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The Political Impact of Chinese President's Proposed Visit

To hell with IK, it is not about IK. I never was his supporter or voter.

How come 90% of people supporting IK claim not to support him? If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it IS a duck.

You've been cribbing about this system and supporting anarchy. Now that the results come to bite, you are now not supporting the anarchists? Sir, please be consistent. Own your rhetoric.
If we throw these idiots out of Red Zone, we can yet host Chinese President. If indeed that is the only objection.
Try to read between the lines Chak. It is not those sit-in folks responsible, not alone atleast. The crowd is not spread in the entire Islamabad, nor Islamabad is the only city in Pakistan. There is more to this.
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What this means is that it has been recommended that the visit be postponed. This does NOT confirm that the visit is cancelled.

If we throw these idiots out of Red Zone, we can yet host Chinese President. If indeed that is the only objection.

honestly, there are so many countries that respond with such brutal and deadly force over causing the said nation trillions in damage.

Cancelling of Chinese president visit is like severing the carotid artery of Pakistan. Do you know how busy that man is. He may not be available for another year maybe more.

Time for excessive force has come. Destroy these guys to save your country.
How come 90% of people supporting IK claim not to support him? If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it IS a duck.
You've been cribbing about this system and supporting anarchy. Now that the results come to bite, you are now not supporting the anarchists? Sir, please be consistent. Own your rhetoric.

Yup. Not only him but there is also the @Peaceful Civilian and a bunch other.

I want to ask them: There is NO SHAME even now to break away from the thuggery of the mobs. No one is going to think low of you or taunt you. Because as you know: 'Ghar ka bhoola...'
How come 90% of people supporting IK claim not to support him? If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it IS a duck.

You've been cribbing about this system and supporting anarchy. Now that the results come to bite, you are now not supporting the anarchists? Sir, please be consistent. Own your rhetoric.


I should quit posting now.

Readers will accuse me for copying your style.

How come 90% of people supporting IK claim not to support him? If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it IS a duck.

You've been cribbing about this system and supporting anarchy. Now that the results come to bite, you are now not supporting the anarchists? Sir, please be consistent. Own your rhetoric.
I don't know about 90% of people, nor responsible for what they say. I have not been to Pakistan in last 7 years, hence no question of casting my vote, which I never casted anyway. So when I am saying I am not his supporter or voter, I am honest to my words. Now, why it seems I am a supporter of IK, well I am a supporter of any party that will end the musical chair game between the two dynasties, and that was my hope, which got shattered due to the immature actions of Imran. I am not alone in this for many educated middle class families welcomed PTI for the similar reasons.
A big egg on OP's face. The visit has been postponed..So many assumptions made by OP.
Thanks to IK and TUQ and of course to the government too. Keep on strangling this country till it stops breathing.
This is a balanced response. It needs two hands to clap.
Why so serious guys? its just a visit, nothing you can do about it other than improving your internal security and stability.
Yup. Not only him but there is also the @Peaceful Civilian and a bunch other.

I want to ask them: There is NO SHAME even now to break away from the thuggery of the mobs. No one is going to think low of you or taunt you. Because as you know: 'Ghar ka bhoola...'
Folks have even mocked the prophets of God, we are only human beings, so I'll not complaint about that. If making fun of someone makes you feel intellectually superior so be it.

Regarding the thugs and mobs etc.., it all started with two simple and doable demands:

1. Open up 4 constituencies for recounting.
2. Filing of FIR for Model Town massacre.

Had the thieves siting in the government responded to these two constitutional, legal, and moral demands, it would not have happened what has happened. Now you can keep blaming people for everything but it is all irrelevant. I would ask you if your relative or friend had died in the model town massacre and Police were not filing your FIR. I would ask if you were contesting elections, and your votes were robbed, you were not calling protesters as thugs and mobs.

Justice was denied and you dont want to give them the right of protest even? System is dear to you but not the constitutional rights of the people? It is very easy to talk and blame when you are not affected, things change when the fire reaches to your house. This is the difference between the so-called intellectual here posting comments on their computers and those who are braving the weather, police brutality, hunger, and discomfort for the past three weeks.
You are putting words in my mouth that I have not said. Cynical... yes, and why I should not be? What was in this proposed visit and signing of 35 million dollar deals for common Pakistani? He was to pay less for the electricity? he was to pay less for the food? he could send his children to better Schools? he had to pay less bribe for his legal and legitimate work? he did not have to wait for 30 years for a court ruling in his favor? What is in this proposed visit for common Pakistani?


Not Million, BILLION.

1000x difference.

Not to mention the further 100x difference between rupee and dollar.

Orders of magnitude!


When Tesla was deciding where to make it's 5 Billion gigafactory, cities and states went MAD in order to get that investment, offering all kinds of multi-million dollar tax breaks and incentives, just for ONE factory, and this was in the worlds largest and most competitive economy.


We should be dancing naked that US, the country that is on the bottom rungs in economic rankings and competitiveness, was to get ANYTHING.

Do you have ANY idea what an injection of 35 Billion dollar would do to the economy?

As a student of finance, it pains me when people don't understand the significance of such investments.
This is a balanced response. It needs two hands to clap.
And those two hands were IK and TuQ!

Yes, sir, you have been blatantly supporting the marchers! We too USED to support IK but we knew the marchers were dangerous and destructive--and now that the marchers balloons are busting up you are TRYING to distance yourself from IK. But even then you have no problem with the cancellation of the all important Chinese President visit.

With your sinking ship you want to take down Pakistan? Hum do dubain he sanam....

I don't have to put words in your mouth--you have a trail of posts right up to a few seconds ago to make a fair sized fictional novel about your imaginary Utopia under Imran Khan.

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