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The racism against Black people across North Africa

It's not that people hate blacks for their skin tone or anything, but more so for their habits and character. No matter where you go, they are a prominent group when looking at statistics for theft and murder. You never know when a brother might go wild on you while you are peacefully walking the road. As we've seen repeatedly, people are afraid to send their kids on a school bus with those buggers on it due to their violent acts and tendencies.
I dont get the point you are trying to make. You said black people are not hated/descriminated against because of the colour of their skin? Are you even for real? Lmao. Why are they descriminated against aroung the world then? Lol You say its because of their habits and character ? They are the only ones committing crimes? Seriously?
This is exactly the language racists use to legalise their hatred and racism towards others. Its actually the same way the english defence league and others here use to justify their hated of you Pakistanis since they say its merely because tou guy are all child molesters and rapists. You never know when a white teenage british girl walking the street will be approached and groomed by an old/adult Pakistanis and raped/pass around with his brothers/friends, So that's why we should be treating you people like threats and keeping you away at an arms length. See what i did there? 😆
So quit that nonesense about its about their character and what not. Since even the educated and wealthy black people are still treated the same way by racists people simply because of the colour of their skin is black, if it wasnt black but whiter they will be treated differently. Lol So for them its makes no difference , since its just another niggas with abit of money/education. Doesn't change their view of them dude. I say this because i myself have seen this quite a few times. I just privately stay away from such conversations when i hear others say such things(which they think i approve of). Lol
The thing is that its something that is ingrained in most peoples mind. A black man will be held to different standards compared to a white guy if i want to be honest. They are things we can get away with that they wont get away with even in the work place/public/travel(have seen it even at airports) etc. Sometimes it can be quite subtle and not always obvious at first glance , other times it is obvious. Depends on the person.
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Lop It's actually funny since from what I have heard from black people who have been to North Africa and Middle East. They say the people there are overall more racists than even anything they have faced in western Europe. Lol
I have been to several North African countries and I was surprised to see many people from there complaining about "Africans" coming to their country either for work or transit point to Europe. I was actually surprised since in my head me and my wife were like: "Is this not an African country?" Lol
The thing is many North African people don't consider themselves Africans, in fact in their mind Africans are the subsahran African ones I.e blacks. So they don't want to associate themselves with them, they consider themselves more like Arabs or as an Arab country not African.
Moreover, unlike what you are saying about raising a question about Muslim being racists . It has nothing to do with religion, people who are racists are simply racists irrespective of their religion..in fact religion plays little to no role in how people view other races. People have their own bias and preferences. I am abit inclined towards those that said religion is just a social construction – that is, that religion (particularly, belief in an interventionist or “moralistic” GOD, meaning a GOD interested in human affairs and morality) is something invented by society, in order to regulate its citizenry.

I actually often feel for black African countries/people. Basically nobody in any continent whatsoever that I've been to wants to associate themselves with them. It's same in the South American countries I visited. Its even worse in Argentina(probably one of the most racists anti black countries I have ever visited). Anyway, the world we live in is like that. We just have to deal with it. Life has never been fair and won't ever be. So no point crying about it.
Because "African" has no meaning in reality, based on this logic, we are all humans so why does racism exist at all? Why focus on North Africans here specifically?

The fact is Africa is simply a geographical region. By having the label of "African" doesn't magically make them the same or connected in a special way that racism is considered out of the ordinary.

This person below


Doesn't magically become the same or connected to the person below just because you label them "African", in every metric they have vast differences. Just like when comparing a European to below - both can be called "human" but vastly different


It's shameful but it seems to be the truth that the Africans are hated for their colour and appearance. The propensity of criminal and violent activity is another reason but even without it they are disliked. I guess what people find pleasing to their eyes plays a significant role in the subconscious mind. More education and exposure will reduce it but unfortunately it won't eliminate it.
This is 100% true, several studies done on the topic.

Just like a woman will tolerate being bossed around or "sexist" remarks or advances from a handsome man, while seeing it as oppressive, creepy, misogynistic from a less handsome man.

Same way people tolerate those that are more pleasing to the yes.
This is the truth. Whites are nowhere near as racist as the middle eastern people in the present time.
They are beyond racists; I travel to Oman a lot - no issues; we have same people there. But kuwait you can see it.
I wonder what such racists would say that two of the Prophet's foster mothers were black African, one being very dear to him called 'Barakah'. He called her his mother and she was always with him.
The first martyr of Islam was a Black African woman 'Sumayah'.
The legendary first caller in Islam was Bilal the freed slave and good friend of the Prophet.
He was mocked by the Arab nobles many times calling him a Prophet of Black folk, as so many slaves gathered around him.
mere fact that PBUH in his last sermon said there is no difference amongst you.... that message is lost somewhere....

In morocco.. king of morocco's mother is a senegal lady. she was in their household as a child.. yes, it is the dark secret of the magreb.
dark skin latinos and blacks straight up taking over demographically in America and all the white girls want their mix race babies. Same thing in the UK and France so a lot of black jealousy i can sense here. Someone seems upset their sister/cousin/mother/daughter is getting gang banged by blacks and having mixed kids who don't know their real father.

Ummah, Islamic solidarity......but only if you are not Black!!!
I dont get the point you are trying to make. You said black people are not hated/descriminated against because of the colour of their skin? Are you even for real? Lmao. Why are they descriminated against aroung the world then? Lol You say its because of their habits and character ? They are the only ones committing crimes? Seriously?
This is exactly the language racists use to legalise their hatred and racism towards others. Its actually the same way the english defence league and others here use to justify their hated of you Pakistanis since they say its merely because tou guy are all child molesters and rapists. You never know when a white teenage british girl walking the street will be approached and groomed by an old/adult Pakistanis and raped/pass around with his brothers/friends, So that's why we should be treating you people like threats and keeping you away at an arms length. See what i did there? 😆
So quit that nonesense about its about their character and what not. Since even the educated and wealthy black people are still treated the same way by racists people simply because of the colour of their skin is black, if it wasnt black but whiter they will be treated differently. Lol So for them its makes no difference , since its just another niggas with abit of money/education. Doesn't change their view of them dude. I say this because i myself have seen this quite a few times. I just privately stay away from such conversations when i hear others say such things(which they think i approve of). Lol
The thing is that its something that is ingrained in most peoples mind. A black man will be held to different standards compared to a white guy if i want to be honest. They are things we can get away with that they wont get away with even in the work place/public/travel(have seen it even at airports) etc. Sometimes it can be quite subtle and not always obvious at first glance , other times it is obvious. Depends on the person.
Don't know about Arab countries but in America, the percentage of criminals are highest among black population. I believe this to be an culture issue.
Lol As I said, no continent in the world(and i have been to all (5 continents) wants to be associated with black people. I will say they are the most despised race on earth. Reason I actually feel for them to be honest. Imagine you were black how that will make you feel.
It's funny that even Indians who are nowhere close to white , in fact there are even dark skin Indians, though even dark skin Indians are discriminated against as well. In fact even infias so called peaceful freedom fighter Guru was a known anti black racists. Lol

In short it seems dark skin/black is looked down upon almost everywhere, while white skin is worshipped. Everyone here knows that, though they might not want to admit it publicly 😆
I would say that's generally true but would also depend on specific context. In modern US society, you can argue that being Black actually gives you more advantages than if you were an Asian (either East Asian/South Asian/Middle Eastern) or Latino (more native blood) immigrant. Society and government in general are geared to be way more sympathetic to African Americans than if you were a voiceless immigrant. African Americans are well represented in entertainment, in pop culture, in sports and in politics, they are way more powerful than some Asian engineer or Mexican construction worker who are expected to just shut up and work.
I would say that's generally true but would also depend on specific context. In modern US society, you can argue that being Black actually gives you more advantages than if you were an Asian (either East Asian/South Asian/Middle Eastern) or Latino (more native blood) immigrant. Society and government in general are geared to be way more sympathetic to African Americans than if you were a voiceless immigrant. African Americans are well represented in entertainment, in pop culture, in sports and in politics, they are way more powerful than some Asian engineer or Mexican construction worker who are expected to just shut up and work.
They aren't well represented in higher education. I believe it's a culture issue.

I would say that's generally true but would also depend on specific context. In modern US society, you can argue that being Black actually gives you more advantages than if you were an Asian (either East Asian/South Asian/Middle Eastern) or Latino (more native blood) immigrant. Society and government in general are geared to be way more sympathetic to African Americans than if you were a voiceless immigrant. African Americans are well represented in entertainment, in pop culture, in sports and in politics, they are way more powerful than some Asian engineer or Mexican construction worker who are expected to just shut up and work.
They aren't well represented in higher education. I believe it's a culture issue.
They aren't well represented in higher education. I believe it's a culture issue.

They aren't well represented in higher education. I believe it's a culture issue.
I didn't mention higher education. They are well represented in the fields I mentioned.
I didn't mention higher education. They are well represented in the fields I mentioned.
The fields you mention doesn't exactly employ many people. Without education, most blacks are limited to minimum wage.
And Pakistanis treat African Kaliyaa lesser than Indian Hindus!

Pakistanis always say they hate Indians more than anything else in the world, but that's a lie, you hate the African Kaliyaa way more, even if the Kaliyaa are Muslim!

If a conservative, momeneen Pakistani had to choose between marrying an African Kaliyaa Muslim and an Indian Hindu, the Pakistani would choose the Hindu over the Muslim!

If a deeply momeneen Pakistani had to choose between marrying an African Kaliyaa Muslim and converting to stinky Hinduism, the momeneen Pakistani would rather convert to stinky Hinduism, because his hatred of the black skin colour is 100-times stronger than his love for Islam!

So don't act like Pakistanis are less racist than Arabs, you are not, at least when it comes to the Kaliyaa, even if the Kaliyaa are Muslim!!!

That’s not true. I know a Pakistani girl who married a Black American Christian. The general opinion was that if he had converted to Islam it wouldn’t have been a problem. He didn’t and the wedding happened as normal.

Marrying a Hindu would be considered much worse than a Muslim black.
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Lop It's actually funny since from what I have heard from black people who have been to North Africa and Middle East. They say the people there are overall more racists than even anything they have faced in western Europe. Lol
I have been to several North African countries and I was surprised to see many people from there complaining about "Africans" coming to their country either for work or transit point to Europe. I was actually surprised since in my head me and my wife were like: "Is this not an African country?" Lol
The thing is many North African people don't consider themselves Africans, in fact in their mind Africans are the subsahran African ones I.e blacks. So they don't want to associate themselves with them, they consider themselves more like Arabs or as an Arab country not African.
Moreover, unlike what you are saying about raising a question about Muslim being racists . It has nothing to do with religion, people who are racists are simply racists irrespective of their religion..in fact religion plays little to no role in how people view other races. People have their own bias and preferences. I am abit inclined towards those that said religion is just a social construction – that is, that religion (particularly, belief in an interventionist or “moralistic” GOD, meaning a GOD interested in human affairs and morality) is something invented by society, in order to regulate its citizenry.

I actually often feel for black African countries/people. Basically nobody in any continent whatsoever that I've been to wants to associate themselves with them. It's same in the South American countries I visited. Its even worse in Argentina(probably one of the most racists anti black countries I have ever visited). Anyway, the world we live in is like that. We just have to deal with it. Life has never been fair and won't ever be. So no point crying about it.
Nobody likes people where they don't belong. They hated whites in Rhodesia and I believe I don't need to talk about South Africa.

For 300.000 years we lived as tribes and nations separated from one another, only in the last 200 years people really started to move freely and go to places where they don't belong. It's having destructive effects because it's so unnatural.

Whenever you watch something about Rhodesia, you will see comments such as "africa belongs to africans, whitey GTFO"
Just because europeans don't have the balls to say the same about Europe, doesn't make it the norm.

100 yers in the future I'm pretty sure Japan will still be Japan, but all these multiculturalist countries are going to have big problems. Either they will lose all of their identity, becoming muttlands or they will tear themselves apart, getting balkanized.
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I don't know about north africa but generaly Black peoples are facing more racism in social media in last few years and I blame woke companies for that..
For example Netflix constantly turn popular white movie characters into black characters
and they accuse anyone who opposes it with racism...
It's so pathetic how some try to divert attention.....

It is totally irrelevant how Blacks live in the US, in Europe or anywhere else!

The only thing that matters is the situation of Blacks in Muslim countries!!!

Blacks in the Muslim world don't behave like Blacks in the US, it's the total opposite, Blacks in the Muslim world behave perfectly and don't cause any harm to anyone.

Don't try to hide your racism by associating them with for example American blacks, they are not the same just because they have the same skin colour! Otherwise we could also say that Muslim Pakistanis and Hindu Indians are exactly the same just because they look the same!

Blacks in the Muslim world behave like all non-blacks in the Muslim world!

Now the question is, if Islam is against racism, why is there this apocalyptical-driven racism against Blacks in the Muslim world?!?!
Why do Muslims deeply hate Blacks, even if this Blacks are Muslims?!?!
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