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The Purification of India is approaching slowly

Sarcasm is a sign of a brilliant mind.

It takes talent to write satire of this level and bait people with a straight face.

There is not much humour or sarcasm over this my brother unfortunately. This is serious. When you allow extremism to get out of hand the state losses itself to them along the way and that is where India is headed. We see this clearly. these elements are a security issues not only to us but all of our immediate muslim neighbours and that is just the reality of the matter currently until BJP reforms or secular parties come back to power but as it stands India is headed towards darker territory and unpredictable and we will have to ensure security and safety as we are residents of the region otherwise it would be no brainer.

We can't just allow a hateful element to infest the area otherwise it will splid over to us and our immediate neighbours
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Lol? We don't cope we are men with high testosterone we eat alot of meat:p:

Just saying
And hence are also the most diabetic in the world, talking of eating too much red meat isn't a bragworthy statement.
even if all muslim countries get together they cannot defeat india in war. they don't have the brains. Since 1707 war capabilities have transitioned from muscle to brain. Muslims can only use 'muscle'.
even if all muslim countries get together they cannot defeat india in war. they don't have the brains. Since 1707 war capabilities have transitioned from muscle to brain. Muslims can only use 'muscle'.

Seems like you are forgetful.. Only Pakistan is enough for India.

India is only free since 1947 that is less then 100 years for the last 1000 years.. Look at India who build all these Wonders clearly people without brains?

I was superior to you yesterday and I will show I am today as well..

Don't allow delusions to delude
Seems like you are forgetful.. Only Pakistan is enough for India.

India is only free since 1947 that is less then 100 years for the last 1000 years.. Look at India who build all these Wonders clearly people without brains?
See you proved my point.. no brains.. I said since 1707, fighting has transitioned from muscle to brain. The only wonders muscle men built were tombs or religious places. They destroyed universities which were established a centuries ago and while the west was building Oxfords and Cambridges, the Indian rulers were busy using muscle to make more and more like themselves and build tombs for them.
See you proved my point.. no brains.. I said since 1707, fighting has transitioned from muscle to brain. The only wonders muscle men built were tombs or religious places. They destroyed universities which were established a centuries ago and while the west was building Oxfords and Cambridges, the Indian rulers were busy using muscle to make more and more like themselves and build tombs for them.
Both brain and money, the way Islamic countries are growing, India will overtake entire OIC in terms of GDP in less than 10 years.
Ignorance is bliss..

We have all the necessary technology and industrial capacity. We can do you conventionally that is all that matters and have the means for it.

We ain't using swords exactly that is a bygone era.

India has nothing that can deter us not today nor in the future. It has nothing impressive Pakistan jammed their systems so bad last time we downed 2 jets.

They simply don't scare us whatsoever and there numbers is just a pile of heap. they are easily intimidated people and they aren't exactly cut out for the harsh life. Indians can't endure difficulty and they love life alot.
@Joe Shearer Are you a complete imbecile, or is it the effect of potent drugs?


neither an imbecile nor a junkie, a troll (most likely a RW Indian one.

@Joe Shearer Are you a complete imbecile, or is it the effect of potent drugs?


neither an imbecile nor a junkie, a troll (most likely a RW Indian one.

Aiyyo Rama!
The purification of India is necessary for the region and greater world.

In first appraoch the world has to politically get divided from India and clearly communicated to the Americans we don't wanna play games but if you get entangled in this it destroys our relations for good. We are willing to look the other side in your affairs but not in India and you have to look the other side on India this doesn't concern you we will have to clearify that we will destroy anyone who sides with India communicated to other elements regionally nearby like Nepal or Myanmar etc etc.

Once India is isolated politically somewhat make sure there is no friends or anything on their side and everyone is communicated to that we will go into the subcontinent behind the scenes. They don't give an F' about India they aren't same civilization and India islolated in this region.

We strike one morning out of the blue from multiple axes point. Pakistan takes the north and Center where we give the Iranian armed forces the southern sector along the Karachi sector and the Afghans the middle sector. The Uzbeks will reinforce the entire line and join every unit across the line of engagement.

This will also mark as the first offensive war conducted by muslims since 1707.. That is approx 316 years.

India has been asking for it and you shall have it.. If you read history you will know that we have always been a train-wreck and it always paid off because we dared where most didn't and this is why we were able to expand so much.

We will eventually not tolerate having an extremist elements like RSS as neighbours in the region meaning nearby or other extremist elements they will give birth to in the future hence this will eventually become a security issues that we will have to deal with in order to ensure our future generations to eliminate this elements because as you may know when extremist elements like that rise they make conflicts possible and example Nazi German etc etc and this India is just a repeat of history like the Rama Raya era and it reminds about that era.

We will have to strike the bull by it's horn and indeed we are strong for the job. I am grateful for the chellenge can the hindutva vegeterians really stand in our way when we mean business. They won't have a chance here these vegetarians once we bounce. But we will have to wait and see how India evolves in the next 15 years to see if it comes back to the right direction or further slips into extremism because if it doesn't slip further into it then there will be no other option but an invasion.

I'm interested to discuss this in detail, can you send me a message?

Lol? We don't cope we are men with high testosterone we eat alot of meat:p:

Just saying
Yes, I heard it's true
Ignorance is bliss..

We have all the necessary technology and industrial capacity. We can do you conventionally that is all that matters and have the means for it.

We ain't using swords exactly that is a bygone era.

India has nothing that can deter us not today nor in the future. It has nothing impressive Pakistan jammed their systems so bad last time we downed 2 jets.

They simply don't scare us whatsoever and there numbers is just a pile of heap. they are easily intimidated people and they aren't exactly cut out for the harsh life. Indians can't endure difficulty and they love life alot.
If you are of Pakistani , you are also like that.
If India had nothing to deter, we would have become slaves to Muslims like our Pakistani brethren became a few centuries ago. At this point except Iran other countries should just try to exist.
Anyone who thinks we can't take India combined regionally is an absolute idiot of epic porportions..

Forget Jammu we have claims on Delhi, Acra, Deccans and all the way to Vijayanagara and tip of India. We simply can't let go off it. We flourished India with our superior genes. During the Ghoriad, Delhi Sultanate, 5 Deccan sultanate eras, Mughal era. India's independence should be revoked..

Starting the biggest war in scale would be the right way to go about and we are ready for it to move in..

We also have plenty of cannon fodders who are battle hardened on our borders that we can make good use of.. Add Iran into the occasion as well. We can penetrate India easily..

In my opinion we should recruit around 6-7 million forces and come in from multiple axes at the same time. They aren't about this life these Hindus they won't know what hit them I swear by Allah..


India is ours and has been ours for 1000 years and all that memory and history can't be forgotten..

I chose this cringe song to highlight that India is our fertile farm.. We coming to reclaim it. You ain't going anywhere as long as we are around..

I like you mentioning your superior genes and India's fertility. This aggressive nature is exactly what pakistan needs.
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I like you mentioning your superior genes and India's fertility. This aggressive nature is exactly what pakistan needs
Actually I change my mind .. please co.e to purify us. Tell me what you want. I will do for you.. please just spare my life.. Will do what u say...
even if all muslim countries get together they cannot defeat india in war. they don't have the brains. Since 1707 war capabilities have transitioned from muscle to brain. Muslims can only use 'muscle'.
Good example is Israel, tiny nation with brains surrounded by nations with numbers.

Ignorance is bliss..

We have all the necessary technology and industrial capacity. We can do you conventionally that is all that matters and have the means for it.

We ain't using swords exactly that is a bygone era.

India has nothing that can deter us not today nor in the future. It has nothing impressive Pakistan jammed their systems so bad last time we downed 2 jets.

They simply don't scare us whatsoever and there numbers is just a pile of heap. they are easily intimidated people and they aren't exactly cut out for the harsh life. Indians can't endure difficulty and they love life alot.
They might not scare you. But it did scare the people who matter in your country. Check your airforce statement after the incident they had all the AF assets in the air to bring down the MIG 21.A MIG 21...
Good example is Israel, tiny nation with brains surrounded by nations with numbers.

They might not scare you. But it did scare the people who matter in your country. Check your airforce statement after the incident they had all the AF assets in the air to bring down the MIG 21.A MIG 21...

You don't understand anything shows your level of understanding is lacking. First of all there is no Israel but there is something called USrael meaning that it is technically the US but not Israel. It is basically an outpost. That tiny section can only be taken if NATO is defeated directly in a conflict. But that is not the time for now. But as for you! You are a stand alone. This makes everything different
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