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The position of the PDF against terrorism and its propaganda.

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Pff, neutral...
We all saw how you twisted the reality here, you tryed to win peoples faith by portraying Turkey as a state that arrests Kurds because of clothes... and thats only one exsample...

Kurds protest wall being built by Turkey - clash with police | Page 13

@DESERT FIGHTER can confirm it.

And explain us what your man goal is by derailing your own thread with news which has no relation to original news.

So pls stop acting the innocent and have some honor.

The topic was already derailed by some other members who insisted on involving PKK and Ocalan in that topic. The topic was not about any organisation. It was simply a topic about a protest. But people quickly turned it into '' Iran vs Turkey'' , '' PKK'' etc. topic.


Neptune says he has deleted the posts of that person and wanted you to ban her; and you banned her. But it seems she has come back under different name.

And also Neptune says She opens such threats in other sections of the forum other than Turkish section to get away from the authority of Neptune.

She is just using the blind sides of the rules and administration of this forum.

I posted it in Middle East section because it was about a wall that was to seperate Kurds from Syria and Turkey. In fact, I believe all news about Kurds should be in the Middle East section since Kurds mainly live in Middle East. It would not be right to post it in Turkey section since Kurds also live outside Turkey in massive numbers. This is just logics.

Also, on what ground do you want me to be banned? We have already discussed that I am not supporting any organisation. Again, personal preferences and opinions are irrelevant. I posted news that were repported by most aknowledged international medias. That can not be counted as a breach of the rules.
The topic was already derailed by some other members who insisted on involving PKK and Ocalan in that topic. The topic was not about any organisation. It was simply a topic about a protest. But people quickly turned it into '' Iran vs Turkey'' , '' PKK'' etc. topic.
And you turned it to ''Turkey is dividing Kurds by building a Wall'', which is absuletely BS since there is no visa between Turkey and Syria.

Just a another exsample of your twisting the reality...
And you turned it to ''Turkey is dividing Kurds by building a Wall'', which is absuletely BS since there is no visa between Turkey and Syria.

Just a another exsample of your twisting realitys...

Well, that is what the protestors say. Did you read any of the articles I posted? They interviewed politicians and civilians that protested. The protestors believe that Turkey was trying to divide Kurds from Syria and Turkey. It is not something I say, it was the protestors who said it.

From Reuters;

Kurdish groups have decried the move as a government effort to prevent Kurdish communities on both sides of the Turkish-Syrian border from strengthening ties.

Turkish police fire tear gas as Kurds protest against Syria wall| Reuters

From The Guardian;

Many Syrian Kurds who have fled to Turkey are angry too.

"We don't want this," a 56-year-old woman explained. "It is reassuring to know that the rest of your family is right there in Qamishli. The wall would cut us off completely from our relatives. Three of my daughters are still in Syria."

"If a wall now goes up between me and them, I would constantly worry at every gunshot, every explosion that I hear without being able to see Qamishli."

Turkey's new border wall angers Kurds on both sides of Syrian divide | World news | The Guardian

So again, it is not my words. It is in the words of the protestors. Why are you guys keeping your focus on me?
Well, that is what the protestors say. Did you read any of the articles I posted? They interviewed politicians and civilians that protested. The protestors believe that Turkey was trying to divide Kurds from Syria and Turkey. It is not something I say, it was the protestors who said it.

From Reuters;

Turkish police fire tear gas as Kurds protest against Syria wall| Reuters

From The Guardian;

Turkey's new border wall angers Kurds on both sides of Syrian divide | World news | The Guardian

So again, it is not my words. It is in the words of the protestors. Why are you guys keeping your focus on me?
Then the media and protestors should inform themselves that there is no visa and everybody can visit other side.

But thats not the right place to discuss it.
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Dear @WebMaster and @Aeronaut and other Moderators.

I had a discussion yesterday with a Member called @Bahoz, it was about his Support and Propaganda for a terrorist organisation.
This Member is known for his worshipping of terrorists and wrong accusations against several Turkish members and the Turkish state.

He calls Turks racist because we hate pkk, in his ideology Kurds are pkk and pkk is Kurds, which is also a insult against Kurds since pkk is a terrorist organisation.

And last but not least, thats his second account after his first was permanent banned 6 months ago, @Keyxusraw is his old account.

Now i decided to post some of his comments here to show you what i mean.

I want to know if this is allowed here.

@Sinan @T-123456 @BronzePlaque you guys might be interested in this.

Without PKK nobody would have known who Kurds were.

False news
Turkish officer shoots at civilian Kurds on the Syria side of the border in the Kurdish city of Dirbesiye. One has been wounded.
False News
The young Kurdish guy in the picture was sentenced to over 2 years of prison for wearing the ''pushi''. Yesterday, the PM of Turkey did the same thing. Will he get 2 years of imprisonment too?

And no, PKK is not hurting any Kurds. Nor are they hurting Turks. Stop it. Otherwise they would not have millions of supporters. You should know that by the help of PKK, even Kurds in Syria are creating an autonomous region.

Even if Turkey does attack West Kurdistan, then PKK will start a total war with Turkey and blow up those pipelines between Turkey and KRG which in the end would increase the aid that Barzani gives to PKK. And I think there are a couple of countries that are becoming increasingly anti- Turkey in the region who would love to arm PKK with heavy weapons this time around.

Yeah, utterly destroyed according to Turkish propaganda media. If you looked at neutral medias, PKK managed to take over and hold big parts of Hakkari for two weeks. I can send you videos and pictures of PKK members making routine walks down amongst the people there. No soldiers or police to be spotted. The front war was a success and Erdogan quickly realised this. Why do you think it only took MIT and AKP two months after the Hakkari clashes to go and see Ocalan?

Well obviously they did survive with just AK 47s against the mighty army. I can show you the videos. I will post them here. Just promise not to report me or try to censor me like you always do.

His confession about his support to pkk.
And you say you are not a pkk supporter?
Its obviously that you are brainwashed by pkk and now living in fairy tailes.

Why does it matter who I support? Do you want to see those videos of PKK capturing Semdinli and Hakkari areas? Promise not to report me and promise not to run to your admin and I will share them with you so you can see what really happened.

Finally you admit your support to pkk.

I think you have a hidden passion for Apo flags :D

Here I will post some more from yesterdays worldwide protests.

Look at this map. The purple/red area to the east are Kurdish areas won by PKK political party during elections. Very clear indicator that majority of Kurds support PKK. Look at the map and ask yourself whether it is wise to take people who support PKK seriously or not.

Calling us Racist with no reason
But for the love of God, do not listen to the racist Turks on this board either.

Please do not speak about stuff you have no clue about just to lick up to the racist turks on this board and their turkish terror state. Majority of Kurds regard PKK as their political party and the ones to represent them. If you do not take PKK seriously, you do not take Kurds seriously at all. There is no grey zone here. So if you do not respect PKK, you do not respect Kurds.

Wrong Accusations
Seeing as it is your state that is funding the most extreme terrorists in Syria I must say that the terrorist supporter here is you. And seeing as you have yet to distance yourself from the crimes against humanity that the terror state turkey has committed, it is very clear who supports the most extreme state terror seen in newer time.

Show me one post where i disrespect turks. You keep saying bad stuff about PKK and Kurds in general. And you worship a racist like ataturk. So it is pretty clear to everyone who is the racist here.

I think thats enough.
With @Bahoz we have nothing to discuss with as he promotes PKK terrorism which claimed 30.000 lives in Turkey.

Many Countries accepts PKK as a terror organization.

People's Daily Online -- NATO chief declares PKK terrorist group

1995 Patterns of Global Terrorism - Overview of State-Sponsored Terrorism


Carl Bildt on the terrorist attack in Turkey

People's Daily Online -- Australia declares PKK terrorist organization

And it's irrelevant that any of these country if didn't acknowledge PKK. EU and US are biassed anyway, they only act if things benefit for them.

But it's sadding to see in PDF = Pakistani Defence Forum has given permission to promote PKK.
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@WebMaster, when we had a conversation regarding my request to ban his dublicate ID which's the one he currently uses, i've said that guys like him won't stop, and he didn't as you see. He's a terrorism supporter. He already broke the rules by using a second account...but you let him go...please deal with this terrorist.
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