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The Most Embarrassing Fox News Interview?

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I know sir, they don't even try to hide their inherent bias. But I was just blown away by the audacity of this women from the very first question she asked along the lines of "why, as a Muslim, have you written a book about Jesus?".
Then why are Muslims so intolerant of any criticism of Islam? Keep in mind that one does not need a university degree to have an opinion. So if the Muslims questions the motives and agendas of any critics of Islam, may be it is time for the Christians to act even half as intolerant as the Muslims are and see how they like it.
Because you have nothing worth responding to...And once you jumped to the conclusion that I am a white supremacist simply because I criticize the Muslims for their intolerant attitudes, you really have nothing worth responding to.
Lets see. Let everyone see your miserable incompetence to respond which think you could be covered on page 10 or 11 onward.

Everyone should decide if gambit was smoking dumb weed or hes just plain stupid.

Here it goes

Atheists insults Christians and the Muslims remains silent. Muslims persecutes Christians and Jews and if anyone speaks up, they are told to mind their own business.
Yes, it does. But unfortunately not for you.

The problem for your argument is that just about anything can be interpreted as an insult. If the Christians (of today) are to behave like the Muslims (of all times), by questioning Jesus' virgin birth Reza Aslan earned just earned himself a death sentence. But it is a good thing we are not like the Muslims. Good for all religions..

Problem is with me? lol
i never said 'anything can be interpreted', you can refer to my first post in this thread. First paragraph and you'll know what i mean. Short memory much?

And how contradictory on your part when you start complaining in one post about not having favors from Muslims when Christianity is abused. Later you go on with showing compliance with west's tolerance to abuse religions get? Decide woman!

You solve this ^^ awkward juxtaposition you have on the subject and then only i might be able to answer your other flaws.

Go on genius. Say something relevant this time. Enough with consistent disappointment
Had I any interest in researching green for any compelling reason I don't know yet, I would. But her arguments makes one not want to do so. But you gotta realize one thing, among Muslim countries freedom of speech/ tolerance unfortunately isnt a thing given much consideration. Fire away all you want, I could barely care what you have to say about but having said that I do hope you can differentiate b/w freedom of speech to question authenticity and right out abuse of society/ religion/ idea using freedom of speech as a shield.
Of course I can. But the fact that I have the same NON-VIOLENT response says much about me as a tolerant person. God in any form does not need defending.
Of course I can. But the fact that I have the same NON-VIOLENT response says much about me as a tolerant person. God in any form does not need defending.

So am I, we must be minorities then. Agreed to the point God does not need defending.
Then why are Muslims so intolerant of any criticism of Islam? Keep in mind that one does not need a university degree to have an opinion. So if the Muslims questions the motives and agendas of any critics of Islam, may be it is time for the Christians to act even half as intolerant as the Muslims are and see how they like it.

You've got a fair point. But then you have to consider a lot of the hate triggered by criticisms of Islam originate in the ME where literacy rates are almost non-existent. Whereas much of the Christian world is relatively developed and mature, it is going to be much easier to whip up a hateful, effigy-burning, mob in Iraq or Pakistan than it is in Sweden or Germany- not to say such things are unheard of. Case in point, a few weeks back there were mass protests among Indian Christian over a statue depicting the Virgin Mary in Indian dress- or something. Where you have ignorance and low levels of education you are going to have high levels of intolerance and stupidity (in the respect of protests).

But saying Y should start acting as intolerant as X will only lead to a race to the bottom and a downward spiral fueled by hatred and stupidity.

The way forward is tolerance not the reverse.
sure they are.. we are talking about news channels specifically NDTV, and you seem to bring everything that you can get your hands on... its only matter of time you will bring poverty and defecation and rapes?

We are taking about your credibility. It seems you are scared of the topics which a person can bring in to put you in further shame, don't worry mods have conveniently banned rapes but allowed defaming on Pakistan by Indians to encourage a "quality discussion" on the forums nor am I a person that likes to talk about rapes/ poverty.
The interviewed obvious lack of intelligence aside, it still doesn't seem right for a practicing Muslim who gave up Christianity to write a historical account of Jesus. History and religion are not compatible . He can definitely not write a historically accurate account of Muhammad and get away with it.

If you are talking about bias then I think he did a great job by challenging 'Virgin Birth' which both muslims and christians believe and 'Crucifixion' which Muslims do not believe in.....He addressed both of them in the interview!So I do not think a question of muslim bias comes here when he challenges muslims twice where he challenges christians once!
Of course I can. But the fact that I have the same NON-VIOLENT response says much about me as a tolerant person. God in any form does not need defending.

Gambit you messed up logic with that post.
You've got a fair point. But then you have to consider a lot of the hate triggered by criticisms of Islam originate in the ME where literacy rates are almost non-existent. Whereas much of the Christian world is relatively developed and mature, it is going to be much easier to whip up a hateful, effigy-burning, mob in Iraq or Pakistan than it is in Sweden or Germany- not to say such things are unheard of. Case in point, a few weeks back there were mass protests among Indian Christian over a statue depicting the Virgin Mary in Indian dress- or something. Where you have ignorance and low levels of education you are going to have high levels of intolerance and stupidity (in the respect of protests).

But saying Y should start acting as intolerant as X will only lead to a race to the bottom and a downward spiral fueled by hatred and stupidity.

The way forward is tolerance not the reverse.


1.Most hate filled reaction comes from wanabee countries like Pakistan and India and Queen of extremism Britain.

2. Education level have a very weak to low correlation with Fundamentalism.
We are taking about your credibility. It seems you are scared of the topics which a person can bring in to put you in further shame, don't worry mods have conveniently banned rapes but allowed defaming on Pakistan by Indians to encourage a "quality discussion" on the forums nor am I a person that likes to talk about rapes/ poverty.
lolz.. what credibility, Indian army made mistake but it came to light, nobody supressed it, right. If it was willful negligence or lying on their part, I would be embarassed. At higher altitude in himalayas, its difficult to determine which is which, I am told.

What does it got to do with NDTV . They get their news from different sources and pass on to us with best of their ability. Not blabber like your yellow news media, who have personalized the news with their own agenda.
Anyone with half of brain should know what is Judea. And its simply matter of fact: thats how Romans called it during the Jesus time.

Freudian slips............
You've got a fair point. But then you have to consider a lot of the hate triggered by criticisms of Islam originate in the ME where literacy rates are almost non-existent. Whereas much of the Christian world is relatively developed and mature, it is going to be much easier to whip up a hateful, effigy-burning, mob in Iraq or Pakistan than it is in Sweden or Germany- not to say such things are unheard of. Case in point, a few weeks back there were mass protests among Indian Christian over a statue depicting the Virgin Mary in Indian dress- or something. Where you have ignorance and low levels of education you are going to have high levels of intolerance and stupidity (in the respect of protests).

But saying Y should start acting as intolerant as X will only lead to a race to the bottom and a downward spiral fueled by hatred and stupidity.

The way forward is tolerance not the reverse.
Not sure if I buy that now. I came from pre-historic (Internet) time, to this day I prefers a book over a computer for in-depth information, so for a while I can agree to a great deal what you just said. But since I stood upright and sees how sophisticated Muslims behaves the same as the ignorant and uneducated Muslims that made up the intolerant mob, am not sure if the intolerance that I experienced in the ME while in active duty can be excised from the Muslims WHEN THEY ARE THE DOMINANT CULTURE.

Look at this Fox News interview of Aslan for example. Reza Aslan questioned the Virgin Birth, a major foundational point in Christianity and no Christians rioted. And yet when Laura Green questioned Aslan as to his biases, damn near all hell broke loose among the sophisticated techno savvy Muslims in this thread. :lol:

Yeah...So much for education.
lolz.. what credibility, Indian army made mistake but it came to light, nobody supressed it, right. If it was willful negligence or lying on their part, I would be embarassed. At higher altitude in himalayas, its difficult to determine which is which, I am told.

What does it got to do with NDTV . They get their news from different sources and pass on to us with best of their ability. Not blabber like your yellow news media, who have personalized the news with their own agenda.

6 months? mistake? Are you frikin serious? We are taking about a mistake that could have sparked a potentially deadly incident like your army firing towards Jupiter and Venus ! :omghaha: and maybe starting a fight with another country based on an analysis not approved by a 12 year old.

Please spare J and V, we might need to explore it one day in future. :girl_wacko:
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