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The news of a "new" Qiblah of prayer by Maliki is a LIE.

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After seeing the mass retardation of many members, I decided to make a dedicated thread explaining what "Qiblah" means in Arabic. Because many members and non-members have taken advantage of the people's ignorance to mislead other people into believing that there was a change in direction of prayer.

Here was my reply.
Then he the (PM) should have made it clear.... why didnt he?

Isn't the idea of qibla a form of idolatory? ?.
We face it no matter where we are so that All Muslims (no matter where they are ) will be facing the same direction while praying...we call it discipline + unity

Saudi Arabia itself should take the lead.
As of now, Saudi Arabia allows qadyani from india, and shia from every where to enter Mecca.

I have heard news of many non muslims working in Saudi also going into the Haram sanctuary.
Anyone who read the shahadah can enter...there is no other condition..

God, please make it happen so mecca will solely belong to us
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We shias are evil ! we are killing ourselves by suicide bombing everyday in iraq , syria , lebanon , pakistan , .....

just to blame wahhabi extremists . now cut the crap ......

these kinda of threads are not only against the forums law , but also flame the already fitna-stricken community of PDF .

please refrain from creating such shia-sunni crap here cause it justs widens the space between us .

may we all become civilized and gain enough restrain to live peacefully among each other
That is your own definition, AL-Maliki words were crystal clear so don't try to cover the sun with a finger because you can't.

Its not something new for us that the Shitts always twist anything just to suite what they want. Heck even the Quran got spare no from your twisting.

It's not my fault that your sorry *** superior Arabian intellect can't understand what Qiblah mean. Yes, Karbala is a Qiblah.

Then he the (PM) should have made it clear.... why didnt he?
it is clear, atleast to me it is. But some people like to lie,and believe their own lies. Most Arabs at least know what he meant, but they decide to understand it in a different way in a pathetic and sad attempt to put the Shias down.
it is clear, atleast to me it is. But some people like to lie,and believe their own lies. Most Arabs at least know what he meant, but they decide to understand it in a different way in a pathetic and sad attempt to put the Shias down.

Well, I hope there is a statement by him to clarify this
There is only one Qibla and that is the Kaaba in Makkah. You Shias have lost it completely.

Your pathetic excuse and Shia nonsense that apparently only you Shias believe in (all other Muslims only recognize one Qibla) is not going to change that.

We know the context it was said in.

Or maybe your interpretation is part of the many new beliefs that you have added over the years?

Who knows? You always seem to find excuses for your strange beliefs that all other Muslims don't' agree with.

Let us also forget the context it was said in:

Why don't you Shias make a Kaaba of your own in Karbala while you are at it? Then you will not only have your own Qibla but also own Kaaba. Far away from the evil Muslims.
Although the Kabbe is merely a sign ,by the end of the day all Muslims either Shie or Sunni would pray towards the holly Kabba, that's the house of God.
On the other hand you need to follow the thoughts and teachings of a sect through the words of its scholars not its politicians, what Maleki meant surly isn't translated into changing the current Qibla, actually some fellas over here have taken his words literally as if he really intended to do it.
Qible means a place that many people want to visit for a particular reason too, the fact that this year around 30 million pilgrams visited the holly city of Karbala which it itself shows what he meant, only lovers can understand what he meant.
1-Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w):
” Hussain is from me and I’m from Hussain, may Allah love whoever loves Hussain “
”Indeed Hussain is the lamp for guidance & the Ark for salvation from Hell”.
(A) When the Holy Prophet informed Hazrat Fatimah (a.s)about the Martyrdom of his grandson Hussain, she burst into tears and asked:
"O my father! when would my son be martyred?" The Holy Prophet replied “ When neither I nor you, nor Ali would be alive."
she inquired again,"Who then, O my father, would commemorate Husayn’s martyrdom? The Holy Prophet said:
"The men and the women of a particular sect of my followers, who will befriend my Ahlu l-bayt, will mourn for Hussain and commemorate his martyrdom each year in every century."​
It's not my fault that your sorry *** superior Arabian intellect can't understand what Qiblah mean. Yes, Karbala is a Qiblah.

it is clear, atleast to me it is. But some people like to lie,and believe their own lies. Most Arabs at least know what he meant, but they decide to understand it in a different way in a pathetic and sad attempt to put the Shias down.

I am not an Arab. But please explain to me.. how can Karbala be a Qiblah..for the following reasons.

The Qiblah is the common direction (and not the building of the Kaaba itself) that all Muslims pray to. The purpose of which is to ensure unity in thought and direction. i.e. It signifies that it is one god we all prostrate to.

So if Karbala is a Qiblah.. then there is essentially another god that you(and I dont think you speak for all followers of those who call themselves shia-ne Ali) worship. Since the Qiblah set by Allah(and it is clearly said again and again in the first 3 Surah of the Quran) is in Makkah. This seems confusing and pertains to Shirk and I dont think that is what you claim. Hence, I am quite confused by this statement of yours and hope you are able to elaborate what it means?

Although the Kabbe is merely a sign ,by the end of the day all Muslims either Shie or Sunni would pray towards the holly Kabba, that's the house of God.
On the other hand you need to follow the thoughts and teachings of a sect through the words of its scholars not its politicians, what Maleki meant surly isn't translated into changing the current Qibla, actually some fellas over here have taken his words literally as if he really intended to do it.
Qible means a place that many people want to visit for a particular reason too, the fact that this year around 30 million pilgrams visited the holly city of Karbala which it itself shows what he meant, only lovers can understand what he meant.
1-Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w):
” Hussain is from me and I’m from Hussain, may Allah love whoever loves Hussain “
”Indeed Hussain is the lamp for guidance & the Ark for salvation from Hell”.
(A) When the Holy Prophet informed Hazrat Fatimah (a.s)about the Martyrdom of his grandson Hussain, she burst into tears and asked:
"O my father! when would my son be martyred?" The Holy Prophet replied “ When neither I nor you, nor Ali would be alive."
she inquired again,"Who then, O my father, would commemorate Husayn’s martyrdom? The Holy Prophet said:
"The men and the women of a particular sect of my followers, who will befriend my Ahlu l-bayt, will mourn for Hussain and commemorate his martyrdom each year in every century."​

Regardless of the supreme sacrifice of Imam Hussain which has no parallels. The context of Karbala as a Qibla cannot be taken in the same vein as that of the Kaaba. It is an important site in Islamic history.. an important site for all Muslims regardless of being Shia or Sunni to visit and pay respects on the supreme sacrifice of Imam Hussain. However, one must be very clear on using and interpreting terms when in such contexts as it leads to misunderstandings and inflames divides which are man made and based on pointless rhetoric.

There is another term for the Kaaba.. forgive my roman Arabic.. Jahat-e-Jaama.
So perhaps there may be usage of the word Qibla for other purposes . but it is best avoided with common folk( interestingly, in urdu we use Qibla to refer to a male person in partial cordial manner)
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I think that all Muslims are a bit confused about many of the beliefs of the Shia Twelvers. They will probably have some kind of explanation that only the Shia Twelvers know about and agree with.

Can you explain to me their belief when it comes to their 12 "Holy" Imams?

That video above has nothing anti-Shia in it. I invite everyone to watch it.
Although the Kabbe is merely a sign ,by the end of the day all Muslims either Shie or Sunni would pray towards the holly Kabba, that's the house of God.
On the other hand you need to follow the thoughts and teachings of a sect through the words of its scholars not its politicians,
bro in todays scholar there isnt much differences....Few 100 yrs back, the church used to advice the monarchy to do things which benefited both...and today we see "scholars" pocketing moneys and echo-ing words of politicians...

what Maleki meant surly isn't translated into changing the current Qibla, actually some fellas over here have taken his words literally as if he really intended to do it.
and hence I asked for the context and also why he didnt clarify it?

Qible means a place that many people want to visit for a particular reason too
in what language is that meaning? The meaning of qibla is direction....not a place to visit...if that is the case in your dialect of Arabic then he should have made it clear then or at least now that there is a big fuss!

the fact that this year around 30 million pilgrams visited the holly city of Karbala which it itself shows what he meant, only lovers can understand what he meant.
1-Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w):
Hussain is from me and I’m from Hussain, may Allah love whoever loves Hussain “​
sounds similar to what Jesus said about God...but we dont accept the translations..

”Indeed Hussain is the lamp for guidance & the Ark for salvation from Hell”.
sorry the word was supposed to be Prophet as in the Quran where he is a meercy to man kind...
(A) When the Holy Prophet informed Hazrat Fatimah (a.s)about the Martyrdom of his grandson Hussain, she burst into tears and asked:
"O my father! when would my son be martyred?" The Holy Prophet replied “ When neither I nor you, nor Ali would be alive."
she was a very disciplined woman! why on earth would she loose stance and why would Prophet tell about the future fate of someone..He was never allowed to tell...he always told he cant tell many things...

she inquired again,"Who then, O my father, would commemorate Husayn’s martyrdom? The Holy Prophet said:
"The men and the women of a particular sect of my followers, who will befriend my Ahlu l-bayt, will mourn for Hussain and commemorate his martyrdom each year in every century."
Dude "commemorate"? Why dont we do it for the Prophet himself? coz it is not in Islam to make celebrations of a death! Plus a dead is a dead...if it was such we should be doing so for all the 25 Great Rasool!! who were mentioned in the Quran! All 25 from Adam to Muhammad...dont they deserve the same? or maybe more? No we were asked to move away from this pagan believe of making a mountain of a moehill...

How did the newly wed Sahbah's wife control herself? She knew her husband was going to his death bed, did she stop him? no ...did she warn him? no because people with knowledge do not boast or do what the hadith said above!

I respect the Prophet but giving un necessary titles or uplifting un necessarily is un necessary, dont you think so? Islam is not a showcase but a way of life.....with rules, discipline and humbleness not something to brag about!

can you also give references of the hadiths...because we were forbidden to even cry rivers for the Prophet's death which was a Big loss for the ummah!
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I think that all Muslims are a bit confused about many of the beliefs of the Shia Twelvers. They will probably have some kind of explanation that only the Shia Twelvers know about and agree with.
Can you explain to me their belief when it comes to their 12 "Holy" Imams?

@Oscar is a moderator , its his job to close the thread and ban each of the violators .

the twelve imams are not "holy" in sarcastic quotation , they are HOLY by nature , by blood which happens to be the prophet mohammad's (PBUH) .

and about what we think about them here is the deal : we think they are more than qualified for the leadership of muslim world !

disrespect of ahl-albait is disrespect of the prophet (PBUH) himself ! putting holy in sarcastic quotation in front of their name is a sin ... and ......
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