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The Lightning Barak 8

no aircraft in paf can fly in mach 2+ speed.
No aircraft Can fly at Mach 2 for to Long or it Ran out of Fuel to reach that speed aircraft have to use full afterburners That too Can not be achieved for very long.
For that Aircraft have to Burn all it fuel to do Maneuvers Barak 8 possesses high degrees of maneuverability at target interception range

Running back in a straight line does not need any manoeuvring. It only needs to do that till the missile fuel runs out.
its not Easy As Barak-8 is a Active Radar Seeker Missile with Two way data link

What has data link got anything to do with this ? The envelop is defined by the amount of Fuel the missile has and its speed.
Running back in a straight line does not need any manoeuvring. It only needs to do that till the missile fuel runs out.
How Long a Aircraft Can fly At Mach 2 to speed Have you calculated that
How Long a Aircraft Can fly At Mach 2 to speed Have you calculated that

Long enough to get out of the kill zone. Its not like both the missile and the aircraft will be running from the same starting point.
Its speed is mach 2. For Anti Aircraft missile to be successful in chase mode, speed should be mach 4 or more.

It's speed was sacrificed for more lateral g-stress tolerance. Although it may be a slight disadvantage against
really fast aircraft (not many fighters go beyond Mach 2) it's pretty trivial because it's not likely that a target would
be travelling at it's maximum speed always...with a capability to pull off 80g, the missile would take out the
target before it has a chance to accelerate to it's top speed.
The Brahmos was approaching the Barak, so it wasn't in tail chase mode.

But then, SAMs are defensive weapons anyway, intended to protect a point or area from incoming aerial threats. So chase mode is not what it is expected to do.
Besides Barak-8 can pull 80g and highly agile which is what makes it deadly and ideal for interception of even super sonic sea skimming missiles. right?
Long enough to get out of the kill zone. Its not like both the missile and the aircraft will be running from the same starting point.

It takes a lot of time to accelerate to Mach 2, missiles do that in seconds. Anyway, trying to outrun a SAM with speed is quite a dumb logic, no pilot would do that. You either have to outmaneuver it or fool it with countermeasures. Barak-8
is well-equipped to deal with those tactics.
Long enough to get out of the kill zone. Its not like both the missile and the aircraft will be running from the same starting point.
then Job of the Missile is Done aircraft will be Ran out of Fuel while getting Out of Kill-zone it will be Failed to achieved its Operational goals.
then Job of the Missile is Done aircraft will be Ran out of Fuel while getting Out of Kill-zone it will be Failed to achieved its Operational goals.

Not if that aircraft drops a couple of cruise missiles and goes back to pak or china
It takes a lot of time to accelerate to Mach 2, missiles do that in seconds. Anyway, trying to outrun a SAM with speed is quite a dumb logic, no pilot would do that. You either have to outmaneuver it or fool it with countermeasures. Barak-8
is well-equipped to deal with those tactics.
Guy thinks Aircraft's are filled Unlimited Amount of Fuel don't Know that to reach Speed of Mach-2 Aircraft have to go Full afterburners Even though he somehow he Escapes the Missile he will be Ranout of Fuel to Carry our His Mission objective further.

It's clear my friend from Israel told me the speed of Barak is Classified it remains Classified for ever and it is chased some Sub sonic decoys launched from the F 15 last year

Israel successfully integrated Barak 8 on those Saar 5 class frigates, those Indian Destroyers carry more powerful MF STAR Radar so the Barak 8 is more deadly

But Land based systems are connected with less powered mobile Radar's so Compared to land Based launchers ship based is more deadlier

@Major Shaitan Singh Thanks for sharing the Article

@500 any views from Israeli side of Barak 8
Not if that aircraft drops a couple of cruise missiles and goes back to pak or china
Dumb Logic again the Aircraft will be detected hundreds of Kilometers Away by Ground Based Radars By the time it will cross Danger zone It will be Dealt with Response By Our Fighters.There are Different Layers of air Defense Protection
Dumb Logic again the Aircraft will be detected hundreds of Kilometers Away by Ground Based Radars By the type it cross Danger zone It will Dealt with By Our Fighters.

the Barak 8 can Intercept any kind of Stand off cruise Missiles, if we want to hunt the Mother Jet we should launch an Interceptor Aircraft

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