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The possiblity that China become the world largest economy in 1-2 years?

If China recedes by 9% and everybody else recedes by 18%, then it's surely possible.

Right now it's a race to see who comes out with the least damage. China is the frontrunner.

There is an another Chinese way to become largest economy. Over report GDP growth like China always does. Like china under reported , corona deaths hundreds of time, Like china over reports their GDP by 900 bn USD, China can be the world's largest economy.
There is an another Chinese way to become largest economy. Over report GDP growth like China always does. Like china under reported , corona deaths hundreds of time, Like china over reports their GDP by 900 bn USD, China can be the world's largest economy.

China's industrial output account for nearly 50% of the entire world output in terms of raw volume.

And China's consume market is the largest in the world, in terms of properties, cars, electronics and all others.

Despite of that, China is now only the second largest economy in the world in GDP term, so guess what? if China overestimate our GDP, then the rest world overestimated their GDP far far more, like count cow dump as GDP:rofl:
China's industrial output account for nearly 50% of the entire world output in terms of raw volume.

And China's consume market is the largest in the world, in terms of properties, cars, electronics and all others.

Despite of that, China is now only the second largest economy in the world in GDP term, so guess what? if China overestimate our GDP, then the rest world overestimated their GDP far far more, like count cow dump as GDP:rofl:

China is capable of manipulating any figure like they manipulate GDP and GDP growth rate.
Yes, that's the foreign owned auto maker also make fake numbers of their sales in China.:rofl:

As auto sales figures of vehicle exports can not be faked, china is much behind in sales of automobiles inspite of their claim of being world's biggest car manufacturer.

Like how Modi is downplaying corona deaths as diarrhea deaths?

Modi is Dictator like xi who has enslaved 1.4 billion people and hence Modi can not do that. Only dictator Xi has such power of declaring less than 1 pc death of actual figure.
As auto sales figures of vehicle exports can not be faked, china is much behind in sales of automobiles inspite of their claim of being world's biggest car manufacturer.

Modi is Dictator like xi who has enslaved 1.4 billion people and hence Modi can not do that. Only dictator Xi has such power of declaring less than 1 pc death of actual figure.
Tell that to the Muslims and kasmiris. India is jus another failed state, trying to be China but incompent... Lol. Tell me this, does Chinese have to right to eat beef without getting lynched? Can we drink from a public well without getting lynched? So don't give me bullshit about your freedom. Lol
Tell that to the Muslims and kasmiris. India is jus another failed state, trying to be China but incompent... Lol. Tell me this, does Chinese have to right to eat beef without getting lynched? Can we drink from a public well without getting lynched? So don't give me bullshit about your freedom. Lol

Kashmiri have all the right in India which Chinese cannot even imagine to have. Kashmir is a problem of Islamic fundamentalism which we try to address with democracy andby inclusion. Had we taken the path of what China has taken, we would have solved Kashmir problem a long back by eliminating Kashmiri Muslims like China eliminates uighur .Muslims. we are democracy and we have the democratic solutions of any issue. We don't have a ruthless dictator on the reign who has enslaved millions of people who are always in fear of being shot on the head if they try to speak anything against the government.
As auto sales figures of vehicle exports can not be faked, china is much behind in sales of automobiles inspite of their claim of being world's biggest car manufacturer.

Modi is Dictator like xi who has enslaved 1.4 billion people and hence Modi can not do that. Only dictator Xi has such power of declaring less than 1 pc death of actual figure.
Tell that to the Muslims and kasmiris. India is jus another failed state, trying to be China bit
Kashmiri have all the right in India which Chinese cannot even imagine to have. Kashmir is a problem of Islamic fundamentalism which we try to address with democracy andby inclusion. Had we taken the path of what China has taken, we would have solved Kashmir problem a long back by eliminating Kashmiri Muslims like China eliminates uighur .Muslims. we are democracy and we have the democratic solutions of any issue. We don't have a ruthless dictator on the reign who has enslaved millions of people who are always in fear of being shot on the head if they try to speak anything against the government.
As brutal as we are, we don't tie uyghurs to our jeeps. Lol. Freedom my *** OK, your people can't even drink water from a god damn well. Your women can't even walk without getting raped.
Nehru and Indians eat words on Kashmir plebiscite.

Kashmiri have all the right in India which Chinese cannot even imagine to have. Kashmir is a problem of Islamic fundamentalism which we try to address with democracy andby inclusion. Had we taken the path of what China has taken, we would have solved Kashmir problem a long back by eliminating Kashmiri Muslims like China eliminates uighur .Muslims. we are democracy and we have the democratic solutions of any issue. We don't have a ruthless dictator on the reign who has enslaved millions of people who are always in fear of being shot on the head if they try to speak anything against the government.
Nehru and Indians eat words on Kashmir plebiscite.

Kashmiris have a democracy and they have the right to choose their own leader of their choice. on other hand, Uighur Chinese who are slave of dictatori Xi who is determined to finish each and every Muslim from Chinese soil and their propaganda Army is propagating that Muslim have all the rights in China and they are safe .They are put in concentration camp and any killed whenever Xi wants.
Kashmiris have a democracy and they have the right to choose their own leader of their choice. on other hand, Uighur Chinese who are slave of dictatori Xi who is determined to finish each and every Muslim from Chinese soil and their propaganda Army is propagating that Muslim have all the rights in China and they are safe .They are put in concentration camp and any killed whenever Xi wants.
Yah sure and they strap kasmiris to the jeep. Lol
As auto sales figures of vehicle exports can not be faked, china is much behind in sales of automobiles inspite of their claim of being world's biggest car manufacturer.

Much behind? China's auto market is the world largest, just go back to your cow shithole.:rofl:
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