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The Question of "Shia Genocide" in Pakistan.

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Again, you are openly supporting Sipah Sahaba Pakistan (a banned terrorist outfit) and declaring their mission "legitimate" ..... This should leave no doubt in the mind of the readers that why did you come up with the implausibly low figures of 1800 Shias killed in 17 years.

And Jhangvi was killed in 1990, two years after the assassination of the founder of Tehrik-e-Jafaria Pakistan, Arif Hussaini (who was killed in Aug 1988). The Assailants/hitmen (regardless of who sent them, Jhangvi or Zia) were believed to be associated with the Sipah Sahaba Pakistan (http://web.stanford.edu/group/mappingmilitants/cgi-bin/groups/view/147). So, your claim that "the circle of violence started with Jhangvi's murder" is baseless
You cannot bully me into submission.
You need to hold a discussion subjectively and with proof.
Quote me any news report of Mass shia killins during Jhangvi's life? There weren't any. That's why state did not touch him.
Like i said , the circle of violence started after Jhangvi's assassination and change of direction of ssp objectives.
Me and many Sunnis like me reserve the right to condemn caertain shi apractices of Insulting Sahaba and even Ummhat ul; Momineen,

Yes, hurting others' religious sentiments is highly condemnable ... No matter whose religious sentiments are being hurt .... of Sunnis, Shias, Ahmedis, or of any Non Muslim
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Its crystal clear that wahabis and their kind call for extermination of shia for one reason

We shia don't recognize the first three khulafa and Yazeed who killed Imam Hussain PBUH yes call some sahaba bad names is wrong but every nation has some ignorant people who have dirty mouth every one now that doesn't give no one the right to judge the whole nation or group of people as the same.
It is a sad reality. However blame Khomeni for his 1979 Revolution, who exported his ideas to Pakistan, the Arab world and elsewhere and in response the establishment had to 'react'.

Pakistan didn't want another break up, this time in the name of religion/sectarianism. Iranian agents like Allama Arif-ul-Hussain Al-Hussaini wanted to make a shia state in shia majority districts of Gilgit Baltistan and elsewhere.
If Iran-Iraq war hadn't begun in 1980s, and if Pakistan hadn't had anti-Khomeini (terrorist) organisations; we would have seen all this in 1980s that we see today in Iraq, Yemen and Saudi Arabia and off course Pakistan wouldn't be different from Syria.

At the same time you can't ignore the deaths occurred at the hands of Iran-sponsored terrorists of certain factions of Sunnis. There were indiscriminate shootings in Sunni masjids as well as Shia masjids.

It was very much probably that Indian elements also took advantage from the situation.
Even if i take the 1800 number to be accurate, it is still a big number especially if we see that these loss of lives would have affected 1800 families. So my question is WHY? Why do 1800 people have to die? Why can't people just mind their own business? Who are they to judge who is a proper muslim or not? Allah gave life and only Allah should take it, who are these people who are trying to play god?

Problem is that the justice system in Pakistan is obsolete and people are taking advantage of portions of Islam that suits them, like Diya (Blood Money) where a rich person can kill anyone he wants and get away with it or the blasphemy law where anyone can get another person killed by labelling them a blasphemer without proof and without any fear or repercussion.

Stern actions need to be taken to eliminate any and all people with fanatic or fundamentalist ideology starting with that Mulla Burka. Enough is enough, Pakistan wasn't made so that people of different ethnicity or sects can go around killing others willy-nilly.

May Allah give guidance to all these people so that they can see right from wrong.
Even if i take the 1800 number to be accurate, it is still a big number especially if we see that these loss of lives would have affected 1800 families. So my question is WHY? Why do 1800 people have to die? Why can't people just mind their own business? Who are they to judge who is a proper muslim or not? Allah gave life and only Allah should take it, who are these people who are trying to play god?

Problem is that the justice system in Pakistan is obsolete and people are taking advantage of portions of Islam that suits them, like Diya (Blood Money) where a rich person can kill anyone he wants and get away with it or the blasphemy law where anyone can get another person killed by labelling them a blasphemer without proof and without any fear or repercussion.

Stern actions need to be taken to eliminate any and all people with fanatic or fundamentalist ideology starting with that Mulla Burka. Enough is enough, Pakistan wasn't made so that people of different ethnicity or sects can go around killing others willy-nilly.

May Allah give guidance to all these people so that they can see right from wrong.
You have to look at both sides of the picture. No doubt, the shia killings are wrong and anti-human, but Sunnis have also been killed by shia militants. 1990s witnessed horrible scenes of shooting in both Sunni and Shia masjids. Those were tit for tat killing, that we also saw in post Saddam Iraq.

Don't forget the Grand Mosque Seizure (Terrorist invasion of Holy Kabah):

The Grand Mosque seizure occurred during November and December 1979 when extremist insurgents calling for the overthrow of the House of Saud took over Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The insurgents declared that the Mahdi (Last Shia Imam) had arrived in the form of one of their leaders – Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani – and called on Muslims to obey him.

While the siege of the Grand Mosque in Mecca was taking place, between 26 November to 3 December 1979 a revolt by the Shiite Muslim minority in the oil-rich Al-Hasa province of Saudi Arabia, known as the 1979 Qatif Uprising, took place.

All this was the gift of Khomeini's Revolution in 1979.

Watch this video of an attack on the House of Allah by Khomeini's Iranian Terrorists:

After all these dirty and infidel attacks on most sacred place of Muslims, you can't make peace with the mischievous people.

Shias of Pakistan were fooled and used by Khomeini against the state, and then what happened in reaction was equally sad. We condemn both wrong things.
You have to look at both sides of the picture. No doubt, the shia killings are wrong and anti-human, but Sunnis have also been killed by shia militants. 1990s witnessed horrible scenes of shooting in both Sunni and Shia masjids. Those were tit for tat killing, that we also saw in post Saddam Iraq.

Don't forget the Grand Mosque Seizure (Terrorist invasion of Holy Kabah):

The Grand Mosque seizure occurred during November and December 1979 when extremist insurgents calling for the overthrow of the House of Saud took over Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The insurgents declared that the Mahdi (Last Shia Imam) had arrived in the form of one of their leaders – Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani – and called on Muslims to obey him.

While the siege of the Grand Mosque in Mecca was taking place, between 26 November to 3 December 1979 a revolt by the Shiite Muslim minority in the oil-rich Al-Hasa province of Saudi Arabia, known as the 1979 Qatif Uprising, took place.

All this was the gift of Khomeini's Revolution in 1979.

Watch this video of an attack on the House of Allah by Khomeini's Iranian Terrorists:

After all these dirty and infidel attacks on most sacred place of Muslims, you can't make peace with the mischievous people.

Shias of Pakistan were fooled and used by Khomeini against the state, and then what happened in reaction was equally sad. We condemn both wrong things.

This thread is not about the ME or Sunni-Shia wars. It is about "Shia Genocide in Pakistan". So take your irrelevant sectarian BS to some other thread please
This thread is not about the ME or Sunni-Shia wars. It is about "Shia Genocide in Pakistan". So take your irrelevant sectarian BS to some other thread please

Shia genocide has a reason. They were not killed because it was a fashion to kill shias. This has a background, you can't ignore it. And you can't hide facts with an 'excuse of sectarianism'.

There's no sectarianism in this thread.

I'm condemning shia killings as much as I condemn sunni killings.
Its crystal clear that wahabis and their kind call for extermination of shia for one reason

We shia don't recognize the first three khulafa and Yazeed who killed Imam Hussain PBUH yes call some sahaba bad names is wrong but every nation has some ignorant people who have dirty mouth every one now that doesn't give no one the right to judge the whole nation or group of people as the same.
Point is being able to discuss that with good knowledge. Cool head and not branding as terrorist those who oppose your point of view.
Sunni clerics now cannot say anything against such shoa beliefs in Friday sermons without risking arrests.
Watch this video of Khomeini's planted Agent (Arif-ul-Hussain Al-Hussaini) in Pakistan who was a separatist in the name of 'sectarianism' and was finally assassinated:

Shia genocide has a reason. They were not killed because it was a fashion to kill shias. This has a background, you can't ignore it. And you can't hide facts with an 'excuse of sectarianism'.

There's no sectarianism in this thread.

I'm condemning shia killings as much as I condemn sunni killings.

So you believe that Shias killing or fighting Sunnis in the ME (or somewhere else) somehow justifies Shia Genocide in Pakistan ???

We, as a nation, can no longer afford to harbor this kind of sick mentality
Note the last words of this video: He's saying that his mission was to acquire political power for the shia community in Pakistan such that whoever takes the hold of government will do so at the will of Khomeini funded Shias. In other words Iran's sectarian control on Pakistan's political power.

So you believe that Shias killing or fighting Sunnis in the ME (or somewhere else) somehow justifies Shia Genocide in Pakistan ???

We, as a nation, can no longer afford to harbor this kind of sick mentality

Don't put your conclusion in my mouth.

And watch this sick mentality in the video of Arif-al-Hussain Al-Hussaini who wanted to take over Pakistan politically under the banner of Khomeini's Ideology.

پاکستان کسی تنگ نظر مذہبی شدت پسند کے باپ کی جاگیر نہیں ہے کہ فرقہ واریت اور انقلاب کے نام پر پاکستان پر قبضہ کر لو۔
پاکستان پر اٹھنے والی میلی آنکھ کو نوچ کر پھینکنا آتا ہے ہمیں۔
I only collected data on numbers.
Can you call 1800 Shia killed over 17 years , a genocide? That is the question.
First of all, thanks for bringing up this topic. 2nd of all, before you qualify what is a genocide or not, how about you post the definition of genocide(e.g- from a dictionary)firs then we can use that as a context? finally, i bet its more than 1800 shia killed over 17 years in Pakistan. That sounds low.
Watch this video of Khomeini's planted Agent (Arif-ul-Hussain Al-Hussaini) in Pakistan who was a separatist in the name of 'sectarianism' and was finally assassinated:

Ok, I wasted five minutes watching that video and just as I expected, there is absolutely nothing in that video that suggests that this guy was a "separatist" !!

I urge everyone to watch this video and compare it with the "description" given by @Hamzay to understand how Sectarian BS propaganda is carried out.
1800 per 17 years means around 106/year and if you compare this with the people killed in traffic accidents per year, you will find that it is by no means a genocide.
This is ridiculous! You cant compare traffic deaths with bombings of shia because one is intentional and the other is unintentional. damn man!
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