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What do the Quran and Hadith predict about the end of the Apartheid state of Israel?

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Greek Orthodox are Eastern Orthodox. We believe in the Second Coming of Jesus.

I quoted you some parts in a post earlier.
The Messiah has come.

What are you waiting for?
I meant 2nd coming!
That is Awaited between Muslims and Christians commonly.
We believe in Prophethoot of Jesus when he came during Roman empire.
. .
I meant 2nd coming!
That is Awaited between Muslims and Christians commonly.
We believe in Prophethoot of Jesus when he came during Roman empire.
Yes,but the difference is that Jesus will come with full glory,to judge the living and the dead.

That is the difference. Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was just a prophet.
Here most of common people loves Jesus ideas, and dislike priests and religious nutjobs, that's the majority feeling among common people.

If God exists and Jesus come back, everybody would be happy.

But if God exists and the thousands of catholic saints, priests, popes and other religious nutjobs take over the world power, most of people would want to fire a fucking shot in their heads.
No,because the dead will be ressurected and each person judged.

The Bible states:

Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven." [Acts 1:9-11]
Many, but not all, Christians believe:

  1. The coming of Christ will be instantaneous and worldwide.[108] "For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." ~ Matthew 24:27
  2. The coming of Christ will be visible to all.[109] "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." Matthew 24:30
  3. The coming of Christ will be audible.[110] "And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." Matthew 24:31
  4. The resurrection of the righteous will occur first.[111] "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first." ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:16
  5. In one single event, the saved who are alive at Christ's coming will be caught up together with the resurrected to meet the Lord in the air.[112] "Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord." ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:17

The second coming of Jesus in Islam is very different from Christianity.

The Christian version sounds like how the Day of Judgement is described in Islam -- People will be resurrected, God will appear to everyone, people will be judged and sent to heaven or hell.

In Islam the second coming of Jesus is more of a "normal" event. He will show up at a mosque in Damascus at the time of the morning prayer. He will pray with the Muslims. A Jewish army under the command of the Antichrist will be besieging Muslims . Jesus will chase the Antichrist and kill him at a place which is now the Tel Aviv airport.

After that, the Gog and Magog will attack and will be eliminated. Jesus will become the leader of the Muslims and will rule from Jerusalem. He will marry and live for 40 years (?) and then die a natural death. He will be buried in the grand mosque in Medina, right next to the grave of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).

My interpretation: Jesus will unite Christians and Muslims. Most Christians will convert to Islam. That means that the most powerful countries in the world will become Muslim and Muslims will thus make up the majority of the world population and be the overwhelming power.

Muslims of today have belief but are devoid of good leadership, science or technology. Existing Muslims have no chance of ruling the world.

On the other hand, Christians have good government, science and technology, but have lost their beliefs. They have lost their moral compass.

Both need each other and together they will bring in the golden age of mankind.
The second coming of Jesus in Islam is very different from Christianity.

The Christian version sounds like how the Day of Judgement is described in Islam -- People will be resurrected, God will appear to everyone, people will be judged and sent to heaven or hell.

In Islam the second coming of Jesus is more of a "normal" event. He will show up at a mosque in Damascus at the time of the morning prayer. He will pray with the Muslims. A Jewish army under the command of the Antichrist will be besieging Muslims . Jesus will chase the Antichrist and kill him at a place which is now the Tel Aviv airport.

After that, the Gog and Magog will attack and will be eliminated. Jesus will become the leader of the Muslims and will rule from Jerusalem. He will marry and live for 40 years (?) and then die a natural death. He will be buried in the grand mosque in Medina, right next to the grave of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).

My interpretation: Jesus will unite Christians and Muslims. Most Christians will convert to Islam. That means that the most powerful countries in the world will become Muslim and Muslims will thus make up the majority of the world population and be the overwhelming power.

Muslims of today have belief but are devoid of good leadership, science or technology. Existing Muslims have no chance of ruling the world.

On the other hand, Christians have good government, science and technology, but have lost their beliefs. They have lost their moral compass.

Both need each other and together they will bring in the golden age of mankind.

The first time I read about Christian eschatology, my thought was: "if this is real and someday happens, people wont be aware as it's happening, because nobody would be such fool to fight against God, you can't never win".

I think if some like "antichrist" exists someday, he wont know that he's the antichrist.
The first time I read about Christian eschatology, my thought was: "if this is real and someday happens, people wont be aware as it's happening, because nobody would be such fool to fight against God, you can't never win".

I think if some like "antichrist" exists someday, he wont know that he's the antichrist.

The Christian version of Jesus' return is really the Day of Judgement, in which case it won't be this world he's returning to. Christian eschatology seems to imply that the resurrection will happen on this earth after Jesus comes back.

There are some Muslims also who believe that resurrection will happen on this earth, but it's a mistaken view. The Quran is very clear in saying that it will be a different earth.

The Antichrist will be an imposter. He's called "Dajjal" in Arabic which means lier. He will be an actor trying to fool average Jews into thinking that he's the promised Messiah. To the Christians he'll claim to be god, just like Jesus.

Bringing forth the Antichrist won't be some sort of random event. He will be brought into public and managed by the same elites who're ruling the world. It will be a very deliberate staged deception.
. .
From a point of view of deceive people, it's not so important what is written or right, it's more important what most of believers think about it (right or wrong).

I think in Syria war, the eschatologic prophecies about Damascus destruction were useful to deceive people, and the same can be done someday to a larger scale.
No,because the dead will be ressurected and each person judged.
So it's not only Christ's second coming. Everyone will be resurrected, thus it's everyone's second coming. In the Quran, this is the Day of Judgement in which the dead will be resurrected and God the Creator of the universe will be the Judge.
But what makes you think that the Quran is the truth?

Sir,I am Eastern Orthodox. We have preserved our faith since the days of the first Christians. We're not American protestants who change everything they don't like or print their own Bibles.
Bible is in Homeric style, written by Greeks who never met Jesus. They mixed their own theology with the word of God. Paul of Tarsus never met Jesus. He imagined the end of the world was imminent and for this God offered his son to affirm redemption through human sacrifice. This cannot be classified as monotheism.
Bible is in Homeric style, written by Greeks who never met Jesus. They mixed their own theology with the word of God. Paul of Tarsus never met Jesus. He imagined the end of the world was imminent and for this God offered his son to affirm redemption through human sacrifice. This cannot be classified as monotheism.
Do you know Apostole Paul's story? Saul,Saul,why do you persecute me?

Or do you assume things?

When you say the Bible is in "Homeric style",written "by Greeks"...do you know what the Bible is? By which books it is made out? Also,who told you that the "Bible" was written by "Greeks"?

So it's not only Christ's second coming. Everyone will be resurrected, thus it's everyone's second coming.
Everyone's second coming? Are you trying to downplay the end of the world? The judgement day? The Second Coming of Jesus in full glory?
Do you know Apostole Paul's story? Saul,Saul,why do you persecute me?

Or do you assume things?

When you say the Bible is in "Homeric style",written "by Greeks"...do you know what the Bible is? By which books it is made out? Also,who told you that the "Bible" was written by "Greeks"?

Everyone's second coming? Are you trying to downplay the end of the world? The judgement day? The Second Coming of Jesus in full glory?
Day of Judgement is the central message in the Quran, that everyone is held accountable.

There is a very wide gap between what Christian laymen assume and what is well known and accepted among Christian academic scholars about the Bible.
You killed Zakaria, you tried to kill Jesus you poisoned Muhammad. You liar.
You made Usury and wine Halal. And any Prophet opposing that faced your opposition.
The leadership of muslims was taken away from you guys. And if you will not accept the truth, then your time is near.
Only Zakaria was a prophet out of those lol, you guys said we killed all prophets so we "wouldn't be destroyed" but Zakaria is just one of dozens of prophets.

Your prophet Jesus was drinking wine lmfao, most of your prophets did. It was only when Islam was invented that it became Halal suddenly.

Islam is definition of belief which began with Adam and Eve [submission to God]. Muslims recognize Adam as the first Prophet of Islam.
It's wrong lol, that was Judaism back then, Islam only hopped on our back after 600AC, Christianity hopped on our back at like 6BC. Islam was not created before Muhammed, and retroactively assigning Adam as your prophet doesn't magically change that.
If only we could go back in time and tell Ibrahim not to breed.
@LeGenD @waz
This thread topic violates forum rules.
Also, majority on this thread are probably not even qualified enough to talk about what they are taking about.
And this thread has become an Islam vs Christianity vs Judaism debate. I’m pretty sure majority are not qualified for such a debate and this isn’t the place for one as well. Those who tried to debate against Islam always lost because Islam is perfect but, this isn’t the place for such debate. Such debates on this thread can lead to members being blasphemous and disrespect ours religion.
Keeping this thread open is violating rules and leading to misinformation and misconceptions.

Please lock this thread.
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