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The Mathematics of Military Balance

Our business as a credible power in the region.

What aid are you referring to? Bottom sentence is pure trolling and has nothing to do with anything. Come back in 10-20 years and we'll see if you're right.

Indeed, it's nowhere near certain. Certainly not outside the realm of possibility, but not preordained either.

I don't know about 10-20 yrs but don't be stubborn. Accept the facts.
The U.S president is visiting other countries to find jobs for its people. . :)
Indeed, it's nowhere near certain. Certainly not outside the realm of possibility, but not preordained either.

Personally, I dislike even the thought of China becoming a "superpower".

That implies "global power projection", which I feel is both pointless, and a huge waste of money for China.
Personally, I dislike even the thought of China becoming a "superpower".

That implies "global power projection", which I feel is both pointless, and a huge waste of money for China.

Apparently the PRC doesn't though. Makes sense because they'd need projection to protect their maritime life lines.
Don't see how that contradicts what i've said. I only said most Americans consider Taiwan a seperate country, and rhetoric aside it operates as such.

Actually most Americans don't give a about Taiwan as a separate country. Just don't make me sacrifice my life, money, energy on somebody else's problem.
I feel so sorry for China for being surrounded by hostile neighbors as compared to the U.S. neighbors.
Actually most Americans don't give a about Taiwan as a separate country. Just don't make me sacrifice my life, money, energy on somebody else's problem.

Most american's don't think about the issue day to day of course, but few consider them to be rightfully part of the PRC, or that they should be forcefully 'reintegrated' into the PRC.

As for whether there is an obligation to defend Taiwan, attitudes are split roughly half and half.

I feel so sorry for China for being surrounded by hostile neighbors as compared to the U.S. neighbors.

hostility is too strong a word. It seems to me to be wariness as much as anything. It comes as the consequences of historical baggage and some of China's positions regarding territory.
we will see how tough and confident americans are when their economy totally collapses. we are close to a major collapse in the US economy. china will overtake the US in many aspects within 10 years. its a no brainer. once the US interest rates rises, the US economic ponzi scheme is over.

american growth in every aspect, economy, military, technologically is going to stagnate as its economy gets weaker and weaker which will let china catch up to america in 10 years. by 2020 both america and china will be on par economically, tecnologically and by 2025 militarily too. im an economics student so i can talk about economics more than the military aspect.

because of the advancement of technology and avalability of information the catch up period is very short. and china has caught up dramatically from 2000-2010. the speed of catch up will further increase during this decade as china advances, more people will have access to information.

china's rising domestic consumption is rising which will help china in the long run.
Thank you for the link.

In the view of past events, I think I'd be willing to eat grass for 5 years, if it means we'll achieve nuclear supremacy against the US. Without enough nukes to wipe every last non-Slavic white off this planet, we will never be respected. If these nations are not racist dictatorships, they have nothing to worry about.
we will see how tough and confident americans are when their economy totally collapses. we are close to a major collapse in the US economy. china will overtake the US in many aspects within 10 years. its a no brainer. once the US interest rates rises, the US economic ponzi scheme is over.

american growth in every aspect, economy, military, technologically is going to stagnate as its economy gets weaker and weaker which will let china catch up to america in 10 years. by 2020 both america and china will be on par economically, tecnologically and by 2025 militarily too. im an economics student so i can talk about economics more than the military aspect.

because of the advancement of technology and avalability of information the catch up period is very short. and china has caught up dramatically from 2000-2010. the speed of catch up will further increase during this decade as china advances, more people will have access to information.

china's rising domestic consumption is rising which will help china in the long run.

you are going by projections? they can change quite drastically. the political system in china along with its undue pressure on the currency will have to give way some day. That time it will be difficult to continue at the present growth rate.

We would want the Taiwan provice to be independent because the people of taiwan want it that ways. Much like the people of libya want it that ways right now. Much like you are aiding pakistan (even though there is not much you are getting out of it when compared to your economy - you are doing this mainly from a political standpoint). China is already project power : look into south china sea islands and its stance about north east provinces of India and some provinces of Russia.

The USA is may lag behind China in economics - which can change sides pretty quickly. but IPR wise (specially with respect to defence) USA is so far ahead of China or any other coutry, I can only imagine.
you are going by projections? they can change quite drastically. the political system in china along with its undue pressure on the currency will have to give way some day. That time it will be difficult to continue at the present growth rate.

We would want the Taiwan provice to be independent because the people of taiwan want it that ways. Much like the people of libya want it that ways right now. Much like you are aiding pakistan (even though there is not much you are getting out of it when compared to your economy - you are doing this mainly from a political standpoint). China is already project power : look into south china sea islands and its stance about north east provinces of India and some provinces of Russia.

The USA is may lag behind China in economics - which can change sides pretty quickly. but IPR wise (specially with respect to defence) USA is so far ahead of China or any other coutry, I can only imagine.

No, you want Taiwan province independent as long as you don't pay a price for it.

The price for supporting Taiwan independence increases every second. It's now or never. Petition your government to send US military to occupy Taiwan and liberate it from China now, or the casualties will be greater later. If your government doesn't agree, you should stage a protest in Washington.
Most american's don't think about the issue day to day of course, but few consider them to be rightfully part of the PRC, or that they should be forcefully 'reintegrated' into the PRC.

As for whether there is an obligation to defend Taiwan, attitudes are split roughly half and half.

hostility is too strong a word. It seems to me to be wariness as much as anything. It comes as the consequences of historical baggage and some of China's positions regarding territory.

do yo seriously think that US will go to war with China over taiwan? cause that would be no joke dude. china has icbms and nukes. how will the american people react when they understand that they are under the gun too?
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