guy?
Did y
ha yes, good looking lady. Although this was much later. She has got older in that video.

Here is what she is doing now.

Personal life[edit]
Khan now lives in Los Angeles, United States.[36] She is married to cardiologist Dr Junaid Zaman.[37]

Did she marry a Pakistani guy?
No idea, I was more interested in the fights 😄 Did you purchase Master Skens super kicks DVD? His fighters seemed to have poor records.
Less than 8.1% of the prison population is Pakistani:

Despite being only 2% of the UK population. This means that Pakistanis are 4 times over-represented in UK jails.
Bro, we only get called gangsters because we put our adversaries and the racists in their place. We have got them under manners. I rather that then be effeminate weaklings.
The Pakistani modus operandi in the UK is to gang up on their adversaries and only engage when they face a numerically much weaker enemy.

Take the case of Kriss Donald for example.

There is a reason why the hostile elites find that importing Pakistanis is the best way to destroy a formerly cohesive and prosperous White nation.

I agree but when your culture has declined to a borderline barbaric mess then what do self aware, conscious people do? You can't expect people who actively challenge their ideals regularly to match your enthusiasm. Pakistan has regressed on many levels and its disheartening and incredibly disturbing to see where some of them are when it comes to how they treat women, poor people, disabled people, minorities, faith.

We can apply the fix but they are so myopic and closed off they don't want to evolve, change, become a better version.

Pride is a poisoned chalice, pride is an enemy of the mind. What we need is confidence, a huge dose of morality and respect.

Ideologically we are all over the place and there are many people who simply can't relate anymore.

Very interesting post. Its certainly heartbreaking, I find the Islamic civilization fascinating but materialism, corruption, lies, backstabbing destroyed us all. It would be interesting to have a topic on this and discuss how this can be reversed. Ofcourse our historical elite education system must be bought back. I found a few Turkey Islamic organisations interesting, they're teach for atleast 6 months on Islamic values, ethics before starting to teach Quran.
Despite being only 2% of the UK population. This means that Pakistanis are 4 times over-represented in UK jails.

Are you retarded or something?........ :lol: .......the 4.6% you are referring to is for ALL Asian groups in the UK not just Pakistanis..........READ it carefully, use your comprehension skills...........:disagree:
The Pakistani modus operandi in the UK is to gang up on their adversaries and only engage when they face a numerically much weaker enemy.

Take the case of Kriss Donald for example.

There is a reason why the hostile elites find that importing Pakistanis is the best way to destroy a formerly cohesive and prosperous White nation.

And here I thought that gangus like you who believe that they are Aryan Imperialist British colonialist must be the bravest people on earth............... :lol:........obviously you must have an inferior complex due to..........:azn::

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Are you retarded or something?........ [emoji38] .......the 4.6% you are referring to is for ALL Asian groups in the UK not just Pakistanis..........READ it carefully, use your comprehension skills...........:disagree:

And here I thought that gangus like you who believe that they are Aryan Imperialist British colonialist must be the bravest people on earth............... [emoji38]........obviously you must have an inferior complex due to..........:azn::

Most of the UK "Asian" prison population is Pakistani, if one looks at the religious breakdown of the prison demographics this fact becomes self evident.
Most of the UK "Asian" prison population is Pakistani, if one looks at the religious breakdown of the prison demographics this fact becomes self evident.

Evidence? IF you are not lying then post the links here.......... :azn:
Don't Pakistanis in the UK target young girls as young as 8 because that is the only demographic their "members" can please?

One must commend the Pakistani immigrants for bringing international fame to the formerly sleepy and safe English towns like Rotherham and Rochdale.

Effete, little indian weiner boys like you gangus have been scientifically proven to have the smallest weiners on earth. Explains your frustrations and why you are here.........:azn::

Despite being only 2% of the UK population. This means that Pakistanis are 4 times over-represented in UK jails.

How did you arrive at that conclusion. The link states this;

8.1% as “Asian/Asian British”

That includes other Asian ethnicities, which coincidentally is the same figure for the percentage of Asian people making up the UK population.
The Pakistani modus operandi in the UK is to gang up on their adversaries and only engage when they face a numerically much weaker enemy.

Take the case of Kriss Donald for example.

Much like it was/is for white nationalists.

Mr Ali, who moved to London from Bangladesh in 1969, was attacked by three teenagers - Roy Arnold, Carl Ludlow and another boy. Arnold and Ludlow were 17; the unnamed male was just 16. The murder was racially motivated and random - they did not know Mr Ali and did not care who he was. "No reason at all," said the 16-year-old boy, when a police officer asked why he attacked Mr Ali.

"If we saw a **** we used to have a go at them," he remarked. "We would ask for money and beat them up. I've beaten up Pakis on at least five occasions."

Four members of a gang of racists who stoned and stamped to death a British Asian taxi driver after luring him into a dead-end on a false call were jailed for life yesterday.

The teenagers, some only recently out of school at the time of the calculated attack on father-of-three Mohammad Parvaiz, were given long minimum terms by Judge Dame Heather Steel, who called the crime "savage beyond belief".

Jailing Christopher Murphy and Michael Hand, both 19, Graeme Slavin, 18, and Steven Utley, 17, she told Leeds crown court that the Huddersfield gang had been merciless to their 41-year-old victim, kicking him and stamping on his head as he lay dying in the street last July. "It is likely that the last words he heard were 'You fucking **** bastard'," she said. The murderers had then gloated in a local pub, with Murphy saying: "I wonder if I've got P@ki juice on the bottom of my shoes."

  • In 1992, 46-year-old cab driver Mohammed Sarwar was dragged from his car, beaten and left for dead in a Manchester street. Over a thousand people joined a funeral cortège taking Mohammed Sarwar’s body from the mosque in Rusholme to Manchester Airport to be flown back to Pakistan. Taxi drivers came out in their hundreds, displaying black flags on their cars and bringing traffic to a halt.
  • In 2000, Tariq Javed, 48, was murdered in Bury by a gang of white men who hijacked his cab, beat him, robbed him and then run over him with his own car.
  • Later in the same year, Sarfraz Khan, 30, of Rotherham, was beaten and stabbed six times and then set alight in his car after picking up a fare

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The Pakistani modus operandi in the UK is to gang up on their adversaries and only engage when they face a numerically much weaker enemy.
Is that how Amir Khan won by bringing on his ten invisible cousins? Anyway what does this establish. Personally I think those Afro Jamaicans are the strongest on the streets of UK but that means what?

Most of the UK "Asian" prison population is Pakistani, if one looks at the religious breakdown of the prison demographics this fact becomes self evident.
There is probably slightly greater representation of Pakistani's in prisons because of the drug problem similiar to how the Italian American community had a problem.
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Evidence? IF you are not lying then post the links here.......... :azn:

Effete, little indian weiner boys like you gangus have been scientifically proven to have the smallest weiners on earth. Explains your frustrations and why you are here.........:azn::

Here is the prison population by religion.

As you can see, out of the three South Asian religions most prevalent in the UK (Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism) the overwhelming majority of prisoners are Muslim.

Also, I don't know why you are denying the criminal tendencies of this demographic, especially in the realm of sexual crimes.

How did you arrive at that conclusion. The link states this;

8.1% as “Asian/Asian British”

That includes other Asian ethnicities, which coincidentally is the same figure for the percentage of Asian people making up the UK population.

Much like it was/is for white nationalists.

Mr Ali, who moved to London from Bangladesh in 1969, was attacked by three teenagers - Roy Arnold, Carl Ludlow and another boy. Arnold and Ludlow were 17; the unnamed male was just 16. The murder was racially motivated and random - they did not know Mr Ali and did not care who he was. "No reason at all," said the 16-year-old boy, when a police officer asked why he attacked Mr Ali.

"If we saw a **** we used to have a go at them," he remarked. "We would ask for money and beat them up. I've beaten up Pakis on at least five occasions."

Four members of a gang of racists who stoned and stamped to death a British Asian taxi driver after luring him into a dead-end on a false call were jailed for life yesterday.

The teenagers, some only recently out of school at the time of the calculated attack on father-of-three Mohammad Parvaiz, were given long minimum terms by Judge Dame Heather Steel, who called the crime "savage beyond belief".

Jailing Christopher Murphy and Michael Hand, both 19, Graeme Slavin, 18, and Steven Utley, 17, she told Leeds crown court that the Huddersfield gang had been merciless to their 41-year-old victim, kicking him and stamping on his head as he lay dying in the street last July. "It is likely that the last words he heard were 'You fucking **** bastard'," she said. The murderers had then gloated in a local pub, with Murphy saying: "I wonder if I've got P@ki juice on the bottom of my shoes."

  • In 1992, 46-year-old cab driver Mohammed Sarwar was dragged from his car, beaten and left for dead in a Manchester street. Over a thousand people joined a funeral cortège taking Mohammed Sarwar’s body from the mosque in Rusholme to Manchester Airport to be flown back to Pakistan. Taxi drivers came out in their hundreds, displaying black flags on their cars and bringing traffic to a halt.
  • In 2000, Tariq Javed, 48, was murdered in Bury by a gang of white men who hijacked his cab, beat him, robbed him and then run over him with his own car.
  • Later in the same year, Sarfraz Khan, 30, of Rotherham, was beaten and stabbed six times and then set alight in his car after picking up a fare

The overwhelming majority of hate crimes in the UK are committed by non-whites, even most crimes against non-whites are in fact commited by other non-whites like Pakistani on black or vice versa. Look at the recent spate of attacks on East Asians in America, it was almost always blacks doing it.

The UK establishment have eulogised one or two cases of White hate crimes like Stephen Lawrence while sweeping the others under the rug which do not serve to advance their politics.
Here is the prison population by religion.

As you can see, out of the three South Asian religions most prevalent in the UK (Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism) the overwhelming majority of prisoners are Muslim.

Also, I don't know why you are denying the criminal tendencies of this demographic, especially in the realm of sexual crimes.

You are obviously a low IQ retard...............:lol:................The source you have used contain religious demographic. Not ethnic or racial. Being a Muslim does not automatically make you a Pakistani.................:lol:................................In prison there are many black and other non-Muslims who convert to Islam.

PS You have the analytical and reasoning skills of an average 7 year old.................................:lol:
You are obviously a low IQ retard...............[emoji38]................The source you have used contain religious demographic. Not ethnic or racial. Being a Muslim does not automatically make you a Pakistani.................[emoji38]................................In prison there are many black and other non-Muslims who convert to Islam.

PS You have the analytical and reasoning skills of an average 7 year old.................................[emoji38]
Yes, you can deduce the Pakistani prison population using the combination of broad racial stats and religious stats. Unlike the census, the MoJ doesn't release specific ethnic stats for prison population and instead lumps them into large categories like "Asian".

The fact of the matter is that when you compare Sikh and Hindu prisoner numbers to Muslim ones, the latter greatly outnumber the former, sure some are going to be blacks from Somalia or Nigeria, but a great many will be Pakistanis.

Most of them are in prison for sexual exploitation and drug offences.

Lack of ability to make inferences based on an incomplete picture is a sure marker of low cognitive ability. Inbreeding does that to people.
Yes, you can deduce the Pakistani prison population using the combination of broad racial stats and religious stats. Unlike the census, the MoJ doesn't release specific ethnic stats for prison population and instead lumps them into large categories like "Asian".

The fact of the matter is that when you compare Sikh and Hindu prisoner numbers to Muslim ones, the latter greatly outnumber the former, sure some are going to be blacks from Somalia or Nigeria, but a great many will be Pakistanis.

Most of them are in prison for sexual exploitation and drug offences.

Lack of ability to make inferences based on an incomplete picture is a sure marker of low cognitive ability. Inbreeding does that to people.

EVIDENCE? IF what you are saying is true then post the links to the evidence that proves your claims.
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