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The Pakistan problem isn’t just the government. It’s the people

Betterment of Pakistan means the removable of all threats from the vicinity, and america is the greatest threat to Pakistans security

This deluded animal things that gaymerikkka has liberated the Afghan and Iraqi people ... that is why they hate you right porky?
I am teaching yet in the final analysis it has to be Pakistanis who must be willing to work to clear the fog from their brains for the betterment of themselves and their country.

That includes you, Zarvan and Rusty. Are you going to start or will you continue to rot in the stink of your own reflections?

I think Zarvan and Rusty and the rest of us are proud of who we are and proud of our nation. We don't go onto Zionist infested sites and view their comments of pure race hatred and look at what the lowest form of humans have to say - its below us - yet for you to come onto hear is a common concurrence for you. Each post you do is laced with enraged hatred towards our nation and Pakistanis. Shows your mindset. I think judging by your avatar - you have already rotted to the core Solomon2.
Do have a good day.
And American officials have been caught perpetrating terrorist acts against Pakistan in Afghanistan. America knowingly sheltered a major Baloch terrorist inside Afghanistan and facilitated for his travel to Switzerland.

And don't forget that pig Raymond Davis who killed two Pakistanis in broad daylight in Lahore, Pakistan.
As a Pakistani, i am afraid, i have to agree...
The problem is not just with the government, but also with the people.

yes, there is a problem with the people, but who are the Yanks to tell us what to do and how to mend ourselves?

Who made these people the moral authority?
yes, there is a problem with the people, but who are the Yanks to tell us what to do and how to mend ourselves?

Who made these people the moral authority?

The creators of ****, spreaders of STDs, and stalwarts of homosexuals and promoters of nakedness are the moral leaders of the world?

Solomon2 is a typical euro white PORK FACED racist who doesn't know who his father was

Why this type of anti Islamic, anti Muslim, anti Pakistani wh0re who wouldn't dare speak such garbage face to face with a Muslim or Paksitani is allowed to post is beyond me

The whole Anglo race is nothing but a COWARDLY, STD spreading, bestial psychotic race

I will probably get in trouble for this but that would only show that the mods of this forum still bow down to these inferior, najis qawm

Don't get too angry. Solomon is another indian hiding behind American flags. Most Americans can't even point out Pakistan on the map, and they don't care what Pakistan does. indians are obsessed about Pakistan and Pakistanis.
No bro they have a massive problem with Pakistan, especially since its a nuclear state

I've seen the most hateful, vitriolic, and vociferous attacks from these euros against Islam, Muslims and Pakistan
It is every countries problem, rulers come from people only. In India everyone hates other people corruption but they themselves want fast and easy money.
As a Pakistani, i am afraid, i have to agree...
The problem is not just with the government, but also with the people.
Can you think of anything you can do to improve matters?
we cant do squat.....it goes down to education. And people dont just magically get educated, families have to impart into their offspring the importance of education

in Pakistan, even in the tribal areas parents will tell you that they WANT their kids to be educated so that they could be afforded better opportunities....problems are cost, or even that some parents are part of the problem...they see kids as an investment --''this boy boy will grow older and care for us when we age, so let him work now and help manage affairs at the shop/store/etc.'' bla bla

all we really need to do is do what they do in US and EU....make it criminal offence to not send children to school

we can play games all day coming up with ideas....but in the end, it all goes down to education
we cant do squat.....it goes down to education. And people dont just magically get educated, families have to impart into their offspring the importance of education...
all we really need to do is do what they do in US and EU....make it criminal offence to not send children to school
Although you started out claiming "we can't do squat" do you realize you just gave a concrete policy recommendation?

Unfortunately the level of Pakistani gov't investment in education is scheduled to decline in favor of military spending. And if the thread article is at all accurate, you'd have to start by carefully selecting or re-training teachers. And if that can't happen because such teachers would become victims of terrorists who can't be prosecuted, I suppose Pakistan will have to do its best to fix its justice system ahead of the teachers, yes?
Although you started out claiming "we can't do squat" do you realize you just gave a concrete policy recommendation?

Unfortunately the level of Pakistani gov't investment in education is scheduled to decline in favor of military spending. And if the thread article is at all accurate, you'd have to start by carefully selecting or re-training teachers. And if that can't happen because such teachers would become victims of terrorists who can't be prosecuted, I suppose Pakistan will have to do its best to fix its justice system ahead of the teachers, yes?

our justice system is intact.....the government is the problem as is the feudalistic/dynastic politics which seems to induce the lower income masses to vote for people they are told to vote for rather than vote for people based on MERIT and credentials (again, only a good quality education can lead people to identify the issues they want solved and select a candidate with a clear and independent head)

as for military spending --well you should know that the Chief of Army Staff HIMSELF ordered the government to re-route funds that were originally designated for the military. The military has done more than its fair share, sometimes circumventing and having to do duties (out of sheer necessity) that are reserved for civilian sector. Example of that is flood relief, aid distribution (we have no effective disaster management authority in the country), handing out cash cards and relief goods for internally placed people (during the time of counter-insurgency operations in places like Swat, S. Waziristan, etc.)......they rebuilt bridges destroyed during devastating floods; standard bread soldiers surrendered days' worth salary to be able to pay for a lot of this stuff. I challenge you to live on a soldier's salary.

you should be asking why these tax-evading MNAs and others we call ''leaders'' --the same guys who mis-declare their assets and drive around in BMWs (tarriff/duty not paid) --they couldnt even donate from their own pocket? I'm sure there are exceptions, but WE as Pakistanis ought to be bitter about these people who muck around with our country and have no sense of nationalism or duty towards the country --just party loyalties or family loyalties only. Locusts.

well by ''we cant do squat'' i meant people in this forum and just the common man...though i appreciate the fact that maybe you do have some faith in Pakistanis' abilities --whereas in the past you often reduced us as terrorists and lemmings. I'm glad you are progressing in your thinking :)

i've always proposed that the private sector invest more in the education....public sector is itching for funds, due to gross negligence and mismanagement. Private sector in Pakistan is dynamic and manages to work DESPITE the government and the unsatisfactory political environment. The Americans have been generous in the past with helping with our education system and funding training programs, but we never hear about those anymore because now American politicians are also resorting to politics --- villifying a country that has paid in blood in the fight against terrorism -- now being scape-goated.

i do agree that GoP allots peanuts % of nat'l budget towards education sector. I hope that changes, I also hope for out-of-the-box thinking for those who are too old to attend school but still hope to attain knowledge and skill-sets. Vocational trainings and things like that.

it's a vicious cycle though...government is corrupt, not enough accountability...as a result, Pakistanis are either unwilling (or unable) to pay their tax obligations.

so bottom line is --- corruption in government and (lack of) education are two biggest issues in Pakistan....you address those two issues, then 65% of the problems are solved
Johnathan Kay can go shove this article up his throat.
Spot on Solmon2
Yes we the Pakistanis as a nation gravely need to reevaluated that how Religious Extreemism both local and Forign Aided by the nations like Iran and Saudia Arabia has destroyed our cultural fabric.This was certinly not the Pakistan which its forefathers envisioned, Pakistan and Pakistani society unfortunately faced with Indian rivalry over the last 60 years along with the influx of American mediation during the height of cold war become plagued with Religious Extremism most of which was imported from Saudia Arabia since it provided a viable solution to the then Pakistani Politburo to combat the challenges faced by them in the form of Indian threat which was later on amplified by the outstanding disputes of Kashmir and the rising concern over the water distribution.
Though a huge lot of Pakistani policy makers after going Nuclear and achieving stability through the balancing Doctrine of MAD have now realized that India has lost the level of threat perception which it enjoyed during Post Nuclear Armed Pakistan Era.They have realized that the true threat to Pakistan is the Religious Extremism but for some odd reasons lacks the consensus on how to eradicate or fight it.Even though the Relations with India are normalizing as both nations have Matured after going nuclear, and the Events like Mumbai etc which followed later on but Owing to the Lack of commitment from India to Resolve the outstanding disputes like Kashmir, There is also a lot in Islamabad which finds value in maintaining this Extremist ideology since lack of commitment from India to resolve outstanding disputes translates into the traditional Indian Threat Perception.
The day Pakistan settles up with India over this outstanding disputes, will be the last day of those who encourage or long for these Religious Fanatics aka the Scum of Saudia Arabia.

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