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The Lightning Barak 8

NO radar can defy physics. Its called curvature of the earth.

Just because it says that on the brochure, it does not mean it can in real life scenarios.
Yeah Same goes for the Aircraft No Aircraft Can Fly At MaCH 2 more than couple of Minutes Unless it got Unlimited Amount of Internal Fuel8-)
Outrun is not the correct word. A plane cannot outrun a SAM like that.

Evading is the correct word, and it usually consists of deploying radar or infrared CMs, and maneuvering (to
try and move out of the seeker's view).

Fine, use evading. Idea is to get away by whatever means possible and usually that means running away as fast as you can. Countermeasure are just to put obstacles on its path.

you mean head-on, no problems at all. Not even theoretically.

Besides, when DRDO and IAI design a SAM for their Armies, AFs and Navies, don't you think they would considered
every possible scenario? Or do you assume the militaries of India & Israel are fools to have paid for a missile that's
no good against aircraft? Now you're sounding foolish.

They are smart enough to use what is AVAILABLE. Barak 8 is not ideal for the job as a SAM. Its ideal as an missile intercept.

That does not mean Barak 8 cannot be used as SAM, just not an effective one Similar to Akash.

There are gapfiller radars located along valleys and other locations hidden from view by natural terrain obstructions.
They are connected to the same C4ISR network as the Air-Search radars and any AEW planes in the area.

So when a plane comes, they'll know about it. Unless ofcourse if you're radar does not work or has been taken out.

...and there are counter measures for those look outs as well, stuff like Jamming, bombing etc.

Yeah Same goes for the Aircraft No Aircraft Can Fly At MaCH 2 more than couple of Minutes Unless it got Unlimited Amount of Internal Fuel8-)

How about A2A Refuellers ? does that provide unlimited fuel ?
When detected and attacked, the pilot has no choice but to outrun one. His being intelligent or foolish has nothing to do with it.

Why would any pilot engage a SAM within its kill zone ? Now that would be foolish.
Yeah He will be Ran out of fuel in that case and result in a crash or if Escapes he will be no fuel left to carry out is mission

How about A2A Refuellers ? does that provide unlimited fuel ?
So you will get A2A refueling facility Inside Enemy territory Hilarious ?? that to Undetected what are Flying F-22:rofl::rofl:
Yeah Same goes for the Aircraft No Aircraft Can Fly At MaCH 2 more than couple of Minutes Unless it got Unlimited Amount of Internal Fuel8-)
Add that at low altitudes, No aircraft can fly beyond 1.25 mach at ground level( in order to avoid radars).
Fine, use evading. Idea is to get away by whatever means possible and usually that means running away as fast as you can.

That would be foolish, by the time you actually manage to accelerate to Mach 2+ the missile would have already hit you
if you're in it's kill zone. Acceleration is the key.

Countermeasure are just to put obstacles on its path.

ECM - Disrupt the SAM's seeker or jam it's Datalinks so that it loses it's lock on you.
Flares - give out false heat signatures that an IR-seeking missile would take as bait and hit while you evade.
Chaff - give out false radar signatures that an RF-guided SAM would take as bait, or lose you in the clutter

Countermeasures are far more effective than trying to outrun a missile or outmaneuver it.

They are smart enough to use what is AVAILABLE. Barak 8 is not ideal for the job as a SAM. Its ideal as an missile intercept.

That does not mean Barak 8 cannot be used as SAM, just not an effective one Similar to Akash.

Yep, the military is a fool who knows sh!t about aircraft & SAMs. Write a letter to them explaining your opinion.
Yeah He will be Ran out of fuel in that case and result in a crash or if Escapes he will be no fuel left to carry out is mission

If life was so simple, there would have been no need for intercepts jets. only SAMs to keep us safe.

So you will get A2A refueling facility Inside Enemy territory Hilarious ?? that to Undetected what are Flying F-22:rofl::rofl:

Why does it have to be inside enemy territory ? :coffee:
Add that at low altitudes, No aircraft can fly beyond 1.25 mach at ground level( in order to avoid radars).
Guy is Hilarious he has No idea what he is saying Look the Reason he is Putting

if you're in it's kill zone. Acceleration is the key.
Unless you have HyperDrive button Like Starwars:lol::lol:
...and there are counter measures for those look outs as well, stuff like Jamming, bombing etc.

If you got ECM, the other guy's got ECCM. Gapfiller radars (now AESA ones are emerging, hard as hell to jam or fool) are connected to point-defence SAM grids (SPYDER), besides they're own search radars. Try outrunning those as well.
I will like to take this opportunity to discuss AAD and PAD systems. What you guys think about their accuracy to defend incoming missile systems ?
That would be foolish, by the time you actually manage to accelerate to Mach 2+ the missile would have already hit you
if you're in it's kill zone. Acceleration is the key.

I repeat, it would be foolish to be inside a SAM's kill zone. Inside its kill zone even acceleration will not help.

ECM - Disrupt the SAM's seeker or jam it's Datalinks so that it loses it's lock on you.
Flares - give out false heat signatures that an IR-seeking missile would take as bait and hit while you evade.
Chaff - give out false radar signatures that an RF-guided SAM would take as bait, or lose you in the clutter

Countermeasures are far more effective than trying to outrun a missile or outmaneuver it.

If that was true then strike aircraft's would employ defensive countermeasures and then continue with their strike mission. That does not happen in real life.

During a Strike mission offensive countermeasures are used like jamming their Radars and blinding their sight. Certainly no chaff or flares.

Yep, the military is a fool who knows sh!t about aircraft & SAMs. Write a letter to them explaining your opinion.

I was not aware you were the official spokes person for the IAF :coffee: .......... maybe you can write that letter now.
If you got ECM, the other guy's got ECCM. Gapfiller radars (now AESA ones are emerging, hard as hell to jam or fool) are connected to point-defence SAM grids (SPYDER), besides they're own search radars. Try outrunning those as well.

We are discussing Barak 8, not SPYDER.

So you think aircraft will be survive after being detected into the Enemy territory.:coffee:

No. SAM's are enough to destroy all incoming aircrafts :coffee: ........... no need for jets. Right ?
We are discussing Barak 8, not SPYDER.

No. SAM's are enough to destroy all incoming aircrafts :coffee: ........... no need for jets. Right ?
SaMS are cheap and Effective Defensive Weapons Against Aircrafts Barak-8 is Effective Weapons of All kinds or Aerial threat Barak 8 has been designed to counter a wide variety of air-borne threats, such as; anti-ship missiles, aircraft, UAVs and drones as well as supersonic cruise missiles
Intercept test validates Barak 8 air defense system maturity | Defense Update:
Its speed is mach 2. For Anti Aircraft missile to be successful in chase mode, speed should be mach 4 or more.

It's clear my friend from Israel told me the speed of Barak is Classified it remains Classified for ever and it is chased some Sub sonic decoys launched from the F 15 last year

Israel successfully integrated Barak 8 on those Saar 5 class frigates, those Indian Destroyers carry more powerful MF STAR Radar so the Barak 8 is more deadly

But Land based systems are connected with less powered mobile Radar's so Compared to land Based launchers ship based is more deadlier

@Major Shaitan Singh Thanks for sharing the Article

@500 any views from Israeli side of Barak 8
2 Mach max speed is obviously BS. Its around 4 Mach.

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