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The other side of India

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Ganga cleaner than before

River Ganga, believed to cleanse people of their sins, is much cleaner than it was 20 years ago in spite of significant increase in the pollutant discharge levels at major towns and cities along its banks.

A review of the Ganga Action Plan (GAP) by independent monitoring agencies has shown improvement in the water quality since 1985, when it was launched.
Ganga cleaner than before
The corpses as per your source were recovered from the Kanpur stretch. Now you know nothing about Kanpur my dear Pakistani friend living in Belgium away from the horrors of Indian subcontinent.

Poor in Delhi are aplenty make no mistake about that. I didn't say they are no poor in Delhi did I ? :what:
The ones defecating along the sides of the roads leading to temples and mandirs, blessing people who gave them a rupee or morsel of food are non-existent.
PS: I challenge you to give a rupee coin to a beggar in Delhi, 1 in 2 chances he will throw it back at you. :rofl:

giving a rupee, is an expression, it doesnt mean that you cannot give 5, 10 or even 20 rupees.

Secondly, I didn't mention people defecating.

I saw with my own eyes on a trip to Delhi (Around 1993) that in the morning (on my way from the airport), I saw huddled people on a few corners of streets. We asked the driver if these were day labourers ( because in many countries including Pakistan, day labourers gather at major intersections ready to be recruited for construction work), but he answered in the negative. He explained they were extremely poor people, waiting outside mandirs for food hand outs and money.

Now you can chose to accept that, or reject it. I saw people, and especially women, walk in the streets barefoot, with not a chappal in sight.

My return trip (Indian Airlines) from Delhi to Lahore was the most horrible, atrocious flight I have ever been in. The plane stank, I was scared to go near the lavatory, and the seats were so dirty, stinky and tattered, that i sat on the edges of the seats in case my clothes became spoilt. This, and an Iraq airways flight before the first gulf war are my two worst flying experiences. (Although my Air India international flight from Europe was much better)

I compare that to the PIA local flights in the 80s and 90s, and the difference was enormous. I haven't been on an Indian Airlines plane since then, so I am not sure if the situation has improved.

I am not just sitting in Belgium, oblivious to the subcontinent. I have been to Bharat many times, I am not talking from a point of ignorance.

Wether you chose to remain in denial, is your own choie.
giving a rupee, is an expression, it doesnt mean that you cannot give 5, 10 or even 20 rupees.

Secondly, I didn't mention people defecating.

I saw with my own eyes on a trip to Delhi (Around 1993) that in the morning (on my way from the airport), I saw huddled people on a few corners of streets. There were just 6 models of cars available padmini,ambassador,800,contessa,van,ne118. We asked the driver if these were day labourers ( because in many countries including Pakistan, day labourers gather at major intersections ready to be recruited for construction work), but he answered in the negative. He explained they were extremely poor people, waiting outside mandirs for food hand outs and money.

Now you can chose to accept that, or reject it. I saw people, and especially women, walk in the streets barefoot, with not a chappal in site.

My return trip (Indian Airlines) from Delhi to Lahore was the most horrible, atrocious flight I have ever been in. The plane stank, I was scared to go near the lavatory, and the seats were so dirty, stinky and tattered, that i sat on the edges of the seats in case my clothes became ******. This, and an Iraq airways flight before the first gulf war are my two worst flying experiences. (Although my Air India international flight from Europe was much better)

I compare that to the PIA local flights in the 80s and 90s, and the difference was enormous. I haven't been on an Indian Airlines plane since then, so I am not sure if the situation has improved.

So I am not just sitting in Belgium, oblivious to the subcontinent. I have been to Bharat many times, so I am not talking from a point of ignorance.

Wether you chose to remain in denial, is your own choie.

I am talking about 2009.
In 1993 there used to be queues to make international calls, cars were rare. A man driving a scooter or bike was considered posh. Indian govt had mortgaged its gold reserves to pay for imports. For 3-4 days fuel stations had stopped dispensing oil. Delhi's population than was around 5million. Land rates in Delhi were rock bottom. Delhi was seeing Mandal riots and public transport was in shambles.
In short Delhi was a crappy city in 1993. Bombay was rocking, still is.

Jump to 2009.
Delhi has more cars than all major Indian cities put together.
Delhi realty rates have surpassed Bombay's.
Delhi has more "crorepatis" than any other city.
Delhi's population has tripled.
Delhi has the best public infrastructure of any city in India.
Delhi's metro will become amongst the largest in another 10months.
Delhi has more cellphones than any other city.
Delhi has govt provided A/C lowfloor public transport buses(max fare 25rs) too and all buses run on CNG.
Delhi airport is slated to become amongst the busiest airports in the world.
Rolls Royce, Bentley have 6months+ waiting period for Delhi.

Sir, if you think India has not progressed in the last 16 years than I am sorry. We were quite backward, in fact very backward even a decade back not any more. Come over to Delhi and you will not recognize it as the same city as it was in 1993.

PS: Fly Kingfisher or Jet Airways next time you will be surprised. Air India and Indian Airlines is a mixed bag, new planes are good, old planes are crappy.
PS: Fly Kingfisher or Jet Airways next time you will be surprised. Air India and Indian Airlines is a mixed bag, new planes are good, old planes are crappy.

That is correct, Privately owened jets are much better and provide better services then the gov't owned airlines (air India and indian airlines).
Our prophet Mohammed (PBUH) never encouraged his followers to embarace even the worst of the enemies. And making fun or pointing fingers to one's religion or religious practices is simply not the way of Islam. I have no slightest doubt in my mind that the Hindus and the zionists are our worst enemies, and they'll let go no chance to wipe us off from the face of the earth, BUT still we dont want to do things that are prohibited by our prophet, and his disciples.

I therefore APPEAL all the muslims not to discuss Hinduism or its practices. Their practices have nothing to do with us. They only thing we can do is to present ourselves as role model, and if we cant, we should avoid poking our noses in others matters.
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If anything, the "Other side of India" is the new, modern India, because the old India is what the world has always known. So the thread title "the Other side of India' is a misnomer.

Here, friends, is the Other Side of India:







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I don't doubt your noble intentions but I'm sure there are better ways to make your point instead of posting pictures.

How about an intellectual approach and debate?

Thread re-opened.

If there's anything I doubt, its his noble intentions. There is nothing 'noble' about his intentions. That is quite clear.

Also, this is not a debate. The intention of the thread poster is for muslims to feel superior to hindus.

Lets not keep up any pretensions in this regard.
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Looks like some of the forum moderators covertly support abusing hindus and hinduism. Let us see the same level of understanding with similar stuff on Islam.

We do not tolerate abuse, however constructive criticism and searching questions are allowed.

You are free to open a thread about an Islamic topic, and I am sure there are members on teh forum with knowledge to respond, as you guys have responded on this thread.
Poverty is the scourge of south Asia, ever since the dacoity of the days of the Raj.

Is it a coincidence that before the British came, early 18th century India under the Mughals was teh country with 25 percent of teh world's GDP, and by the time the British left it had plummetted to the depths of poverty (including an avoidable famine that cost the lives of at least 5 million people in the late 19th century).

We Pakistanis are not in a position to gloat, as we face much the same problems in our own country. Bharat has made great strides towards eradicating poverty in the last decade, and we should take our queue from that.
People I cant undertsand is why always we dont let any oppurtunity to disgrace other's reliegion, country, and traditions go by? what do we get from all this....

I am sorry to say but maximus sir I think this is not a very good practice... One should always try to find deficiancies within their self....I must say that the time which you have wasted in collecting these pics....if you had bothered to spend doing some constructive debate or even tried to solve the problems within your own country...It would have been beneficial for you in this world and here after..

There are alot of other things to do in this world rather hurting your fellow men....

I hope you will understand.
^^ apart from that x rated pics, similar sort of pictures can be found easily in Pakistan too, Is India the only country in the world that suffers from poverty???? The answer is a big NO!!!

and regarding the religion, I suggest you to visit the thread started by some unknown member.. regarding our holy prophet (P.B.U.H) and tell me how do u feel when someone tries and say bad about your own religion???

I am sure he would have been banned by now and the thread would have been DELETED....similarly this thread should also be closed.....

My humble request to MODS.....
Every country has good places and **** holes. I can post alot of **** holes of Pakistan. I don;t care how Indian live. I care about Pakistan only. I want Pakistanis to be the best.
^^ apart from that x rated pics, similar sort of pictures can be found easily in Pakistan too, Is India the only country in the world that suffers from poverty???? The answer is a big NO!!!

and regarding the religion, I suggest you to visit the thread started by some unknown member.. regarding our holy prophet (P.B.U.H) and tell me how do u feel when someone tries and say bad about your own religion???

I am sure he would have been banned by now and the thread would have been DELETED....similarly this thread should also be closed.....

My humble request to MODS.....

This thread is being continually moderated to ensure any discussion does not enter the realms of indecency and abuse.

I would appreciate it if you didn't try to tell us how to do our job.

TO i come in peace dude...r u christian, hindu or something else are u atheist??
Islam is perfect go study it if u find something u don't understand or take negative i'll clear it up to you..

I rarely discuss religion with anyone with the exception of close friends.
I had some misgivings about the way women were treated in Islam. But my close Omani friend Fadilla helped me understand the problem was not with the religion but the men who practised it.

Sorry, I did not mean to offend you when I said no religion is perfect. I only meant to suggest that the perfect religion if such a thing exists would have an answer to everything including euthanasia, cloning and abortion. I will concede that Islam is one of the religions that comes closet to perfection. If only we humans were more perfect...

Nuff said...I'd rather not discuss this any further.
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