follow my moralism in advocating the physical destruction of every and last few can bring pakistan one more ally in the middle east and one less pesty ally of yindu, pakistan's archenemy. tolerate your zionism and you jews will reciprocate pakistani kindness by proliferating more propaganda about al qaeda and balochistan. look at stalin, the liberator of many convenient jew extermination facilities and by whose sole virtue - rather than the death of some pitiless jews - these facilities came to be known as sites of german crimes: he made the mistakes of freeing you jews and punishing your executioners, and you jews returned the favor by trying to poison him and blackening his name for decades.
what viper the first woman jew must have been laid with to have given rise to such a venomous race that always bites the hand that feeds thee! those zionist snakes must be decapitated, gutted, and burned, their crispy remains be devoured to be turned into excrement to be then fed to dogs!