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The Most powerful country in Islamic world

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These new tweeps are giving me a headache, i dont even feel like posting mature posts
These new tweeps are giving me a headache, i dont even feel like posting mature posts

Neo make a rule that for first 2 weeks newbies cant post in topics but can only read

Since you have so much "classified" information, do you know if Pakistan is making any biological weapon? Like a virus who only attacks infidels? Maybe we can launch that and then bye bye usa...:usflag:
well neo and why iam annoying you. it is just discussion for information sake. dont take advantage of seniority. why will you ban me? you cannot answer by logic and want to take a refuge by banning me .
Keys has already answered it but I'm not sure you have the intellect to understand.
As a mod, its by job is to hunt down idiots like you. :sniper:
well i you people dont understand the simple english . i have said many times that indeed it would be a diasator for pakistan the nuclear exchange with USA or any european country. pakistan have to be prepared for devastation. but remember pakistan has MOD Doctrine ( mutually assured destruction). what do you think that US invade pakistan and 6000 army and vast militiary build up of pakistan will not respond and let them to rise thier flag in Islamabad just due to the fear of bieng in stone age.? no sir if you think so then indeed you are wrong. paksitan will respond upto its full capability. ok leave for information sake i imagine that pakistan hasnot any ICBM. but is hitting us mainland directly merely means harming USA. there are thousands other way which can harm USA. israel the illegiimate son of USA , is in the range of pakistani current missile inventory . they hanve 6 million ppulation. 5 missiles will vanished them. and also a regional arm of america and ending the longtime US influence n the region making russia and china activing in place of USA. in case of attack usa will have to bring up thier carriers in pakistani missiles range. remember iran isnt the atomic bombs niether they have missiles like pakistan but still USA afraid of bringing them to irani missiles range. and to attack paksitan no regional aircases will be availible to them except central asian of carriers. so it will put US carriers at severe risk of destruction.
and by the way i will dont like ot answer the indian guys as they have no brain in thier skulls
there is a link of missiles which paksitan didnot test yet.

The list that you are showing only has one missile on it. And that is a another IRBM. The other missiles are ones that are in service and are known about.

The moment that Pak tests a ICBM I think that most of the big powers will know about it pretty quickly. And the whole point of having a deterrent is making sure the other side know about it.

NOW please stop pretending that you have some secret information and making stuff up please.
Har Har Har, I know that but Pakistan can Deshtroi United States of Amerika into PulP!!!! I never knew that
Keys!!!! you are taking the fun out!!!!!!!!!!!

Or just ban him and we can get on with our lives,
Oneliners will be deleted, this is not a chat session! :disagree:
Oneliners will be deleted, this is not a chat session! :disagree:

well as you idiot wish . i think forum official should consider the issue seriously. they should not give veto power to forigner idiaots who cannot bear sraight forward logics
well as you idiot wish . i think forum official should consider the issue seriously. they should not give veto power to forigner idiaots who cannot bear sraight forward logics

Did you just call me an idiot??
Please confirm!
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