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The Pakistani State is Collapsing at a Very Fast Pace!

Kuch nohi honay wala. bs Establishment apni ejaradari khatam nahi honay deti. aur awam pisti rahe gi. in siyasatdano aur establishment k darmiyan. aur ameer mazay krenge aur gharib martay rahenge. baqi us waqt pata chalay ga. jb agli jang shuru ho gi. q k hamaray pas na pese honge aur siyasatdan aur establishment me mojod log bahar bhag jayinge.
Pakistans Neighbours have developed much more so that they matter on a high table.
But Pakistani Generals’ thinking is so confined that it starts with one corner of 2 kanal DHA plot to the other corner.
and they feel an honour to be Doorman (gatekeeper) of the room where that high table is placed.
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for my doomist friends

For civil war to happen we have to disagree like north, south US disagreeing on slavery - here everyone agrees on the problem- who are we going to fight against? Each other - but what for?
There's no ideological differences here we are a federation and all of us agree on proper democracy, decentralization of power down to the local bodies like 18th amendment

None of us are in disagreement when it comes to our issues politically speaking

Yes civil war can happen if Pakistan's administrative units wants to secede through thier provincial assemblies - I don't see that happening in any provincial assembly as of now
although with the power hungry people in power IDK, they can to maintain power over their political fiefdoms do anything, our elites are notoriously short sighted and selfish
Would never consider the plight of their people afterwards

Third and likely solution - run this hybrid system where you have a civillian set-up from all political parties and you have only one Big opposition party to deal with
Government runs purely because it's backed by the Army - no election no nothing, use court's to forcefully give this power grap a legal cover

This will lead to a slow civil war - as in you kill that bigger party, your united opposition dies out, now those disunited but aggitated people look towards ttp, bla, Punjabi Taliban groups - all kinda groups along both ethnic, islamic lines and sometimes both at the same time
This is the recepie for eternal chaos - they'll never be powerful enough to take down the state but powerful enough to make everyone's life hell, even if they succeed in taking down the state than that'll lead to x10 bigger problems - your women will be sold in slave markets of Kabul to Delhi to ME
That's the absolute worst case scenario

4th option- Burma, Egypt solution where people and army are not thinking alike - thus repression follows to maintain their grip on power, Martial law zero f's given

@Areesh @Olympus81 @TNT @M. Sarmad @ziaulislam
I don’t think Pakistanis (a sizeable segment) will be retarded to go the TTP, TLP, JUI, Taliban route. There is a segment that buys into their extremists mindset but the majority segment do not want to go down that road.

Civil war won’t happen. Pakistan and its federating units bond is still strong. It has gone even stronger with the advent of the last 1 year. Every one is united against PDM and its handlers.

I believe we overestimate the strength of the establishment. They are composed of people, corrupt, mindset that establishment holds the country together, sane, insane, leftists, rightists, boomers.

And their back is broken thanks to what the majority Pakistanis think about them. The first milestone to breaking them has been passed. What we are seeing now is Phase 2, consolidation and making sure the newly found memory is deeply entrenched into the public’s psyche. Phase 3, is when you break the camel’s back.
I don’t think Pakistanis (a sizeable segment) will be retarded to go the TTP, TLP, JUI, Taliban route. There is a segment that buys into their extremists mindset but the majority segment do not want to go down that road.

Civil war won’t happen. Pakistan and its federating units bond is still strong. It has gone even stronger with the advent of the last 1 year. Every one is united against PDM and its handlers.

I believe we overestimate the strength of the establishment. They are composed of people, corrupt, mindset that establishment holds the country together, sane, insane, leftists, rightists, boomers.

And their back is broken thanks to what the majority Pakistanis think about them. The first milestone to breaking them has been passed. What we are seeing now is Phase 2, consolidation and making sure the newly found memory is deeply entrenched into the public’s psyche. Phase 3, is when you break the camel’s back.
Sindh is the weak link of Pakistan. They can do anything for money. Sindh played a pivotal role in 1971.
Thousands of more Pakistanis will flee the country, some by illegal means risking their lives by foot and by boats while others will do so by legal methods.
The ones with money and education will settle overseas. Australia and Canada seem the likely destinations.
The poor Pakistanis will attempt to go to Europe.
Pakistan will not collapse, the establishment is not strong enough to rip apart the material that holds a state of 250 million people together.

People are also massively overestimating the power of the establishment. But you have to remember that their power comes from the people’s inaction.
If we carry on doing nothing, Pakistan will end up mirroring North Korea in terms of development and government control.

Imran Khan is basically the only hope for this not to happen, in the short term. Every other leader is disloyal to Pakistan and only in it for their own gain.

Free and fair elections will occur. PTI will gain the majority. Imran Khan will be kept safe until elections.

That is the most likely situation
What does collapse mean? If a proper govt is unable to form , you’ll have president’s rule may be ?

Or the military can dust up its coup book as they’ve done in the past ?

It all depends on what your constitution says
I don't think there's gonna be a collapse of anything. PTI will return

Or maybe a civil war will start....... I'd prepare contingencies for such just in case

I think the same but what can we prepare in this extreme inflation. Weapons, food, medicine, solar panels, a secure location. For the first time in my life i am seriously worried.
Today i saw a school bus on the road, the school kids were booing a small military convoy. This says alot.
I think the same but what can we prepare in this extreme inflation. Weapons, food, medicine, solar panels, a secure location. For the first time in my life i am seriously worried.
Today i saw a school bus on the road, the school kids were booing a small military convoy. This says alot.
In KPK...central/northern Punjab is still fully behind the military. Most of the top brass hails from these parts.
What does collapse mean? If a proper govt is unable to form , you’ll have president’s rule may be ?

Or the military can dust up its coup book as they’ve done in the past ?

It all depends on what your constitution says
They are referring to what occured to Libya 10 years ago.
They are referring to what occured to Libya 10 years ago.
Don’t think Pakistan can be compared to Libya
Don’t think Pakistan can be compared to Libya
it's ok, you dont understand my comment.
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

He knows what he is talking about..

He is a hate-filled racist bigot who hates Punjab and Punjabis

Aadat se majboor hai bechara
Sindh is the weak link of Pakistan. They can do anything for money. Sindh played a pivotal role in 1971.
Bro, are you OK?
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