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The Pak-US Relationship

The USA is not looking for puppets,, but allies against terrorist supported by Radical Islamist...right now Pakistan is turning into a breeding ground for Radical Islamist as the terrorist attack by Pakistanis on India proves...if India or the USA has go to thru Paksitan to get to the terroist, then thats just the way it will be....
What you call Radical Islamist is the 'reaction' of western imposed Liberal Fascism. If west stops imposing their 'way of life' aka liberal fascism on the Islamic countries, the so called radical islamists will die on their own. But it wont happen like this. Their agenda is not to kill the radical islamists, their agenda is to keep them alive, and support them, and as a result of that, keep the Islamic world especially Pakistan busy fighting with these elements. The whole game is set to divert the attention of the Islamic world from development to destruction. To keep the Islamic world busy in chasing the 'Islamist' ghosts and to prevent them from challenging the taghooti (ungodly) forces. However, only time will tell who wins this battle.
What you call Radical Islamist is the 'reaction' of western imposed Liberal Fascism. If west stops imposing their 'way of life' aka liberal fascism on the Islamic countries, the so called radical islamists will die on their own. But it wont happen like this. Their agenda is not to kill the radical islamists, their agenda is to keep them alive, and support them, and as a result of that, keep the Islamic world especially Pakistan busy fighting with these elements. The whole game is set to divert the attention of the Islamic world from development to destruction. To keep the Islamic world busy in chasing the 'Islamist' ghosts and to prevent them from challenging the taghooti (ungodly) forces. However, only time will tell who wins this battle.

That is about the most unadultrated Hogwash I have ever heard, I assume are talking about developments like going on in
GROZNY, Russia – The bullnecked president of Chechnya emerged from afternoon prayers at the mosque and with chilling composure explained why seven young women who had been shot in the head deserved to die.

Ramzan Kadyrov said the women, whose bodies were found dumped by the roadside, had "loose morals" and were rightfully shot by male relatives in honor killings.

"If a woman runs around and if a man runs around with her, both of them are killed," (funny there are neverr any male bodies) Kadyrov told journalists in the capital of this Russian republic.

The 32-year-old former militia leader is carrying out a campaign to impose Islamic values and strengthen the traditional customs of predominantly Muslim Chechnya, in an effort to blunt the appeal of hardline Islamic separatists and shore up his power. In doing so, critics say, he is setting up a dictatorship where Russian laws do not apply.
OK, now you heard it. Don't I deserve a 'thank' for adding this to your knowledge?

qsaark, don't bother with this troll, he is no Muslim nor is he Pakistani, I hope the mods take note of this and either ban him or make him remove the Pakistani flag from his profile.
OK, now you heard it. Don't I deserve a 'thank' for adding this to your knowledge?

Pakistani tells how he killed 4 daughters
The laborer, 40, says he took their lives to save his family's 'honor'

Associated Press Dec. 28, 2005

Nazir Ahmed, 40, who killed his three young daughters and their adult stepsister, is processed in police detention in Gago Mandi near Multan, Pakistan. : AP

MULTAN, PAKISTAN - Nazir Ahmed appears calm and unrepentant as he recounts how he slit the throats of his three young daughters and their 25-year old stepsister to salvage his family's "honor" - a crime that shocked some in Pakistan. The 40-year old laborer, speaking to the Associated Press in police detention as he was being shifted to prison, said he had only one regret - that he didn't kill the stepsister's alleged lover too.

Hundreds of girls and women are killed by male relatives each year in this conservative Islamic nation, and rights groups said Wednesday such "honor killings" will only stop when authorities get serious about punishing perpetrators. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said that in more than half of such cases that make it to court, most end with cash settlements paid by relatives to the victims' families, although the minimum penalty is 10 years and the maximum is death by hanging.

Ahmed's killing spree - witnessed by his wife, Rehmat Bibi, as she cradled their 3-month-old baby son - happened Friday night at their home in eastern Punjab province. It is the latest of more than 260 such honor killings documented by the rights commission, mostly from media reports, during the first 11 months of 2005. Ahmed said he killed his stepdaughter because she had committed adultery, and his daughters because he didn't want them to do the same when they grew up.


Hudood Laws in Pakistan that a woman must have four male witnesses to prove rape, or face a charge of adultery herself.The most well-known among Hudood cases is that concerning a rape victim, Zafran Bibi, who last year was charged with adultery and sentenced to be stoned to death

According to Kanez Ayesha Munawwar, a member of Pakistan's National Assembly who is against the repeal of Hudood, "These laws will make our society a moral one. I think (they) give the Pakistani woman protection. If these laws are implemented with all honesty, it will actually empower her."

RIGHTS-PAKISTAN: Despite Sound and Fury, 'Hudood' Laws Still Stay

Seems kind of sick to me...
^ Its so obvious this lowe1941 is an indian pretending to be Pakistani, if only I had a dollar for every indian that pretends to be Pakistani on the internet and spreads their propaganda on the internet..I would be a millionare.
^ Its so obvious this lowe1941 is an indian pretending to be Pakistani
Or a liberal fascist who took off his religion, culture, self-respect and everything else like the old clothes as soon as he landed on an American airport. I have met many such liberal fascists in US, who do nothing but bickering against their own religion, and country hoping that Americans will accept them as one of their own. These liberal fascists are terribly wrong on this. These black 'whites' are only viewed as un-trustworthy and un-reliable by the yanks. And why not, if you can abondon your religion and culture for one country, you can do it again for another one.
Or a liberal fascist who took off his religion, culture, self-respect and everything else like the old clothes as soon as he landed on an American airport. I have met many such liberal fascists in US, who do nothing but bickering against their own religion, and country hoping that Americans will accept them as one of their own. These liberal fascists are terribly wrong on this. These black 'whites' are only viewed as un-trustworthy and un-reliable by the yanks. And why not, if you can abondon your religion and culture for one country, you can do it again for another one.

No hes definately 100% Indian.

Check out what he wrote on this thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/chines...hina-next-great-country-world-jim-rogers.html
No hes definately 100% Indian.

Check out what he wrote on this thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/chines...hina-next-great-country-world-jim-rogers.html

I just have very strong feelinga about the way women are treated in Islamic Countries,,under Sharia Law...and the way women are treated in India is just a little less Barbaric and Premitive...personally I think any one that supports honor killings, burying young girls alive,,,gang rape,,arranged marriages of children, child marriage, should be put on reservations and those that dont exterminated.....:pakistan:
I just have very strong feelinga about the way women are treated in Islamic Countries,,under Sharia Law...and the way women are treated in India is just a little less Barbaric and Premitive...personally I think any one that supports honor killings, burying young girls alive,,,gang rape,,arranged marriages of children, child marriage, should be put on reservations and those that dont exterminated.....:pakistan:

What do you think of Indian nuns being gang raped in the middle of the streets in India by Hindu men?

What do you think of young Christian school girls being raped in public by Hindu men in India?

This lowe has very low self esteem, put ur Indian flag up...you're an Indian anyone can see it.
I just have very strong feelinga about the way women are treated in Islamic Countries,,under Sharia Law...and the way women are treated in India is just a little less Barbaric and Premitive...personally I think any one that supports honor killings, burying young girls alive,,,gang rape,,arranged marriages of children, child marriage, should be put on reservations and those that dont exterminated.....:pakistan:

And you never talk about thousands of little baby girls burried alive when they are born in India.

And you never talk about thousands of little baby girls burried alive when they are born in India.


I never heard that before,, I assume you have some sources you could give as proof, if you cant,, then I will assume you are lieing or maybe just plain ignorant.
Hey lowe, check out your wonderful india:

More female fetuses being aborted in India, Unicef says

By Amelia Gentleman
NEW DELHI: The practice of aborting female fetuses because of a preference for sons is becoming more widespread in India, a Unicef report revealed Tuesday, with an estimated 7,000 fewer girls born every day because of the spread of cheap, prenatal sex-determination technology.

In 80 percent of India's districts, a higher proportion of boys are born every year than a decade ago as a result of the growing availability of fetal sex- testing services, the study showed.

The imbalance in gender ratio has become especially noticeable in the India's wealthier regions, where couples can easily afford to pay for an ultrasound examination.

The Indian government expressed alarm at the report, describing the results as unexpected.

"It was a surprise because there is so much awareness being generated about the need to cherish the girl child," said Deepa Jain Singh, secretary to the Ministry of Women and Child Development. "We have to address this in a big way. We have no option."

The Unicef findings are based on an analysis of Indian census data and are in line with a study published by the British medical journal The Lancet earlier this year, which estimated that as many as 10 million female fetuses had been aborted in India over the past 20 years by families trying to secure a male heir.

Published as part of Unicef's annual State of the World's Children report, the study details a troubling trend: gender- based abortion is accelerating in the more developed, richer regions of India. In the prosperous northern state of Punjab in 2001, there were 799 girls born for every thousand boys, down from 875 in 1991. In the neighboring state of Haryana, also one of India's richest, there were 823 girls per thousand boys, down from 879.

"Normally whenever there is development, economic progress and technological progress, you expect there to be progress in other areas," said Kul Gautam, Unicef's deputy executive director. "What is unusual here is that development and progress on other fronts are associated with this terrible, retrogressive phenomenon which is actually getting worse."

Even after birth, girls are at much higher risk of childhood death than boys. Female babies are less likely to survive the first year than their male counterparts, according to Unicef's infant mortality research.

"After birth, son-preference continues to persist leading to the neglect of girls and their lack of access to nutrition, health and maternal care in these critical early years," the report said.

Campaigners warn that the declining number of girls will cause severe social problems in the future, when young Indian men find there are not enough women to go around.

"This will cause a strain to the country's social fabric," Jain Singh said.

It has been illegal for Indian doctors to reveal the sex of an unborn baby to its parents since 1994, but the law is widely flouted — either explicitly or through coded hints, like pink candies handed out after an examination to indicate girls, blue sweets for boys.

A doctor was jailed earlier this year after being filmed while telling a pregnant woman that she was carrying a "female fetus and it would be taken care of," but successful prosecutions in such cases are rare.

In India, girls continue to be regarded as liabilities who saddle their parents with the costs of expensive weddings and dowry payments, before moving to live with their husband's family.

Boys are preferred because, traditionally, they remain in the family home to look after the parents in their old age. Neither laws nor the government's "Save the Girl Child" campaign have had much impact in changing these perceptions.

More female fetuses being aborted in India, Unicef says - Asia - Pacific - International Herald Tribune
Here's the real India for everyone to see:

Indian girls 'more likely to die'

Discrimination in favour of boys persists into childhood
Medical research in India suggests that baby girls are much more likely to die than infant boys, even from illnesses that can be treated.
The research, published in the British Medical Journal, was carried out at St Stephen's Hospital in Delhi.

The report concludes that the imbalance in the proportion of deaths may be due to the fact that baby girls are less welcome and are treated less favourably by parents.

India has an unusual gender balance.

In most countries, women slightly outnumber men, but in the year 2001, for every 1,000 male babies born in India, there were just 933 girls.

This has often been explained by the fact that some Indian mothers abort their female offspring because they regard them less favourably than boys.

Unexplained deaths

But the latest research suggests that discrimination may persist into childhood.

The researchers analysed autopsy reports of babies in three socially deprived parts of Delhi over a five-year period and discovered that the overall death rate for girls was almost one-third higher than that for boys.


Rights for infanticide mothers

This was particularly the case for sudden, unexplained deaths - three out of four cases were girls.

The researchers suggest that some of these deaths may be cases of parents actually killing their female babies.

Where death occurred because of a severe and non-preventable disease, there was no gender gap, but deaths due to diarrhoea - which is treatable - were twice as likely to happen to girls as to boys.

Again, the researchers suggest that this could be due to discrimination, with parents seeking medical help more urgently for male than for female offspring.

Dr Amod Kumar, who carried out the study, said: "Girls are stronger than boys, they are more likely to survive, but somehow in this particular area, we are finding that girls are dying more of these diseases."

He said the government was taking measures to tackle the problem of discrimination.

"The supreme court has already made a law which forbids any sex determination while pregnant," Dr Kumar said.

"Several things have to be done, like ensuring that every child gets adequate medical care, no matter whether it is a girl or boy, and mortalities should be investigated properly."

Buying brides

There is evidence that the more widespread use of pre-natal checks has increased the number of female foetuses being aborted in India.

The sex ratio is so skewed in some states, men cannot find brides

In many clinics, the illegal abortion of girls is common practice.

As a result of gender prejudices, in some states the male-female ratio is now so skewed that men are running out of potential brides.

Many are resorting to "buying" girls from poor communities outside their region to bear their children.

Meanwhile, in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, human rights groups are trying to help mothers found guilty of killing female offspring, saying the women are as much the victims as the babies.

Surveys there indicate that 16 newborn girls in every 1,000 are killed.

However, daughters are not seen as a burden in every state - in north-eastern Meghalaya the daughters of local Khasi and Jaintia tribesmen inherit all their ancestral property.

Women also run family businesses, dominate the households and take all key family decisions.

But even there a challenge is being mounted to the matrilineal society, with men concerned that marriages to male outsiders are undermining property rights.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Indian girls 'more likely to die'
I can find a hundred articles of Indians brutalities towards girls.

Dozens of female babies' body parts found in disused Indian well

Randeep Ramesh in New Delhi guardian.co.uk, Monday 23 July 2007 15.17 BST Article history

Police in the eastern Indian state of Orissa have exhumed skulls and body parts believed to be from three dozen aborted female foetuses and murdered infant girls in an abandoned well, a grisly find that highlights the persistence of infanticide in the country.
Officers suspect a nearby clinic of performing the abortions and killing the children because they were female. The owner of the clinic, Sabita Sahu, and the manager, Shyma Sahu, have been detained for questioning.

Yogesh Bahadur Khurania, a senior police official in Nayagarh district, told reporters that authorities have yet to conclusively determine the sex of the bodies unearthed.

The police raids began after the discovery nine days ago when the remains of seven female foetuses were found buried.

Female infanticide continues in India, even though it is illegal and condemned by the government. The falling number of girls being born in the country is believed to be due in part due to the availability of ultrasound examinations, which allow parents to find out their baby's gender before birth.

Television channels revealed that Nayagarh has one of the worst sex ratios in the state. It has a dozen private ultrasound clinics, only one of which is licensed.

Satish Agnihotri, a demographer who studied Orissa's sex ratios, said that new technology and increasing prosperity had combined to worsen widen the gap between the number of boys and the number of girls being born. In the last census urban Orissa only had 860 girls per 1000 boys.

"This is a new phenomenon in Orissa which traditionally has been free of the girl child problem. But money and technology are having a big impact," he said.

The incident is only the tip of the iceberg, said Sabu George, a prominent campaigner against female feticide. Mr George said that by 2011, Indian families will be killing 1 million female children a year.

Traditionally, India's patriarchal society prefers boys over girls. Punjab and the neighbouring state of Haryana, the richest states in India, have seen sex ratios heavily skewed.

According to the 2001 census - the latest official population data - the national sex ratio was 933 girls to 1,000 boys. In Punjab it was 798 girls to 1,000 boys, compared with 875 in 1991.

The skewing of the populations in favour of males has meant that brides are scarce - men are forced to travel across the country to find a match.

Mr George said the problem could be traced to "doctors who kill. There is no other word for it. They take money and with the full knowledge of the parents they abort female foetuses. The question is whether the police will prosecute".

Dozens of female babies' body parts found in disused Indian well | World news | guardian.co.uk

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