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The long view for India

the average chinese opinion on india counts for jack doesn't it. ultimately its the power centres which decide whether compete or co-operate dominates.
hey is this thread about definition of chinese :rofl: no offence meant

just a joke

hope one day we all asian countries will rise to glory again
The idea China is overall nationalist and don't like our neighbors is a total myth. Read almost every public opinion survey conducted in the last few years, you'll find the Chinese has favorable opinions of foreign countries and get less in return.

A higher percentage of Chinese has a favorable impression of the U.S than the other way around. Same for Japan and South Korea. It's even more of an one-sided affair with Europe.

I have no doubt if a survey on China-India relation is conducted in the two countries we'll see there's far more Chinese who like India then there's Indians who like China.

BTW, here's some quick street interviews conducted by BON (an independent English TV network focused on China) on Sino-Indian relationship:

The Tiger And The Dragon - STRAIGHT FROM THE STREET - bonlive
The idea China is overall nationalist and don't like our neighbors is a total myth. Read almost every public opinion survey conducted in the last few years, you'll find the Chinese has favorable opinions of foreign countries and get less in return.

A higher percentage of Chinese has a favorable impression of the U.S than the other way around. Same for Japan and South Korea. It's even more of an one-sided affairs with Europe.

I have no doubt if a survey on China-India relation is conducted in the two countries we'll see there's far more Chinese who like India then there's Indians who like China.

BTW, here's some quick street interviews conducted by BON (an independent English TV network focused on China) on Sino-Indian relationship:

The Tiger And The Dragon - STRAIGHT FROM THE STREET - bonlive

a 19% favorable Japanese view of China is hardly difficult to beat is it? Unfortunately it seems everyone dislikes everyone in this sad little world of ours.
India is going to be the poor mans super power inline with its dreams to inherit south asia.
a 19% favorable Japanese view of China is hardly difficult to beat is it? Unfortunately it seems everyone dislikes everyone in this sad little world of ours.

Internet is a breeding ground for hatred and contempt. I sometimes wonder if the more negative public opinion of China in Japan has something do to with the higher Internet penetration there.

Thailand and Cambodia almost went to war over some silly Internet rumors. It's chilling to think some thing similar could well happen between the three East Asian countries.
the average chinese opinion on india counts for jack doesn't it. ultimately its the power centres which decide whether compete or co-operate dominates.

The Chinese leadership pays very close attention to public opinion.

Just because we're not a democracy doesn't mean the Chinese leadership will ignore something so important as public opinion.

Look at what happened to the Green Dam project:

Green Dam Youth Escort - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That was just the point that I wanted to make. It doesn't mean your political opinions are any less desirable or valid. In fact they are commendable but it is just one of many in China right now.

and point taken about your pro-unity beliefs. You should meet my HK friend who absolutely hates mainland FOB's (fresh off the boat immigrants) and probably will never think of HK as part of China. Why he's friends with me, I still don't know.

Fair enough. :cheers:

I have a cousin who is a Canadian-born Chinese and they have told me about this phrase, "FOB's".

However I find that among "Hong Kong-born" Chinese, there tends to be a lot of pro-Beijing sentiment.

Hongkongers becoming more Chinese as handover recedes - The Standard
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Fair enough. :cheers:

I have a cousin who is a Canadian-born Chinese and they have told me about this phrase, "FOB's".

However I find that among "Hong Kong-born" Chinese, there tends to be a lot of pro-Beijing sentiment.

Hongkongers becoming more Chinese as handover recedes - The Standard

I remember when you guys were scared to death about the hand-over and how many HKers took their assets abroad including here in Canada. It's nice to see HK and China has been able to work in mutual benefit.
Internet is a breeding ground for hatred and contempt. I sometimes wonder if the more negative public opinion of China in Japan has something do to with the higher Internet penetration there.

Thailand and Cambodia almost went to war over some silly Internet rumors. It's chilling to think some thing similar could well happen between the three East Asian countries.

the 19 percent (althought I think it might have risen to 20 something) stat is from the pew poll and they do face to face interviews for their stats but I get your point. Internet mudslinging polarizes opinions and drowns out moderates.
I remember when you guys were scared to death about the hand-over and how many HKers took their assets abroad including here in Canada. It's nice to see HK and China has been able to work in mutual benefit.

I was always pro-Beijing even long before the handover. :cheers:

The British Government even gave my family "British passports" to prevent us from leaving Hong Kong, because they were afraid of a "brain drain" of skilled professionals after the handover.

British Nationality Selection Scheme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alot of what's being spewed on internet forums does not reflect on real thinking of people (maybe except trolls). Alot of it is like getting into an arguments where both sides get worked up, and you say something along the line of 'I hate you', 'you're an ignorant ar_e' but at the end of the day people don't mean it.

Of course there are also forums that are just extrem and racist.

Even I feel the pull of polarising opinion from time to time. It's an emotional thing, people don't like threatening words. You'll be surprised how easy it is for people to be taken over without even thinking about it.
That's pretty despicable... akin to how the KMT took skilled labour to Taiwan when they fled. Damn Brits.

I think China will win that game in the long run.

The educated Chinese who work overseas will often return to China and bring back their expertise with them. :azn: The newspapers call it "reverse brain drain".

Or if educated Chinese MUST go overseas, they can easily go to Hong Kong and keep the money within China.

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