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The one who doesn't know to take U-turn is a foolish leader says PM Imran Khan

Will he step down then or Launch his crusade on the poor People?

He should step down and let you people be deservedly lead by military dictators or the gods like Shariffs and Bhuttos and Mullahs who had establishment backing for decades. The shit the country is in is not because of IK, it is because of the gods of the past that you people backed.

He must have done something to step on your tail that you are going berserk about him on the forum. So what happened? Maybe Operation Radd-ul-Fassad needs to happen on you!
He should step down and let you people be deservedly lead by military dictators or the gods like Shariffs and Bhuttos and Mullahs who had establishment backing for decades. The shit the country is in is not because of IK, it is because of the gods of the past that you people backed.

He must have done something to step on your tail that you are going berserk about him on the forum. So what happened? Maybe Operation Radd-ul-Fassad needs to happen on you!



Think think think then spit it out of your mouth but our PM is opposite he spit out eveything then he think and after that he changes his stance on what he said

A delegation of senior columnists and journalists called on the Prime Minister during which the question about ‘U-turn’ was asked.

The reply of Imran Khan flabbergasted the participants of the meeting and other people alike. Responding to the query, Khan said a leader who does not take a U-turn is not a leader.

One who does not take decisions as per the need of the hour is not a true leader,” he remarked saying if Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte had taken U-turns, they would not have suffered such heavy losses and defeats.

Jinnah changed his decisions as well. He argued for a united India for many years, then gave up politics and went to UK for many years, and then he returned to fight for a separate nation.

Listen to what actually IK said as per Dunya's Islamabad Bureau chief and the context of it all. Traitor media is fabricating what judiciary is saying as well what IK is saying.
Taking U-turns is sign of leadership: PM

Syed Irfan RazaUpdated November 17, 2018
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Imran says Hitler and Napoleon faced defeat in Russia because they were not able to change their strategies according.— AFP/File

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has said the real leader of a nation always makes U-turns and changes his or her strategy according to the situation and the need of the hour.

He was talking to journalists who met him in the Prime Minister Office (PMO). “The leader who does not do timely U-turns is not a real leader,” the prime minister was quoted as saying by a participant.

Mr Khan gave the example of the ‘failure of German leader Adolf Hitler and French military leader Napoleon Bonaparte in the wars in Russia’ and said: “Both Hitler and Napoleon faced defeat as they did not change their strategies according to the situation and (as a result) their armies were marooned in Russia.”

Imran says Hitler and Napoleon faced defeat in Russia because they were not able to change their strategies according to situation

“Leaders should always be ready to take U-turns according to the requirement of their duties and best interests of the nation,” the prime minister added.

Interestingly, the opposition always blames Mr Khan for making U-turns in politics and backing out from what he promises to the nation. In fact, quite often he is dubbed as “master of U-turns”.

Reacting to the prime minister’s remarks, senior leader of the Pakistan Peoples Party Syed Khursheed Shah said that Mr Khan had “called himself Hitler” in his “U-turn remarks”.

Mr Shah said Hitler was a dictator and by giving his example Mr Khan had proved that he too was a dictator.

Talking about the performance of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), the prime minister said the anti-graft watchdog should first take up cases of bigwigs and then go for petty suspects.

“NAB is an independent institution and I hope that the bureau will take it into account how many cases it can take to logical conclusion on the basis of its capabilities and human resources,” the prime minister added.

100-day plan

The prime minister said the government would soon present a comprehensive plan for elimination of poverty, better education and health facilities and some other reforms. “The first 100 days of any government determine its direction and policies,” he added.

Unfortunately, he said, it had never been tried to bring in what he called “real” democracy in the country, adding that instead of democracy, kleptocracy had so far ruled the country, where rulers (mis)used their powers for their own interests.

The prime minister deplored that despite obtaining huge foreign loans in the past, Pakistan was still among Third World countries.

“We do not know the amount of resources our country has,” he maintained.

Only in oil and gas sectors six per cent of the resources had so far been tapped, he said. “Unfortunately none of the governments in the past paid attention to exploring other natural resources.”

Stressing the need for merit and fair play, Mr Khan said (previous) rulers had intentionally weakened state institutions so that they [institutions] could not make them [rulers] accountable for their deeds. “We are not at war against democrats but those who destroyed the country and plundered its wealth,” he said.

Lauding the performance of his party in the July 25 elections, Mr Khan said the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) had lost about 55 seats, 14 of the National Assembly and the rest of provincial legislatures, with the margin of 3,000 to 4,000 votes. “We have offered to the opposition to open any of the constituencies but its objective is only to malign the government by levelling false allegations of rigging,” he added.

“Maulana Fazlur Rehman (chief of the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-F) and other opposition leaders are making a hue and cry because they have been wiped out from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the polls,” he said.

The prime minister said the PTI government had inherited a number of problems, including crippling economy, but he was hopeful of overcoming all of them. “Improving exports, investments and foreign remittances are among top priorities of the government,” he said.

Published in Dawn, November 17th, 2018


So if People come out to the streets on his 101st day of being Prime Minister saying Nope we are making a uturn, we dont want Peace with India.

Will he step down then or Launch his crusade on the poor People?

The diddle do did the dew on the mountain with the few... Yes, you can't deny that.
I find it almost amusing that people are questioning the wisdom of what IK has stated. Any leader would know that you must have a plan, but once it is time to implement that plan, you must be willing and able to make changes in response to emerging circumstances.

This is not a new idea. It has been practiced by successful leaders through time, and you will find numerous books and quotes that describe how planning is a dynamic process.

It is perfectly acceptable to make "u-turns" for strategic reasons, in response to obstacles or opponents, as long as you continue to move towards your goal.

You may disagree with IK's ideology or direction. But you cannot dispute the fact that he has proven himself to be an effective leader. He lead his cricket team, his social welfare projects, and his political party, each time with success. Even his opponents agree that he is a man with great determination. But he got here because he was willing to adjust his tactics when he felt that they would not get him where he wanted to go.
That would be called a lie and deceit of public vote. Because its a deliberate attempt to hide the truth, that Imran Khan is not an honest leader. U-Turn is not the same thing.
You take a U-Turn when you find out that your promised policy is not implementable on the ground. Lying and deceit to public is when you promise eradication of corruption, while do the opposite, and do more corruption. U-Turn is when you do your best, and still fail to make society and government free of corruption.
To hide immaturity U turn invented. Decision can't be U turned and we have to take it carefully otherwise we lost many things including right time to take decisions.
Mast... yahi to hai leadership. Naya Pakistan. This justification should be used by every bureaucrat.
U-turn defines many thing but two of them are too important to ignore, responsibility and man of the word. He has never been responsible for himself never mind his children. And man of the word? That’s where u-turn chimes in.
I always thought everyone takes a Uturn except the Leader because he has to LEAD.

A Pakistani citing examples of Napolean and Hitler is not always satisfying given the amount of legends this region can bring to the table. Mr. Khan will always remain a Cricketer who won the world cup at the tender age of 39.

There is a fine line between being stubborn and being foolish.

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