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The Launching of the USS Gerald Ford aircraft carrier.

See those big propellers?

What happens if they get hit by a small aerial torpedo carried by the DF-21D? :lol:



If it can catch those propellers, the carrier is pretty fast. And theres something new that the U.S. Navy just recently test on one of the carriers.
Time lapse on USS Gerald Ford.



Forgot to mention that USS John F. Kennedy will be laid down after Ford left.
Kinda remind me why destroyer still need their 5 inch gun...

Many people don't know this, as many never served in war. Missile is a point to point weapon, if you want a specific target destroy, you would call for a tomahawk or copperhead.

However, single missile cannot hit multiple target and more importantly, they cannot stay in your area and strike every time you wanted to. Hence missile is useless in any infantry support. 5 inch gun can bombard an area of target when you want them, where you want them. Hence the destroyer today still carry the 5 in naval gun

As for how accurate can your missile get? I once holding a laser set painting a bunker, it take 3 hits to successfully hit that bunker. Lol. The first one explode prematurely, the second one overshoot and the 3rd hit the stationary target with laser det
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