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The Most powerful country in Islamic world

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Neo make a rule that for first 2 weeks newbies cant post in topics but can only read

Suggestion: Let them post in selected sections, so that we read their 'intelect in posting' and then allow them to the main body.
well as you idiot wish . i think forum official should consider the issue seriously. they should not give veto power to forigner idiaots who cannot bear sraight forward logics

Neo he just called you something....

Sehran you are trying to debate somethign which nobody is willing to. Ok agreed that Pakistan is strong and can inflcit ' some harm' on US if it invades. What else do you have to say?
Neo he just called you something....

Sehran you are trying to debate somethign which nobody is willing to. Ok agreed that Pakistan is strong and can inflcit ' some harm' on US if it invades. What else do you have to say?

he has nothing to say because he is banned :police:
yes its an irbm but israel is in range of that missile dude

Why would Pakistan attack Israel?

Maybe you have forgotten that Israel has a 2nd Strike Capability. It has 4 German Dolphin Submarines which can launch nukes and annihilate Pakistan?

Please go back to your coloring books and crayons.
yes its an irbm but israel is in range of that missile dude

sehranasheens why would Pakistan want to Kill civilians

Would you know what Nuke Bomb is ?
It doesn't distiguish who is Civillain or Milatary, right or wrong

What do you know about Israel that the entire population, because of some, deserve this type of attack

Have you met an Israeli or a Jew and heard their point of view ?

I really wanted to pick his brain on that topic alas he's banned :)
without a doubt, pakistan is the most powerful state in the islamic world.

anyone who disagrees should be banned from this forum.

.:pakistan: :pakistan:


Pakistan the most powerful Islamic country in terms of milatary
I just hope that its economy catches up because if we are going to maintain a strong powerful state in the islamic world we goingknow where the moneys coming from.
Ok, what good is this thread? You all speak of the Muslim world as if it was somehow united or that it stands alone. Pure hogwash. Pakistani nuke superiority means squat all against Turkey who can count on the US nuclear umbrella. Iran is not looking towards Pakistan for support for its nuclear program ... nor is Pakistan giving it. Iran is looking towards Russia and China, two very non-Muslim countries for support.

This thread is a p!ssing contest, pure and simple. It ignores strategic and political realities that the Muslim world is not united nor does the rest of the world give a damn which Muslim country is the strongest. All of them are isolated and that includes the only two nuclear armed Muslim countries (I'm counting India because of her Muslim population). The Muslim countries are treated individually, even nuclear armed Pakistan, VERY MUCH DIFFERENT from the N5 who all lead their own little clout countries.

Canada can tell Pakistan to take her nukes and shoved it up her butt hole mainly because the US will back Canada against Pakistan. Can Iran, KSA, Indonesia, hell let's even say Bangladesh and Sri Lanka count on Pak nuclear retalliation? I think you all know the answer to that one.

Does Pak military strength count? Of course it does ... when taken into context against Afghanistan, India, and Iran. Turkey could care less about Pak nukes. By the same token, can Pakistan count on a Turk army marching towards New Dehli? So, context matters and in context, this thread is worthless in examining the proper info.
So, context matters and in context, this thread is worthless in examining the proper info.
I couldn't agree more.
Lets keep this thread for another 24 hours to allow members to agree or disagree with you. I wanted to kill it earlier since the thread was created by a banned member.
I totally agree this thread is nothing more than a pissing contest, I for one want this thread closed, context or no context. All this thread is some nationalistic **** waving. Frankly as OOE said the whole world doesn't give a damn about who is the strongest in the Islamic world because they treat them individually. And as long as there's thread like these which are just nationalistic and not based on "Islamic" world or unity there will never be an Islamic world and therefore there will only be nations. So aslong as there is nations the whole point of Strongest in the Islamic world is mute. Friends when willl you understand strength comes from unity not being astranged from allies and brothers?
Anyway this thread is good for 14 year olds ..
It ignores strategic and political realities that the Muslim world is not united nor does the rest of the world give a damn which Muslim country is the strongest. All of them are isolated and that includes the only two nuclear armed Muslim countries (I'm counting India because of her Muslim population). The Muslim countries are treated individually, even nuclear armed Pakistan, VERY MUCH DIFFERENT from the N5 who all lead their own little clout countries.


This could change in the future
And Adux could marry Paris Hilton. There's absolutely no indications of even trends to either of these scenarios.
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