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The possiblity that China become the world largest economy in 1-2 years?

Well shooting ppl in their head is better than being lynched to death right? Lynching is an Indian specialty.
You should ask him if he prefers to be lynched or shot in the head. Let's see how smart he is. :D
There is an another Chinese way to become largest economy. Over report GDP growth like China always does. Like china under reported , corona deaths hundreds of time, Like china over reports their GDP by 900 bn USD, China can be the world's largest economy.
So glad you can join us in the open air toilet known as India. Your unsubstantiated opinions are worth as much as the human waste your produce.
So glad you can join us in the open air toilet known as India. Your unsubstantiated opinions are worth as much as the human waste your produce.
By living in corona hub of the world, frustrated 50 cent gang often post like this. it's not your fault. The world is ready to get an another gift in the form of deadly rat virus from your country. I am very sure that you will keep on gifting world like this.

Well shooting ppl in their head is better than being lynched to death right? Lynching is an Indian specialty.

Ohhhh , Now I know the reason why xi's army should innocent Muslims in their head and that too in large number.

Much behind? China's auto market is the world largest, just go back to your cow shithole.:rofl:

I cannot help the Idiots and semi educated who cannot even comprehend simple sentence.
By living in corona hub of the world, frustrated 50 cent gang often post like this. it's not your fault. The world is ready to get an another gift in the form of deadly rat virus from your country. I am very sure that you will keep on gifting world like this.

Ohhhh , Now I know the reason why xi's army should innocent Muslims in their head and that too in large number.

I cannot help the Idiots and semi educated who cannot even comprehend simple sentence.
Surya, one Muslim just got lynched by freedom loving hinduvatdis.
By living in corona hub of the world, frustrated 50 cent gang often post like this. it's not your fault. The world is ready to get an another gift in the form of deadly rat virus from your country. I am very sure that you will keep on gifting world like this.

Ohhhh , Now I know the reason why xi's army should innocent Muslims in their head and that too in large number.

I cannot help the Idiots and semi educated who cannot even comprehend simple sentence.

Typical indian. Makes severe outlandish and ridiculous claims yet has 0 facts or evidence to prove them....... :disagree:.........:lol:
Typical indian. Makes severe outlandish and ridiculous claims yet has 0 facts or evidence to prove them....... :disagree:.........:lol:

Yes, we noticed your loyalty to your master but 50 cent army is not my coined word. There is a plenty of materials on the topic on net. But if you want to turn a blind eye to support your master when I am helpless.
Typical indian. Makes severe outlandish and ridiculous claims yet has 0 facts or evidence to prove them....... :disagree:.........:lol:

Zero facts? Why ? Because it is not declared by Maulvi in Madrasa?

Surya, one Muslim just got lynched by freedom loving hinduvatdis.

There are small law and order problems unlike the Chinese design to cleanse Muslims from the soil of China.
Yes, we noticed your loyalty to your master but 50 cent army is not my coined word. There is a plenty of materials on the topic on net. But if you want to turn a blind eye to support your master when I am helpless.

Zero facts? Why ? Because it is not declared by Maulvi in Madrasa?

There are small law and order problems unlike the Chinese design to cleanse Muslims from the soil of China.

Actually the Madrassah is producing students with higher racial IQs than indians......:azn:.....:D:


Now, before you embarrass your little weiner self any more little boy, WHERE is the CREDIBLE, GENUINE & IRREFUTABLE evidence that proves YOUR claims from you initial post........:azn:.......FACTS please, no indianisms or BS.
Actually the Madrassah is producing students with higher racial IQs than indians......:azn:.....:D:


Now, before you embarrass your little weiner self any more little boy, WHERE is the CREDIBLE, GENUINE & IRREFUTABLE evidence that proves YOUR claims from you initial post........:azn:.......FACTS please, no indianisms or BS.

Yes, it is visible from your post.
China needs to keep itself in the safest position. Instead of showing its power and then taking responsibility, China should hide behind a strong person. The United States is the ideal shield. China does not need to replace US political and economic position, they just need to be silent and develop.

The United States was tired of being the world's policeman and Trump succeeded in persuading Americans with the slogan "America first." So why does China have to repeat America's mistakes? Why be ashamed to be a country in 2nd place?

There is no need to waste hundreds - trillions of dollars on the arms race and aid useless allies.
China needs to keep itself in the safest position. Instead of showing its power and then taking responsibility, China should hide behind a strong person. The United States is the ideal shield. China does not need to replace US political and economic position, they just need to be silent and develop.

The United States was tired of being the world's policeman and Trump succeeded in persuading Americans with the slogan "America first." So why does China have to repeat America's mistakes? Why be ashamed to be a country in 2nd place?

There is no need to waste hundreds - trillions of dollars on the arms race and aid useless allies.

Staying behind the US is not an option. China did that from between 1980 to 2018. The US is making China into an enemy and bringing out full confrontation. So keeping a low profile is not an option, it's really a sink or swim moment.
One cannot prove anything to a Madrasa educated if it is not in Islamic theology so I accept my defeat.

But the Madrassah schools are producing pupils who have a higher racial IQ then indians.........:azn::


So according to you only Muslims ask for evidence/facts to prove or confirm information or conjectures.......everyone else just accepts lies?............:rofl:

PS You admit that truth and honesty is a part of Islamic theology?.......:azn:
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