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The one who doesn't know to take U-turn is a foolish leader says PM Imran Khan

Sir am not as much pathetic as other who blindly follow and did not raise question
How come? If IK had treasury full of money, he would have implemented his policies right away. So much time has been wasted on fixing a broken economy left by previous governments.

We always supporting those who think for Pakistan. :smokin:
Nawazoo only thinks about himself and his family.
How come? If IK had treasury full of money, he would have implemented his policies right away. So much time has been wasted on fixing a broken economy left by previous governments.

Nawazoo only thinks about himself and his family.
Am not talking about purana rona dhona khaxAna khali ha. Am talking about u turn . If a person accept thats he is a u turn guy yhen how can he expect that people believe his words
Am not talking about purana rona dhona khaxAna khali ha. Am talking about u turn . If a l3ader accept it thats
Why not? You think Imran Khan is taking U-turns because he is so happy about it? You think he is begging for foreign loans because he needs them? He doesn't. He is doing it to save the country from bankruptcy caused by former government policies.
Why not? You think Imran Khan is taking U-turns because he is so happy about it? You think he is begging for foreign loans because he needs them? He doesn't. He is doing it to save the country from bankruptcy caused by former government policies.
This is not first time he take u turn just observe few years back

This is not first time he take u turn just observe few years back
He is saving pakistan by taking u turn wooooow hats off sir
This is not first time he take u turn just observe few years back
So what? He takes U-turns when he is forced to admit his policy is not working, so he drafts a new one that works. At least he is trying to fix the mess caused by past leaders who didn't take U-turns on failed policies because of over inflated ego, and thus messed up the country.
So what? He takes U-turns when he is forced to admit his policy is not working, so he drafts a new one that works. At least he is trying to fix the mess caused by past leaders who didn't take U-turns on failed policies because of over inflated ego, and thus messed up the country.
Thats great. When you cnt deliver it then take u turn lol i dnt want pointless discussion with you.
He is saving pakistan by taking u turn wooooow hats off sir
Exactly. Both Hitler and Napoleon had a clear choice to bail from Russian invasion, but they didn't. This stubbornness and foolishness ruined their countries.
Why not? You think Imran Khan is taking U-turns because he is so happy about it? You think he is begging for foreign loans because he needs them? He doesn't. He is doing it to save the country from bankruptcy caused by former government policies.
But why didn't he do the khudkushi for the country's sake?
Thats great. When you cnt deliver it then take u turn lol i dnt want pointless discussion with you.
You must take U-turn on some current policy to reach the end goal. It doesn't mean giving up the goal altogether just because a temporary U-turn is taken.

But why didn't he do the khudkushi for the country's sake?
And what good for the country it would do? You would rather wish one meeting of Federal Cabinet twice a year vs 13 in two months is great for the country's sake. This is not going to return.
And what good for the country it would do? You would rather wish one meeting of Federal Cabinet twice a year vs 13 in two months is great for the country's sake. This is not going to return.
I am assuming that Britain Parliament like twice-a-week question-answer session in the parliament by prime minister is still on the cards?
I am assuming that Britain Parliament like twice-a-week question-answer session in the parliament by prime minister is still on the cards?
It is. Imran Khan is going to present 100 days performance in parliament soon.
So prime minister does not know a week has 7 days not 100.
It means reversal of a previous policy. By itself there is nothing wrong with it. If you find in practice that your policy proves to have weakness it makes all the sense to change direction. If your driving along and you find out your made a mistake do you persist with that mistake? I should think you ought to make a about turn as soon as possible. Ultimately it's not about u-turns but about the final destination. If you manage to make success then that is all that matters even if you made 99 u-turns along the way.

On the contrary if you make no u-turns but your destination is a bankrupt, debt ridden economy like Nawaz left then I would say that is a disaster.

Thats a justifiable sugarcoated answer and rightfully as a supporter so. I wont dispute.

I guess last night I was looking at a video of Imran Khan where there was a before and after "U-turn" comparison.
Where before the elections he was raining abuses on NS and saying all things against begging as a nation (I am quoting him, not my words) and preaching how disgusting it is.

But after he became PM and there is a video where he says how its totally right to ask for help (words corrected politically) and how we must ask our friends to help us (Saudi and China etc) and become less reliant on IMF, WB etc.

I hope you are speaking from that context and this thread is in that context.
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