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The news of a "new" Qiblah of prayer by Maliki is a LIE.

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this is panning out the same way when Altaf Hussain ( a Pakistani politician living in the UK ) makes some controversial statments then later when the reaction comes from the people, he doesnt withdraw his statment but says that what he said has been taken out of context.

we dont need more divisions among muslims , as if the ones that are already there werent enough

Maliki is an idiot to make such like statment , why play with words over such a core tenenant of the Islamic faith ?
@Oscar is a moderator , its his job to close the thread and ban each of the violators .

the twelve imams are not "holy" in sarcastic quotation , they are HOLY by nature , by blood which happens to be the prophet mohammad's (PBUH) .

and about what we think about them here is the deal : we think they are more than qualified for the leadership of muslim world !

disrespect of ahl-albait is disrespect of the prophet (PBUH) himself ! putting holy in sarcastic quotation in front of their name is a sin ... and ......

There is nothing sinful about questioning the nonsense (in the eyes of 90% of the world's Muslims) that this Iranian talks about in the video when he describes the beliefs of the Shia Twelvers, at least those in Iran when it comes to the 12 Imams that they give attributes to that only Allah (swt) posseses. I suggest you watch the video. Nothing anti-Shia.

Oscar apparently felt the need to participate in this thread and give his view on the Qibla debate which I btw. agree with. The moderators on this forum never had a passive role.

Those Imams don't live anymore. What leadership are you talking about? Why not make Prophet Muhammad (saws) the leader then? He was the BEST of them all. Not the 9th or 12th Imam of yours.

Sunni Muslism do not disrespect any of the Prophet's family. Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) is one of the most revered Muslims and is considered one of the 4 rightly guided Caliphs by all Sunni Muslims.
We Sunni Muslims are not the ones who are insulting Muslim figures. That is something some of you Shias do when you curse the Mother of All Believers Aisha (ra) and countless of Sahabah, including the Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) Abu Bakr (ra) Uthma (ra).

The family of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) is the property of all Muslims.
Although the Kabbe is merely a sign ,by the end of the day all Muslims either Shie or Sunni would pray towards the holly Kabba, that's the house of God.
On the other hand you need to follow the thoughts and teachings of a sect through the words of its scholars not its politicians, what Maleki meant surly isn't translated into changing the current Qibla, actually some fellas over here have taken his words literally as if he really intended to do it.
Qible means a place that many people want to visit for a particular reason too, the fact that this year around 30 million pilgrams visited the holly city of Karbala which it itself shows what he meant, only lovers can understand what he meant.
1-Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w):
” Hussain is from me and I’m from Hussain, may Allah love whoever loves Hussain “
”Indeed Hussain is the lamp for guidance & the Ark for salvation from Hell”.
(A) When the Holy Prophet informed Hazrat Fatimah (a.s)about the Martyrdom of his grandson Hussain, she burst into tears and asked:
"O my father! when would my son be martyred?" The Holy Prophet replied “ When neither I nor you, nor Ali would be alive."
she inquired again,"Who then, O my father, would commemorate Husayn’s martyrdom? The Holy Prophet said:
"The men and the women of a particular sect of my followers, who will befriend my Ahlu l-bayt, will mourn for Hussain and commemorate his martyrdom each year in every century."

I hope you don't believe this hadith is true....
To hell with Sunni-Shia sects. There is only one sect among Muslims. MUSLIM sect.

I know many 'Shia' Muslims. They have no difference with 'Sunnis'. They just don't give much importance to other 3 khalifas and Aisha. Prophet Muhammad and Hazrat Ali are given most importance. Thats it. Other than that no difference.
To hell with Sunni-Shia sects. There is only one sect among Muslims. MUSLIM sect.

I know many 'Shia' Muslims. They have no difference with 'Sunnis'. They just don't give much importance to other 3 khalifas and Aisha. Prophet Muhammad and Hazrat Ali are given most importance. Thats it. Other than that no difference.

Problem is not about differences, it's that these sects such as Shia, salafi, wahabi all believe our sahaba did not teach or pass Islam down properly.

In my opinion they are wrong in many cases.
that this Iranian talks about in the video when he describes the beliefs of the Shia Twelvers, at least those in Iran when it comes to the 12 Imams that they give attributes to that only Allah (swt) posseses.

TOTAL BS !! who says that ? which believes ? i think you are mis-understanding shiaism with extremist whabism !

I suggest you watch the video. Nothing anti-Shia.
the sentence above shows that its beyond anti-shia . and also who says that its not anti-shia ? you ? and we should accept it ?

i can also post videos of wahhabi extremist ideas just to clarify ...

Those Imams don't live anymore. What leadership are you talking about? Why not make Prophet Muhammad (saws) the leader then? He was the BEST of them all. Not the 9th or 12th Imam of yours.

prophet mohammad (PBUH) was the last messenger of the lord . He had done his work , now its up to us whether to accept it , or to change his words and turn crazy !

Sunni Muslism do not disrespect any of the Prophet's family. Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) is one of the most revered Muslims and is considered one of the 4 rightly guided Caliphs by all Sunni Muslims.
We Sunni Muslims are not the ones who are insulting Muslim figures. That is something some of you Shias do when you curse the Mother of All Believers Aisha (ra) and countless of Sahabah, including the Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra) Abu Bakr (ra) Uthma (ra).
The family of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) is the property of all Muslims.

very good then :tup:
Problem is not about differences, it's that these sects such as Shia, salafi, wahabi all believe our sahaba did not teach or pass Islam down properly.

In my opinion they are wrong in many cases.

What you on about? There is nothing called "Salafi or "Wahabi". Those people follow the Qur'an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saws) like all other Sunni Muslims. Moreover they take the Salaf the first and most pious generation of Muslims as their inspiration. Hence the name given to them by outsiders "Salafi".

Don't confuse people following that with Jihadists or people who are not Muslims by action but only by name.

Shia on the other hand have a wide, wide range of beliefs that totally differ from Sunni Islam (mainstream Islam) hence they are not categorized as Sunni Muslims.

They don't even recognize the SUnnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saws). They have their own ahadith.

Not, I am a Sunni Muslim of the Shfi'i fiqh but Sunni Islam is one. The differences in fiqh are minimal.
What you on about? There is nothing called "Salafi or "Wahabi". Those people follow the Qur'an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saws) like all other Sunni Muslims. Moreover they take the Salaf the first and most pious generation of Muslims as their inspiration. Hence the name given to them by outsiders "Salafi".

Don't confuse people following that with Jihadists or people who are not Muslims by action but only by name.

Shia on the other hand have a wide, wide range of beliefs that totally differ from Sunni Islam (mainstream Islam) hence they are not categorized as Sunni Muslims.

They don't even recognize the SUnnah of the Prophet Muhammad (saws). They have their own ahadith.

Not, I am a Sunni Muslim of the Shfi'i fiqh but Sunni Islam should not be divided.

I'm not confusing anything, salafists and wahabi have the same ideology that we don't follow the right Islam because those who passed it down made mistakes.

This is not true and salafi is Sunni yes but they have this belief which we are against. And most jihadists aren't salafi or wahabi.
TOTAL BS !! who says that ? which believes ? i think you are mis-understanding shiaism with extremist whabism !

the sentence above shows that its beyond anti-shia . and also who says that its not anti-shia ? you ? and we should accept it ?

i can also post videos of wahhabi extremist ideas just to clarify ...

prophet mohammad (PBUH) was the last messenger of the lord . He had done his work , now its up to us whether to accept it , or to change his words and turn crazy !

very good then :tup:

No, that is what the Iranian is telling us about and widespread beliefs among you Shia Twelvers. It is no secret that you, in the eyes of 90% of the world's Muslims, give false attributes to your Imams. He is countering that with the Qur'an and logic. You should watch. Nobody calls himself a "Wahhabi". That is a word outsiders have invented. Sunni Muslims do not have any of such similar beliefs.

Then follow his word. Don't say crap like your dead Imams are your best leaders. They are not.

So it is very good when you Shias insult Muslim figures something Sunni Muslims do not?

I'm not confusing anything, salafists and wahabi have the same ideology that we don't follow the right Islam because those who passed it down made mistakes.

This is not true and salafi is Sunni yes but they have this belief which we are against. And most jihadists aren't salafi or wahabi.

Nonsense. Sunnis do not differ among themselves when it comes to the principles of the religion nor is any Sunni group saying that Sunni x or y are wrong. Only difference are cosmetic differences. I happen to know Muslims from all sects since KSA have them all. Native even. Talking about the recognized ones.

We have Shias of the Twelver sect, Ismaili Shias, Zaydi Shias, Sunnis of the Shafi'i (majority in Hijaz) fiqh, Maliki fiqh, Hanafi fiqh and Sunnis of the Hanbali fiqh that you call "Wahhabis or Salafis".

There are people in KSA, mainly Najd, that are Sunnis of the Hanbali fiqh (which you and your likes probably would call "Wahhabis" or "Salafis" but they don't make any anti Sunni Muslims comments towards other Sunnis in the Kingdom be they Sunnis Muslims of the Shafi'i fiqh, Maliki or Hanafi.

I don't care what some converts in the West are saying of nonsense and attaching to themselves. Let alone misguided Jihadists. We keep a distance to those people.
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People are jumping to conclusions.

Qibla simply means a beacon (of wisdom and righteousness).

Kaaba is the ultimate beacon for all Muslims.

What Mailiki was saying is that Imam Hussain's example of standing firm in the face of tyranny is a lesson always to be remembered.

In that sense, Karbala is also a beacon: a beacon of that ultimate commitment to justice and self-sacrifice. Nowhere is there any suggestion that Karbala should replace Kaaba.

We Shias remember and honor Imam Hussain's sacrifice five times a day in addition to praying to Allah and affirming his prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

If others don't want to do so, that's fine.

I think that all Muslims are a bit confused about many of the beliefs of the Shia Twelvers. They will probably have some kind of explanation that only the Shia Twelvers know about and agree with.

Can you explain to me their belief when it comes to their 12 "Holy" Imams?

I dont want to go beyond into religious debates and will close the thread. However, I do respect the Imams and I am not of the Shia sect(although I do consider myself Shia-ne Ali..). That respect is that of scholars and pious people not the extent taken by the Shia sect and their interpretation of the Mahdi. It is similar to the respect given to .. to Imam Abu Hanifa, Iman Hanbal.. and Imam Malik and Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. These people were all pious Muslims and in my view we are not qualified nor authorized to judge them.. the only authority to pass judgements.. is around you.. is around me.. knows what is being typed.. and what is being read. May he grant wisdom and understanding to us all.. and end these Fitnah's that now plague us all. I have no qualms.. nor problems in sharing my Saff with a Shia, Hanbali, Maliki, Wahabbi and Qadiani as well as long as there is no doubt in their minds on لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا الله مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ الله and its totality and finality. There can be no addition or subtraction in There is no god but Allah and Muhammmad is his final messenger for me to consider that person a Muslim. The rest of it is only different madhab.. and that I do not debate until I myself have attained the bare minimum of mastery of it.
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