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The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

It looks like PAF is not just buying the Horus upgraded Mirage5s but all 80 that remain airworthy along with spares. May be PAF will rebuild and upgrade them to Horus standards so that it can raise some new squadrons dedicated for navy and land attack roles.
Dude no matter how you paint it its an obsolete platform. We are still using it bcz we have no other option for now but lets not paint it as some next gen aircraft which performs amazingly. We call Indian Migs 21 flying coffins but in comparison our mirages are nothing less than graves.
Mirages are more reliable than migs and will be used for Strike role.They will get the job done, you don't need press when you can use the a simple hammer and that's what M3/5 are for PAF.
Fortunately our neighbours are not that proactive in getting their shit together so it works for now and add to our capability.
JF17 are going to replace old jets.
You know this is wrong right? The Mirage V horus is BVR capable with the Mica. That puts it better in class than the 29 and MKI due to its superior AAM.
Friend, no one knows the state in which these EAF birds are in; most like in mid to poor. Mostly likely to be recobbled up and salvaged where needed; others will cannabilised for parts. conservatively out of the 30+; let us say 16 will work out.

Who made the bold claim?
As for next gen aircraft- unless you or your family paid $2 billion in taxes last year or intend to give that to the PAF because mine sure doesn’t ; be happy with whatever this miserably broke country can afford and still make work against an enemy that can buy you ten times over with their coffers.

Yehi tu masla hai tum logon ka. We here are arguing about a fighter jet and you bring my family into it. Just shows you are intolerant and small person. I Could have given an apt reply but i dont want to bother with waste of space like you.
Yehi tu masla hai tum logon ka. We here are arguing about a fighter jet and you bring my family into it. Just shows you are intolerant and small person. I Could have given an apt reply but i dont want to bother with waste of space like you.
You seem to have misinterpreted this and have given the usual reactionary angst and frothing at your mouth without bothering to actually understand my point.

let me apologize and leave your family out of it and include mine so your sensitive self is less offended.

My family did not, does not and likely will not make enough to pay $2 billion in taxes or donate that amount to the PAF to let it purchase something like the Typhoon or Rafale. Count the many other families who make up the actual tax payers of Pakistan who pay what they actually owe and you will realize that after every other state mechanism has taken its share with their attached losses of corruption and mismanagement, when all other projects such as the JF-17 and AEW etc and the loans on them have been serviced; what is left is sufficient only to purchase such stop gap “junk” to meet our capability requirements.

So you should be glad we were able to take this “Junk” and make it do what it does today.

Now if this concept is too offensive as reality to you, then your highness can agree to disagree since I have no energy to spend on you.
Friend, no one knows the state in which these EAF birds are in; most like in mid to poor. Mostly likely to be recobbled up and salvaged where needed; others will cannabilised for parts. conservatively out of the 30+; let us say 16 will work out.

Thats fine, the comparison is still valid.
Why is PN doubling down on what are now vintage platforms??
There are not for PN as such.
These were to add and complement the ROSE fleet and create a strike platform that at the end of the day will be better than the JF-17 at low level strike and a bomb truck.

Back in 2002 I asked then of Kamra why we dont get Gripen and their answer was simple - we don’t want another fighter - we need a bomber. That was our fascination with the original Mirage , then M2K and is our fascination today with these.

We need something to carry a sizable bomb load at low level between whatever radar gaps we can create through SEAD and EW to flatten Indian targets - then run out of there; the Mirage does just that.
Edited reply above - and the M2K was denied to us to push Rafale.
JH-7 should have been bought for scrap prices,
i am sure China would want to push that if someone wants.

Aren’t they Bomb Trucks ?


This is typical Strike package for Jaguar

Mki & Tejas will need to protect the Jaguar
NO this is not a jaguar strike package BS stop using the word's strike package, This is not even close to what an offensive look's like.
JH-7 should have been bought for scrap prices,
i am sure China would want to push that if someone wants.

Aren’t they Bomb Trucks ?
No, because they aren’t any better than 70’s aircraft and the additional logistics and training required to integrate them would offset any “scrap” value.

The mirages we know inside out - when they land any PAF mirage pilot can strap in and take them to war tomorrow. A Pakistani Mirage technician can change the engine or radar set on it - and an engineer can easily add a hypersonic cruise missile onto it knowing exactly where to run the wiring from and where to draw power and how much from.
Most Parts for the mirages can be taken from a EL to a Blue Flash to a Horus and bought in bulk for discount.

This was true in 1980 for blue flash 6, EL or DD or any of those we bought in the years before this. All the while this commonality reduces costs across the both horizontal and vertical PAF operations; while reducing ancillary losses due to commissions,corruption and mismanagement of funds.

They cannot do that with a JH-7 if they were bought in the 90’s and then parts, training, maintenance will require all new processes that will add to the PAF’s costs.

Ask our neighbor what happens to their budget when it gets cut around 10 different aircraft types with their added commissions and mismanagement.
Egypt has M2Ks as well bout 20 of em??!!!
No, because they aren’t any better than 70’s aircraft and the additional logistics and training required to integrate them would offset any “scrap” value.

The mirages we know inside out - when they land any PAF mirage pilot can strap in and take them to war tomorrow. A Pakistani Mirage technician can change the engine or radar set on it - and an engineer can easily add a hypersonic cruise missile onto it knowing exactly where to run the wiring from and where to draw power and how much from.
Most Parts for the mirages can be taken from a EL to a Blue Flash to a Horus and bought in bulk for discount.

This was true in 1980 for blue flash 6, EL or DD or any of those we bought in the years before this. All the while this commonality reduces costs across the both horizontal and vertical PAF operations; while reducing ancillary losses due to commissions,corruption and mismanagement of funds.

They cannot do that with a JH-7 if they were bought in the 90’s and then parts, training, maintenance will require all new processes that will add to the PAF’s costs.

Ask our neighbor what happens to their budget when it gets cut around 10 different aircraft types with their added commissions and mismanagement.
Looks like lots of make up stories are in play here he said , she Said and my mama and kaka said ... :D
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