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The Real Ugly face of Facebook [A Must Read]

Oh man not this again, I thought we already discussed this. Well here goes...

Here's why he deserved to have his facebook page deleted.

The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

6 million people were systematically slaughtered. They were burned alive, gassed, shot, poisoned, experimented on, maimed and buried alive.

The holocaust is no joke and anyone that tries to compare it to a cartoon, irrespective of religious sentiments, deserves to be punished appropriately. It amazes me how such ignorance is tolerated around here and in the Muslim world in general.

Religion will never have the overarching status it enjoys in the Islamic world here in the west. Not today, not ever. You cannot compare what can be construed as an 'insult' at worst (a joke at best) to the horrors of the holocaust. This isn't hypocrisy, its history.

Over 70 million people died because of Hitler and you think its ok to chant 'hail fuhrer'?

'Hit them where it hurts the most', who's them? humans? what in gods name do you think he would have done when he got his hands on brown people?

How come there aren't any violent riots in Pakistan (or any other Muslim country) every time an Islamic terrorist murders innocent civilians, but sh!t hits the fan as soon as someone draws a cartoon. Tell me honestly, shouldn't a violent religious extremist trouble you more than a cartoon? Isn't he slandering the name of Islam far more than a cartoon ever could?

Instead here we find this fine gentleman, who'd rather spend his time pointing out the 'hypocrisy' of the west, and the rest of the world, creating pages of Hitler and then accuse everyone of 'conspiring' against Islam.

No one here bothered to point out any of this, and that's as ominous as it gets.

I'm sure ordinary Germans would've rather just gone about their lives in 1939 but instead they were pitted against the rest of the world simply because not enough of them stood up to the Nazis. Think about that for a second, and what it could mean for your country.
Hail Hitler

Oy hoye, you really stuck it to the 'jews' didn't you tough guy?? I really don't understand Pakistanis sometimes, everything ALWAYS comes down to the jews. Do you even know who created the page smartass?

Never mind the page, lets talk about you. Either you have blonde hair and blue eyes, or you were dropped on your head as a child. I'm guessing the latter, but moving on, do you have any idea what the Nazis would've done to you?

Ever heard of Gypsies? They're desis who immigrated to central Europe sometime in the 11th century. Perhaps you should read a little about the Nazis and how they treated our gypsy friends before you spew anymore garbage.

I bet you don't even know what their salute is called, go ahead, google it.

Hail hitler, LOL!

LMFAO!!!....i dont kno but why everyone gets pi$$ when we say "HAIL HITLER!"
i think i have to remind them their own "freedom of expressions" right!
its my goddamn opinion so GTFO!!!(thats wat everyone is doing-atleast who created and supported that page)
Oy hoye, you really stuck it to the 'jews' didn't you tough guy?? I really don't understand Pakistanis sometimes, everything ALWAYS comes down to the jews. Do you even know who created the page smartass?

Never mind the page, lets talk about you. Either you have blonde hair and blue eyes, or you were dropped on your head as a child. I'm guessing the latter, but moving on, do you have any idea what the Nazis would've done to you?

Ever heard of Gypsies? They're desis who immigrated to central Europe sometime in the 11th century. Perhaps you should read a little about the Nazis and how they treated our gypsy friends before you spew anymore garbage.

I bet you don't even know what their salute is called, go ahead, google it.

Hail hitler, LOL!


btw its not a nazi emblem in the pic...
LMFAO!!!....i dont kno but why everyone gets pi$$ when we say "HAIL HITLER!"
i think i have to remind them their own "freedom of expressions" right!
its my goddamn opinion so GTFO!!!(thats wat everyone is doing-atleast who created and supported that page)

No one's pissed, if anything we're laughing at your stupidity. The Nazis despise brown people, so brown neo nazis are quite hilarious.

Its your 'opinion' though and no one really cares...
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