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The power bloc: Turkey is done with the EU, and now eyeing a Pakistan, Russia, China alliance

After F35 refusal Turkey now should look for new alliances.

Turk's consider them selves more European than Asian and more affinity with NATO than any strange Easter empire like China.

Russia is a struggling former great power with a small gdp economy and dieing arms industry IE Su57

Good luck with your doomed new alliance

Without the major rich western nations or rich Arab nations your alliance has about as much influence as a African dictator
Turk's consider them selves more European than Asian and more affinity with NATO than any strange Easter empire like China.

Turk's consideration as themselves more European or not, they are not going to be admitted in EU, Turks can never be part of European Union. So knowing that what best block and union Turks should be part of then?

Russia is a struggling former great power with a small gdp economy and dieing arms industry IE Su57

Good luck with your doomed new alliance

Without the major rich western nations or rich Arab nations your alliance has about as much influence as a African dictator

Russia is no doubt struggling but so is EU, look at the condition inside Europe now, and look at US. Which country is rising is China, and Russia has strong relations with China. About the new A/C tech, yes Su 57 needs alot of work, but US also refused Turkey to buy F35 aircrafts, now what do you do about this scenario.

In short Turkey has to make or look for new alliances, new block. maybe SCO or Muslim Block?
Other than China

Turkey Russian and Pakistan are small.economies with no influence on global.trade and influence.

Intact Indian gdp is larger than.those three countries combined.

No way can it challenge NATO
Ofc the only important country in the world is India . Because they have "so much money"
Turk's consideration as themselves more European or not, they are not going to be admitted in EU, Turks can never be part of European Union. So knowing that what best block and union Turks should be part of then?

Russia is no doubt struggling but so is EU, look at the condition inside Europe now, and look at US. Which country is rising is China, and Russia has strong relations with China. About the new A/C tech, yes Su 57 needs alot of work, but US also refused Turkey to buy F35 aircrafts, now what do you do about this scenario.

In short Turkey has to make or look for new alliances, new block. maybe SCO or Muslim Block?

Turkey dos not need to chjanger ANYTHING

They are already a very important powerful country.
Very impressive military which is built on western USA European technology.
Strong trade and tourists links especially from Europe.

ISRAEL cant join EU so what ?????????

china is half the world away. AND a isolated strange race
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