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The position of the PDF against terrorism and its propaganda.

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Apr 22, 2013
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i have read the rules in this forum, but i cannot see any policy against the terrrosim and its propaganda.

As you know The terrorist organisations always use some words(freedom, rights etc) to cover their violence and get the hearts/supports of regular people. And also those terrorist organisations always twist their actions and present it as freedom/democracy etc ''fight''. for example they bomb somewhere killing innocent people in some place in the World, but and then they make propaganda of it and present it as freedom/democracy etc ''fight'' in the far part of the World.

Some peoplo WHO are not familiar with the background of their( terrorists') claim over freedom/democracy etc argument can believe them easily, if there is no one WHO gives the documents and other things in order to Show them those terrorists are just making propaganda and twisting the reality.

But sometimes with the help/heads-up of some arguments written by some WHO are familiar with those propanda smelling news , Those third part people see that those(news/ claims etc) are pure propaganda of terrorism covered behind some innocent words like freedom/democracy etc. but do nothing and allow them without realizing that they become part of those actions at the part of propaganda phase.

In this forum i have written and showed many times that some topics in here smell propaganda of terrorism; however, the mods ignore them without clarifying the stance of the forum against terrorism and propaganda of it.

A simple question: Does the PDF let the propaganda of terrorism in this forum?

If yes, no further question on me; but if no, then please explain one of those propaganda smelling topic:

Kurds protest wall being built by Turkey - clash with police

at that topic the ''protesters'' are holding some signs that praise a terrorist organisation and its prisoned leader; but the title of that topic claims that its a protest against a Wall to separate two relative people on the both sides of the borders.

As a third party, The PDF mods are infromed by me via report button; however, Such propagandas are done here and the PDF is used as a ''tool'' for this.

Are you ok with that?
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Dear opening poster. We only post news as reported by World media like the one you have mentioned. SO NO we do not promote any idea of terrorism we only debate the news.

Even though i do not think World media do always inform us with the reality, i agree with you; but i see that you cannot understand what i meant in my first post.

You can post the news here; but if you add some pics of terrorist organisation and some sings that praise that organisation; then no one can claim the topic is discussing the news, right?
Even though i do not think World media do always inform us with the reality, i agree with you; but i see that you cannot understand what i meant in my first post.

You can post the news here; but if you add some pics of terrorist organisation and some sings that praise that organisation; then no one can claim the topic is discussing the news, right?

Got you. you can always report such posts. action will be taken. there are many which are posted against Pakistan too though its a Pakistani forum
Dear opening poster. We only post news as reported by World media like the one you have mentioned. SO NO we do not promote any idea of terrorism we only debate the news.
agree, most of the topic pick from print media with valid link
So I am not allowed to share articles about Kurds protesting? There is a protest in those pictures. Thousands of people are attending. Some of them happen to have flags of what you deem terrorists. But that does not rationalize trying to censor it. This is racist rules. I hope the mods do not adhere to racist rules and censorship. Otherwise you might aswell have a rule saying '' No Kurds on these boards''. Because quite frankly, you are going to have a hard time finding information about Kurds without including PKK and Ocalan.

Also, if you look in the topic I posted, I did not mention anything about terrorism support or anything like that. I posted a topic, I posted a happening, I posted it with neutrality as to what actually happened. That can not be deemed as support for terrorism. If that is your definition of support for terrorism then the whole world medias have to shut down.

The topic was meant for discussion and every single thing that I posted was a factual happening. Again, as I also told you in the topic, if you think something is wrong or something does not adhere to reality, you are more than welcome to present your version of the protests. That is actually the point of discussions.
So I am not allowed to share articles about Kurds protesting? There is a protest in those pictures. Thousands of people are attending. Some of them happen to have flags of what you deem terrorists. But that does not rationalize trying to censor it. This is racist rules. I hope the mods do not adhere to racist rules and censorship. Otherwise you might aswell have a rule saying '' No Kurds on these boards''. Because quite frankly, you are going to have a hard time finding information about Kurds without including PKK and Ocalan.

Also, if you look in the topic I posted, I did not mention anything about terrorism support or anything like that. I posted a topic, I posted a happening, I posted it with neutrality as to what actually happened. That can not be deemed as support for terrorism. If that is your definition of support for terrorism then the whole world medias have to shut down.

The topic was meant for discussion and every single thing that I posted was a factual happening. Again, as I also told you in the topic, if you think something is wrong or something does not adhere to reality, you are more than welcome to present your version of the protests. That is actually the point of discussions.

that's what I said that we only allow posting topics with source mentioned.

rest if someone post an alqaeda propaganda song we remove it immediately same applies to all other terror groups
that's what I said that we only allow posting topics with source mentioned.

rest if someone post an alqaeda propaganda song we remove it immediately same applies to all other terror groups

I think we understand each other then.https://defence.pk/members/islamic-faith-secularism.146184/

As a third party, The PDF mods are infromed by me via report button; however, Such propagandas are done here and the PDF is used as a ''tool'' for this.

Are you ok with that?

PDF is an international forum. Many users from various ethnic groups and nationalities use these forums. Some of these users happen to be Kurds. Last I checked the forum rules there were no rules blocking Kurds from posting. Nor was there any rule blocking anyone from posting news and happenings of the Kurdish people. And in future, I do not believe such kind of restrictions would be made towards single ethnicities because frankly this forum is a multi ethnic forum and everyone is treated equally. To me, it sounds like you are promoting that the administrative team must implement restrictive rules specifically targetting certain ethnicities.
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Here we go...

if the same people would tomorrow protest high tax by holding the same signs that praise a terrorist organisation and its leader; should we think it is really about a protest against high tax? or just an excuse to make propaganda of terrorism?
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The whole world media, ranging from BBC to Reuters, reported the incident, yet I can not show it on these boards? Are you aware of the censorship you are advocating?
The whole world media, ranging from BBC to Reuters, reported the incident, yet I can not show it on these boards? Are you aware of the censorship you are advocating?

It's not about censorship. Of course you can share news from International Media. But some of your content in the past had contained support of terrorism
It's not about censorship. Of course you can share news from International Media. But some of your content in the past had contained support of terrorism

I think you need to explain to Islamic Faith& Secularism. I have been trying to explain to him that posting topics about what might be sensitive issues to him does not equal supporting terrorism.
Also, if you look in the topic I posted, I did not mention anything about terrorism support or anything like that. I posted a topic, I posted a happening, I posted it with neutrality as to what actually happened.
Pff, neutral...
We all saw how you twisted the reality here, you tryed to win peoples faith by portraying Turkey as a state that arrests Kurds because of clothes... and thats only one exsample...

Kurds protest wall being built by Turkey - clash with police | Page 13

@DESERT FIGHTER can confirm it.

And explain us what your man goal is by derailing your own thread with news which has no relation to original news in the beginning of topic.

So pls stop acting the innocent and have some honor.
We have a clear policy on incitement of terrorism on PDF.

@Neptune | Please take action or notify us of any such violations.



Neptune says he has deleted the posts of that person and wanted you to ban her; and you banned her. But it seems she has come back under different name.

And also Neptune says She opens such threats in other sections of the forum other than Turkish section to get away from the authority of Neptune. just as she opened that topic in Europe section; so Neptune cannot do anyting in europe section, i hope you see my point and take action against such propaganda attempts.

She is just using the blind sides of the rules and administration of this forum.
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