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The Purification of India is approaching slowly

Aren't they the best people to help him?

Possibly, but can they live with this shame, that their beloved son likes men? Please keep in mind the kind of society he belongs from.

This false ‘bravado’ he puts on every day as a coping mechanism, somehow deep inside he feels he is less of a man. I just hope he finds peace and accept the body he is in.
Possibly, but can they live with this shame, that their beloved son likes men? Please keep in mind the kind of society he belongs from.

This false ‘bravado’ he puts on every day as a coping mechanism, somehow deep inside he feels he is less of a man. I just hope he finds peace and accept the body he is in.
You are right.

I have this counter-part theory of the make-up of the Internet Hindu. Not for the public gaze.
It's rather Freudian.
Lol.. First you said I am macho and then added I am homo.. Just farce. Don't Project that onto others acdubillah..

You indirectly came out of the closet but it is whatever i guess
You are right.

I have this counter-part theory of the make-up of the Internet Hindu. Not for the public gaze.
It's rather Freudian.

Aren’t most of Freud’s hypothesis already been debunked?

I’m not a psychologist major, it’s just one of my innate interest.

Lol.. First you said I am macho and then added I am homo.. Just farce. Don't Project that onto others acdubillah..

You indirectly came out of the closet but it is whatever i guess

Nobody said you’re macho, it’s just you put on a false identity on yourself to mask all your childhood trauma.
Are you a complete imbecile, or is it the effect of potent drugs?

Well, there are a good number of people from Pakistan who subscribes and believe such kind of thought process too. So there is nothing wrong in listening to crazy people...
Nobody said you’re macho

That is what you implied but nevermind
For once I agree with OP. We need Akhand Subcontinent. Wheather its Hindu rashtra or Pakiland doesn't matter. What matters is Akhand Bharat.

If India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal Bhutan and Sri Lanka are unified to create Akhand Bharat, I will convert to Islam.

First things first, we must kill all the communists first.

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For once I agree with OP. We need Akhand Subcontinent. Wheather its Hindu rashtra or Pakiland doesn't matter. What matters is Akhand Bharat.

A hindu rashtra Akhand Bharat is a pipe dream you know and I know it. But the other way around is possible
A hindu rashtra Akhand Bharat is a pipe dream you know and I know it. But the other way around is possible
I don't mind. I am ready to convert to Islam. We need Akhand Bharat at all cost.
I don't mind. I am ready to convert to Islam. We need Akhand Bharat at all cost.

fine by me. I will welcome you
The purification of India is necessary for the region and greater world.

In first appraoch the world has to politically get divided from India and clearly communicated to the Americans we don't wanna play games but if you get entangled in this it destroys our relations for good. We are willing to look the other side in your affairs but not in India and you have to look the other side on India this doesn't concern you we will have to clearify that we will destroy anyone who sides with India communicated to other elements regionally nearby like Nepal or Myanmar etc etc.

Once India is isolated politically somewhat make sure there is no friends or anything on their side and everyone is communicated to that we will go into the subcontinent behind the scenes. They don't give an F' about India they aren't same civilization and India islolated in this region.

We strike one morning out of the blue from multiple axes point. Pakistan takes the north and Center where we give the Iranian armed forces the southern sector along the Karachi sector and the Afghans the middle sector. The Uzbeks will reinforce the entire line and join every unit across the line of engagement.

This will also mark as the first offensive war conducted by muslims since 1707.. That is approx 316 years.

India has been asking for it and you shall have it.. If you read history you will know that we have always been a train-wreck and it always paid off because we dared where most didn't and this is why we were able to expand so much.

We will eventually not tolerate having an extremist elements like RSS as neighbours in the region meaning nearby or other extremist elements they will give birth to in the future hence this will eventually become a security issues that we will have to deal with in order to ensure our future generations to eliminate this elements because as you may know when extremist elements like that rise they make conflicts possible and example Nazi German etc etc and this India is just a repeat of history like the Rama Raya era and it reminds about that era.

We will have to strike the bull by it's horn and indeed we are strong for the job. I am grateful for the chellenge can the hindutva vegeterians really stand in our way when we mean business. They won't have a chance here these vegetarians once we bounce. But we will have to wait and see how India evolves in the next 15 years to see if it comes back to the right direction or further slips into extremism because if it doesn't slip further into it then there will be no other option but an invasion.
Sarcasm is a sign of a brilliant mind.

It takes talent to write satire of this level and bait people with a straight face.

Thank you for making my sunday, the news about the train tragedy was depressing as hell, yet you've completely managed to bring joy to my day off.

Even @Joe Shearer is laughing about.

Srsly man, keep up the good work, a big fan of your work.

@mods dont you dare ban this gem, thodi khushi lene do hame.
fine by me. I will welcome you
First we have to kill our common enemies, Communists. We have to steer clear of these adharmiks. Let's start with the one in this thread.
That is what you implied but nevermind
So sorry to disappoint you.
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