you are not the first taliban supporter i am dealing with, and trust me the way you guys make debate make people laugh.
secondly, Uzbeks, Hazaras and tajiks are not tribes, they dont have tribal way of life, they are ethnicities. let me ask you again, where did you get this 70% from? how can you say 70%? based on what?
guarila war huh? strange, hide yourself behind the kids and make them military target and call this a tactic and guarila war. do you know what a human shield is? they are using the civilians as human sheild. it is quite ok if they go to the deserts and mountains, but they dont do that, they are coward enough to face the enemy, they see their survival in a child's death.
Think logically
if you say the taliban are targeting innocent civillains,or hiding amongst civillains, and the taliban are being masscre by coalition troops then why are the coalition still loosing this war ?
think about:
coalition -goes after->
Taliban -goes after->
civillains -chased by->
Taliban -chased by->
surely Talibans need supplies and support in the country you are in. Killing civillain is just plain stupid and sucide, the AFghan peole will surely rise up and killl the Taliban - a dream come true for the Coalition troops. But we don't get that. The Afgan people are rugh and tough people heck they took down the soviets .
Hiding in the moutains and deserts for how long ?
ANd Unity if they are hinding in the civilain population(Who are Afghan people) then they
must be real good buddies to do that cus you couldn't just go in there blazing, the Afgan poeple will kill you.
The Talibans are not superman that they don't need to dodge bullets nor are they neo from the matix to avoid them impressivly, and to top of that they they only have basic weapons whcih are well known to the world that they are usless against the Coalition which can end this war in 6 months - but no!
If they are getting outside help - whose helpig them Iran is practically and enemy of the Taliban, Russian don;t want nothing to do with them and if they tried they will be seen by the US, China wouldn't risk a direct war with the US,Afganistan is inland and has no sea boarder and Pakistan is fighting against the Taliban along side the US. ( which the US makes no apprication what the Pakistani do afterall)
If these are foriegn fighters then there must be a major recruting area that is so big that can be seen from space and so many of them, happening every time that US official can hunt and shut them down.
Its takes that many Taliban fighters you need to stop the US + Pakistan in its numbers and its technology, and even then, the odds favor the coalition allies.
I would like to point out to all our Hindu out there who harbour ill fate about Pakistain and Muslim alike in this forum throughout. It is Pakistan who is sending her Sons and Daughters (majority are Muslilms) on to the front line fighting for your freedom - so the next time you trash Pakistan you think about them. Afterall I don't see India sending her own period.
THis small War is coming to and end to pave way for a Large Battle namely WW3