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The power bloc: Turkey is done with the EU, and now eyeing a Pakistan, Russia, China alliance


Nov 26, 2016
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The power bloc

A power bloc may just be formed from the friendship between Ankara, Islamabad, Russia and China. As celebrations are ongoing for the 70 years of diplomatic ties between Turkey and Pakistan, the long economic relations between Ankara and Islamabad bring China and Russia together to form a formidable four-nation bloc.

The relationship between Pakistan and Turkey has dated back to several centuries and this has been the foundation for bringing the two nations together that could possibly gain from the power bloc, that is, China from Pakistan’s side and Russia from Turkey’s side,

Erdogan wants to join China-Russia bloc via Pakistan

Both nations have traded more diplomatic trips and signed military deals worth millions of dollars but Turkey was the first to start speculations about possibly having a power bloc with China, Pakistan and Russia in November. The Turkish President, Tayyip Erdogan declared publicly his country’s intent to joining a bloc dominated by Russia and China and give up hope on joining the European Union.

He made relevant suggestions towards the seemingly Turkish regime’s polices in the wake of the failed coup which was anti government in July 2016. Erdogan declared joining forces with China, Pakistan, and Russia amidst the criticisms for his policies with the coup conspirators. The EU has been delaying talks about the membership of Turkey and this has enraged the Erdogan government and now more motivated to seek this powerful bloc as an alternative.

Recently, the Shanghai cooperation Organization (SCO) led by China and Russia has caught the interest of Erdogan. The game changer for the world would be Ankara joining the most ambitious organization in Eurasia. This could help to give rise to the China-Russia-Pakistan-Turkey power bloc and an even more powerful and formidable military and economy compared to China-Russia-Pakistani-Triangle.

Why has the time come?

The first time the Turkish military, Janissary Mehter band which was established in 1299 took part in the recent Pakistan Day Parade. It was met with a standing ovation when it played ‘Jeeway (Long Live) Pakistan.

Turkey has always been a close ally to Pakistan on many international issues, especially backing Pakistan’s stance on the issue of Kashmir. Last year, Turkey disagreed to back India on joining the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) but supported the membership of Pakistan in the NSG.

Erdogan, during his visit to Islamabad in November, reiterated that his country is eager to strengthen ties with Pakistan. This visit was months after the Turkish President visited Moscow where Putin discussed strengthening of economic, diplomatic and military ties. What this means is that the four nations are coming together from all directions and could likely form a four nation power bloc in the near future.

Turkey to join China, Russia-led bloc, not EU

Criticisms from the west has plagued the President’s persona in the last few months, if his country officially joins forces with China, Russia and Pakistan thereby giving up the long hopes of joining the EU over the decades, this would make more sense, same thing the Turkish President suggested a some time back.

There’s a higher chance for Turkey with respect to joining China and Russia led SCO than that of the EU. As Ankara holds vital importance for Eurasia and has served as a prominent ally for the organization, Turkey should expect deeper relations within the SCO says the Chinese Foreign Minister. In December, China has agreed to consider Turkey’s application to join the Chinese and Russia dominated bloc.

Erdogan has reinstated that Turkey should pursue joining the SCO and that Turkey doesn’t need to be part of the EU ‘at all costs’. His statements came in after he cleansed his country’s military following the failed coup in July 2016 and an aftermath of plummeting relations and a lack of trust between Ankara and the West. Pakistan, China and Russia supported with him firmly and expressed solidarity with Turkey while the West critiqued his methods of punishing the organizers of the attempted coup during his government.

Are Turkey-Pakistan-China-Russia coming together soon?

China, Pakistan, Turkey and Russia has stepped up efforts to strengthen ties within the bloc. They seem to be gearing towards the creation of a four nation power bloc

China enjoys a close partnership with Pakistan and Russia relies on stability in its relations with Turkey. Russia seems to be abandoning India, it’s top Asian ally for several decades and restoring ties with Turkey and warming up to China on all fronts and strengthening ties with Pakistan. Recently, Pakistan has started getting diplomatic, military and economic support from Russia and has been particularly close to China and Turkey for years.

Turkey is still one of the major allies in terms of diplomacy, trade, economic ties and defense cooperation of the Pakistan. With China, Ankara has enjoyed stable economic and military ties but their bilateral relations are set to hit the roof after the support showed by China over the attempted July 2016 coup during Erdogan regime. As for Russia and Turkey, after the Turkish Air force downed a Russian jet in 2015, it took a strain on their bilateral relations, recently Moscow and Ankara, are beginning to restore ties.

They seem to be focused towards creating a power bloc of four allied nations between Ankara, Beijing, Moscow and Islamabad.

Close even very close ties are ok but alliance with china and russia another story. We are simply just too different.
Based on geography, Turkey can not avoid EU...But yes, they can have good relation with China for economic sense..
According to the Turkish journalists close to the establishment, Turkey has decided to be a part of the OBOR. In fact, it's one of the 5 most important countries there. OBOR folks want to establish 4 different financial centers - London, Istanbul, Doha and Shanghai. Current scuffles are all revolving around this plan....
It is not that Turkey is done with EU. EU doesn't want Turkey. And, alliance is an overstatement. Any attempt to make closer relationship is just an attempt to improve its international environment.
China doesn't like Turkey, coz they are supporting the Uigur separatists and even they are providing shelter to their leaders.
Russians don't like Turkey either, coz they are promoting salafism in the middle east but Russia supports secular dictatorships there.
Erdogan and Putin hate each other. Putin insulted Erdogan hardley.
China doesn't like Turkey, coz they are supporting the Uigur separatists and even they are providing shelter to their leaders.
Russians don't like Turkey either, coz they are promoting salafism in the middle east but Russia supports secular dictatorships there.
Erdogan and Putin hate each other. Putin insulted Erdogan hardley.

And China hates Pakistan because the Taliban support Uighur separatists. And Russia hates Pakistan because Pakistan was instrumental in the Russian defeat in Afghanistan. And China hates Russia because of their border disputes. Right? :hitwall:

Diplomacy is about managing the differences and promoting the agreements to improve relations and lead to economic growth. Do you think these 4 countries cannot see that? :disagree:
China - Pakistan - Russia - Turkey

The way forward for Humanity















Way forward

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This block is slowly emerging and will take form gradually. Each of the four countries facing similar challenges from same side, anglo-saxon-zino-christian block. China is agnostic but it has economo-geopolitical ambitions and challenges at par.

This alliance will grow inwardly out and outwardly in. Pak-Turkey, Pak-China-RF, Turkey-RF, China-RF. China-RF already an alliance since demise of 1st Cold War.
Russia reportedly gave advance info to Turkey on feto-millitary coup.
These countries will make a powerful alliance during the second Cold War well into open hostilities erupting in ....probably next 10 years.
And China hates Pakistan because the Taliban support Uighur separatists.
Pakistan supports China and not at all the Uigurs.

And Russia hates Pakistan because Pakistan was instrumental in the Russian defeat in Afghanistan
USSR decided to disengage in Afghanistan coz of Gorbatschows "perestroika and glasnost" policy.
And the current ruling party had decided to split USSR.
Btw it is long back and nobody is interested in that anymore.

And China hates Russia because of their border disputes. Right?
This border issue are just minor issues. China and Russia can get ally easily. The border issues between India and China are minor either. The major issue what China has is that we are providing shelter to Dalai Lama.

Diplomacy is about managing the differences and promoting the agreements to improve relations and lead to economic growth. Do you think these 4 countries cannot see that?
Forget about it Putin and Erdogan will never get friends or ally.
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Close even very close ties are ok but alliance with china and russia another story. We are simply just too different.
Why not start with Pakistan then ?
Have a NATO style partnership with Pakistan and come to each others formal aid Incase of war .
That is complex thing, also Turkey wanted to be in EU bloc not because of defense alliance but because of it economy. Turkey, Russia, China bloc can be strategic but not economic.
This block is slowly emerging and will take form gradually. Each of the four countries facing similar challenges from same side, anglo-saxon-zino-christian block. China is agnostic but it has economo-geopolitical ambitions and challenges at par.

This alliance will grow inwardly out and outwardly in. Pak-Turkey, Pak-China-RF, Turkey-RF, China-RF. China-RF already an alliance since demise of 1st Cold War.
Russia reportedly gave advance info to Turkey on feto-millitary coup.
These countries will make a powerful alliance during the second Cold War well into open hostilities erupting in ....probably next 10 years.
Pakistan supports China and not at all the Uigurs.

USSR decided to disengage in Afghanistan coz of Gorbatschows "perestroika and glasnost" policy.
And the current ruling party had decided to split USSR.
Btw it is long back and nobody is interested in that anymore.

This border issue are just minor issues. China and Russia can get ally easily. The border issues between India and China are minor either. The major issue what China has is that we are providing shelter to Dalai Lama.

Forget about it Putin and Erdogan will never get friends or ally.

You still don't get it, do you?

Minor irritants don't change strategy. Strategy is made after consideration of large set of circumstances that provide overarching geopolitical direction. Putin meets with Xi Jinping on a monthly or quarterly basis. Erdogan is pursuing his strategy of looking East and South rather than West. Despite Turkey shooting down a Russian jet, they are getting along famously. That is because their interests coincide.

Is that so hard to understand?
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Other than China

Turkey Russian and Pakistan are small.economies with no influence on global.trade and influence.

Intact Indian gdp is larger than.those three countries combined.

No way can it challenge NATO
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