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The Moral Collapse and gradual break down of American/Western Society

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15-Year-Old Girl’s Birthday Party

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Apparently original video was deleted on youtube.
Aha :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:....... and still millions of South Asians/Asians flock into those countries which have the highest living standards in the world
In the West, SEX SELLS, so everyone's profiting from this hypersexualized capitalistic society that worships material.

There's a reason prostitution is called the oldest profession on Earth.
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15-Year-Old Girl’s Birthday Party

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What is so morally degrading in this video?
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. .
Are 15 years allow to do that? Drink, smoke pot, makeout?

Allowed? No.

But you probably heard the story about the forbidden fruit being the sweetest.....

If it doesn't seem Morally degrading to you than what standards are set by americans for morality?

It's a pitty i cannot answer you properly due to the infractions i would receive. But i do wonder what is so degrading in dancing and smoking and kissing here and there?
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Allowed? No.

But you probably heard the story about the forbidden fruit being the sweetest.....

Is it morally acceptable? If not, than where was your sense of sense of morality when you said what's morally degrading
Is it morally acceptable? If not, than where was your sense of sense of morality when you said what's morally degrading

Yes, having fun is morally acceptable, it is even beneficial medically. As there are different types of people on this Earth, different types of having fun apply, ofcourse always in the normal range of not affecting someone's freedom with your fun.

You should try kissing sometimes. It's nice.
Yes, having fun is morally acceptable, it is even beneficial medically. As there are different types of people on this Earth, different types of having fun apply, ofcourse always in the normal range of not affecting someone's freedom with your fun.

You should try kissing sometimes. It's nice.

So as per your thinking, morality is not interfering in someone else freedom as long as they do whatever but morality in original sense is not to overstep the bounds . Having such skew morality standards is leading to overall degradation of society which is what topic is all about.
. . .
In any country you are going to find extremes. Some people lead highly religious lives while others go the complete opposite path. The problem is when you take the actions of one of these extremes and then make a generalization about the entire country.

There will be rich, poor, and people in the middle. You are going to have your Einsteins and your Charles Mansons.

As an example people who put their little kids in beauty pageants are looked at as weird and must be having something to prove (maybe they had low self esteem as a child themselves). Most parents find it shocking...but it isn't illegal so what can you do?

The way it is presented here sounds like they have applications to these things on the walls of every school in the US. In reality it is a fringe thing and probably localized to some area in the South.
So as per your thinking, morality is not interfering in someone else freedom as long as they do whatever but morality in original sense is not to overstep the bounds .

That's not what i said is it? I said it is morally acceptable to have fun (not what morality is) as long as your fun isn't interfering with someone who doesn't want it. In other words, to not overstep the bounds. In yet more other words, in a concrete example, it is appropriate to have fun, but not to make fun of someone because of whatever deficiencies that someone might have.

Having such skew morality standards is leading to overall degradation of society which is what topic is all about.

Ya, that's why the hordes are gathering at the gates and risking lives crossing the Mediteranean sea with ships that can barely float to get here.
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