for my doomist friends
For civil war to happen we have to disagree like north, south US disagreeing on slavery - here everyone agrees on the problem- who are we going to fight against? Each other - but what for?
There's no ideological differences here we are a federation and all of us agree on proper democracy, decentralization of power down to the local bodies like 18th amendment
None of us are in disagreement when it comes to our issues politically speaking
Yes civil war can happen if Pakistan's administrative units wants to secede through thier provincial assemblies - I don't see that happening in any provincial assembly as of now
although with the power hungry people in power IDK, they can to maintain power over their political fiefdoms do anything, our elites are notoriously short sighted and selfish
Would never consider the plight of their people afterwards
Third and likely solution - run this hybrid system where you have a civillian set-up from all political parties and you have only one Big opposition party to deal with
Government runs purely because it's backed by the Army - no election no nothing, use court's to forcefully give this power grap a legal cover
This will lead to a slow civil war - as in you kill that bigger party, your united opposition dies out, now those disunited but aggitated people look towards ttp, bla, Punjabi Taliban groups - all kinda groups along both ethnic, islamic lines and sometimes both at the same time
This is the recepie for eternal chaos - they'll never be powerful enough to take down the state but powerful enough to make everyone's life hell, even if they succeed in taking down the state than that'll lead to x10 bigger problems - your women will be sold in slave markets of Kabul to Delhi to ME
That's the absolute worst case scenario
4th option- Burma, Egypt solution where people and army are not thinking alike - thus repression follows to maintain their grip on power, Martial law zero f's given
@Areesh @Olympus81 @TNT @M. Sarmad @ziaulislam