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The Reason we want to release the indian Pilot


YOUR STUPIDITY AND BLIND OBSESSION WITH ENGLISH WORDS OF HUMAN RIGHTS without actually understanding it makes you unwillingly the likes of Asma Jahangir
So by propagating the true image of ISlam and the message of the Prophet (S.A.W), we have become liberals?
Funny if this is what the world has come down to that speaking Islam and what is right is liberal now because, let me guess being away from Islam and being just like everyone else in the world and following them is conservatism now or what they refer to as "normal"?
Chalo yaar Allah kare Pakistan har tara se keet jay. I will trust u liberals on this. And if this goes sideways @Dubious I will curse u forever on this forum. And will remember this. At that time don't go running to the mods.
Why is someone who is restrained, moderate and far sighted in their thinking necessarily a liberal, and they are, then why is it necessarily a bad thing to be a liberal?
This pilot will be handed over and he will be flying Su30 the next day and
bombing Pakistan again. What idiots we have as politicians.
What's a better psyop to show the enemies' populace the true colors of their own leaders?

The true colours of Indian politicians are already know to the public of India. Releasing Indian pilot in such a hurry will serve no purpose in exposing indian politicians.
BJP leader says India-Pakistan war will help win election seats

Just watch it already and chill the eff out and stop bitching and calling it a defeat.

Indian are calling the release of Indian pilot unscathed & unconditionally as "Victory" so what should we call the same action? Victory to Pakistan?


Doing the right thing and attempting to create peace at a personal loss is never a weaker thing, it's what a strong person does.

The whole Indian attack saga is NOT PERSONAL, its National Issue. So don't try to convert national issue into personal issue. None in Pakistan has personal enmity with Indian pilot NOR he has personal enmity with any Pakistani. Indian pilot attack the nation, so its a national issue rather than personal.
The whole Indian attack saga is NOT PERSONAL, its National Issue. So don't try to convert national issue into personal issue. None in Pakistan has personal enmity with Indian pilot NOR he has personal enmity with any Pakistani. Indian pilot attack the nation, so its a national issue rather than personal.

You might want to reread my post or maybe get some classes in english if you didn't understand the use of word "personal" in there.

As for what indian media is doing and saying. Their public is questioning them now and there are several other threads on it including one of my own. Might want to check them out.
Why is a Skeptic
Necessarily a ghaddar??
With Indian IP???
Why is someone who is restrained, moderate and far sighted in their thinking necessarily a liberal, and they are, then why is it necessarily a bad thing to be a liberal?
You might want to reread my post or maybe get some classes in english if you didn't understand the use of word "personal" in there.

I very well understand the difference between "personal loss" and "national loss". I'm just pointing out the "personal" point-of-view cannot be applied here.

As for what indian media is doing and saying. Their public is questioning them now and there are several other threads on it including one of my own. Might want to check them out.

When indian public is already questioning Indian leaders then your justification of hurried release of Indian pilot (quoted below) seems invalid.

What's a better psyop to show the enemies' populace the true colors of their own leaders?
Why is a Skeptic
Necessarily a ghaddar??
With Indian IP???
No idea, mate.
I would never accuse anybody of treason for having an opposing view.
Having an opposing view is a good thing if expressed on a civilised and courteous manner.
You'd better ask the guy who accused you why he thinks what he does.
It's you who is trying to justify IK's decision.
I dont need to justify his decision...He is my PM...democratically chosen. He has been briefed in and our about the situation so has the parliament...And everyone is siding him so as a citizen, it is only wise to trust your leader!

Army has already remained silent when they were humiliated by politicians & judiciary for doing the right thing. So I know for a fact that they will remain silent, as usual, even if they don't like decision.

Even enemies know very well that Pak Army is professional through and through so showing hospitality was natural. No surprise there.
And as a professional politician, diplomacy is natural!

I am but question is that why are you angry at exercising my right to ask the sanity of releasing Indian pilot in such a hurry by government.
No one is angry. I am answering all your questions, arent I?

you tell me where is the difference between democracy & dictatorship when you put forward justifications like "The PM owes no one any explanations..."
He is PM! He doesnt owe anyone any explanations UNLESS he put the country under WORLD WAR...which mind you returning the pilot is just 1 move to de-escalate the situation and send a shocking wave to blood thirsty bats!

If they have no reason to violate our airspace anymore them doing so will automatically enhance our right to shoot them without questions nor needing to answer to anyone nor facing sanctions for anything coz we exercise our rights!

This pilot will be handed over and he will be flying Su30 the next day and
bombing Pakistan again. What idiots we have as politicians.
Then we will bomb him back. Agar uski mout likhi hai to die in his plane who are we to deprive him of that? But we def arent going to babysit him for years ...dont got no money nor time for irrelevant creatures! Stop making him a superstar or giving him importance!

The true colours of Indian politicians are already know to the public of India. Releasing Indian pilot in such a hurry will serve no purpose in exposing indian politicians.
BJP leader says India-Pakistan war will help win election seats

Indian are calling the release of Indian pilot unscathed & unconditionally as "Victory" so what should we call the same action? Victory to Pakistan?


The whole Indian attack saga is NOT PERSONAL, its National Issue. So don't try to convert national issue into personal issue. None in Pakistan has personal enmity with Indian pilot NOR he has personal enmity with any Pakistani. Indian pilot attack the nation, so its a national issue rather than personal.
So you are more worried about what india thinks of us and what names they use against us? Why are you effected for what they say? EVERYONE knows their media is a joke that chases after TRP...now they cant air that they got slapped at military and diplomatic levels! That is too much for heart patients esp ones with small hearts that just beats to war drums!

Not sure what this means but I hope it is jeet

Lengthy but a good article!

I don't know if the govt is divided or NOT. IK should have stated explicitly as to which parties are on board with the decision of hurried release of Indian pilot. But then again, when we have pro-indians like SMQ, Indians have rightly said that they did Zero effort in getting Indian pilot released.
You see, you are watching indian news, surfing their net for praises and behaving just like indians with anger!

When will you become a Pakistani and see it from our POV?

seeking to position Pakistan as the cooler head in a confrontation that has put the world on edge.
and THAT is what Pakistan wants

Indian warplanes dropped bombs inside Pakistan — it is not clear what they hit
Even the indian narrative isnt being played

the narrative that they shot some terrorist base is being erased

India accuses Pakistan of aiding in the attack, which was claimed by the terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed, but Pakistan has denied it.
Our denial has been aired usually it is missed out

From the beginning of the showdown, Pakistan’s military publicity wing has demonstrated a knack for dominating the narrative. In particular, the almost immediate official circulation of videos that appeared to show the Indian pilot being first protected from a mob by Pakistani forces, and then remarking on how well he was being treated (“The tea is fantastic!” he said in one clip), became a virally blooming propaganda coup on social media.

Pakistan has, however, been better about wielding its public information campaigns.

For instance, when India for the first time in almost 50 years sent fighter jets into Pakistani airspace to launch airstrikes, it was Pakistan that took to social media first.

Hours before any comment from India, a Pakistani military officer tweeted that Indian warplanes had bombed an empty forest and the officer posted photographs showing some craters in the dirt. Later, India claimed to have destroyed a terrorist training camp, but had no evidence to show for it.

But again, Pakistan had the jump. For three hours – an eternity in social media time — videos were going viral on Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp showing the captured Indian airman in a Pakistan military facility talking with Pakistani officers.
In public, Mr. Khan, a former international cricket star who became prime minister last summer, has tried to appear calm. Early in the crisis, he called for de-escalation, and promised to investigate any evidence linking Pakistan to Jaish-e-Mohammed’s bombings, if India would only share the evidence.

But it is India that has suffered the more glaring contradictions. The government has yet to offer any evidence publicly for its claim that it downed a Pakistan plane, which Indian officials say crashed beyond their border. Likewise, India has offered no proof that its initial airstrike on Tuesday killed “a very large number” of “terrorists, trainers, senior commanders and groups of jihadis,” as India’s foreign secretary has claimed.

Videos of a crushed building filled with bodies that soon began circulating widely on social media in India were quickly debunked. The images were not from the airstrike but from an earthquake in Pakistan more than 10 years ago.

This is beginning to take its toll on Mr. Modi, who is up for election in about two months and who until recently seemed invincible. But in some sectors, he is now being accused of military adventurism. One family of a fallen soldier called the government a liar.

Perhaps the most telling moment in the information war came on Thursday, when Pakistan seized what could have been India’s triumphant moment, the return of the pilot.

On Thursday afternoon, the whispers from advisers in Mr. Modi’s government were that top Indian generals were ready to make a major announcement at 5 p.m. But well before that time, there was Mr. Khan, standing in Parliament and breaking the news, on live television, that Pakistan would unilaterally send the Indian pilot home.

Yes maam its jeet
I dont need to justify his decision...He is my PM...democratically chosen. He has been briefed in and our about the situation so has the parliament...And everyone is siding him so as a citizen, it is only wise to trust your leader!

And as a professional politician, diplomacy is natural!

No one is angry. I am answering all your questions, arent I?

He is PM! He doesnt owe anyone any explanations UNLESS he put the country under WORLD WAR...which mind you returning the pilot is just 1 move to de-escalate the situation and send a shocking wave to blood thirsty bats!

If they have no reason to violate our airspace anymore them doing so will automatically enhance our right to shoot them without questions nor needing to answer to anyone nor facing sanctions for anything coz we exercise our rights!

Then we will bomb him back. Agar uski mout likhi hai to die in his plane who are we to deprive him of that? But we def arent going to babysit him for years ...dont got no money nor time for irrelevant creatures! Stop making him a superstar or giving him importance!

So you are more worried about what india thinks of us and what names they use against us? Why are you effected for what they say? EVERYONE knows their media is a joke that chases after TRP...now they cant air that they got slapped at military and diplomatic levels! That is too much for heart patients esp ones with small hearts that just beats to war drums!

Not sure what this means but I hope it is jeet

Lengthy but a good article!

You see, you are watching indian news, surfing their net for praises and behaving just like indians with anger!

When will you become a Pakistani and see it from our POV?

and THAT is what Pakistan wants

Even the indian narrative isnt being played

the narrative that they shot some terrorist base is being erased

Our denial has been aired usually it is missed out

Reason according to India media Modi gave 24hr. notice period to Imran Khan, which Imran Khan complied like an obedient kid.
Interesting part would be to know how Imran Khan, manage to breach military standard operational procedures.
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