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The last US nail in Sheikh Hasina's coffin

Proposed even more shockingly by the greatest of the most quintessential Bangladeshi politician.....the Shere-e-Bangla....

Pakistan was a Bangli project....muslims beyond bengal were just hangers on. No amount of revisionist history will change the facts...
Those who reneged on the slogan of Pakistan cannot write Pakistani history.

Yeah bengal and bangladesh are two separate entities in relation to muslim history of quest of muslim sovereignty.... GTFOH....

What sovereignty? You were selling it to whomever you pleased just in this thread. Forget about Muslim stuff etc. You are the only group of people who negated slogan of Pakistan which had Muslim affirmation of faith in it. Modern day equivalent of Khawarij
Those who desire the direct gaze of The snake-haired goddess Medusa, breathing down our neck. Trying to trick us whilst we have to close our eyes. Needs their brains checked out.

As where ever goddess Medusa gaze strikes, sorrow, suffering and anguish follows . Also don't forget destruction and annihilation of what ever was good.

Even those with the mightiest armour and armed with very good mirrors and swords have fallen pray and pershied.

The only way of medusa was put in their place, ending the crying sorrow and tyranny was all the knights and hero's working together and helping each other. Putting their petty small egotistical differences aside and having mutual respect for each other .
Good point, regarding India it looks very difficult for Bangladesh to be independent from them, Bangladesh is surrounded by India, BAL is very close to India due to old connections, Indian influence is high.

The only way is to make close relations with China and China allies such as Burma, where you can build road, rail, economic links with China through their territory, then close connections with allies such as Thailand, Srilanka, also make close relations with fellow Muslim states of Malaysia and Indonesia. This will give Bangladesh alot of independence.

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You are not very good at studying the geopolitical importance of BD.

- For one India’ entire NE is blocked by BD. But, you only see BD is surrounded by India.
- The other main point is, BD located at the cross roads between India, China and SE Asia, The future land trade must go through BD.
- No one really knows when a war flares up between China and India on its NE. BD plays a very important buffer role against theirtroop movements. No wonder, both China and India seek good relationship with BD.

These are some of the reasons that the US, EU, Japan, Korea, China and India all want BD inclusion in their respective groups.
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Only yesterday I read about the cancellation of 51 US visa of BD citizens. I do not have the list, but Prothom Ali reported it.

On the other hand, Hasina Bibi is still defying visa cancellation and is talking about the non-entry of Tareque Zia to the US.

But, why she is defying and talking like a mad woman I do not know. She is probably worried about her neck after she is ousted.

BD is less important than her own neck. But, she should not have committed crimes such as killing 57 BA officers in Pilkhana with Indian assistance.
Those who reneged on the slogan of Pakistan cannot write Pakistani history.

What sovereignty? You were selling it to whomever you pleased just in this thread. Forget about Muslim stuff etc. You are the only group of people who negated slogan of Pakistan which had Muslim affirmation of faith in it. Modern day equivalent of Khawarij
we absolutely can as the primary architect of Pakistan. We can negate, revise as we choose and we will write history to suit the factual narrative and if it does not suit your agenda..... so be it...

Who sold our sovereignty and to whom. If you are speaking to me you have to point out where i said such a thing. If you mean someone else you need to take it up with them. There are many views here, all of them represents a spectrum of BD opinions. None of them by themselves represents the only view.
we absolutely can as the primary architect of Pakistan. We can negate, revise as we choose and we will write history to suit the factual narrative and if it does not suit your agenda..... so be it...

Who sold our sovereignty and to whom. If you are speaking to me you have to point out where i said such a thing. If you mean someone else you need to take it up with them. There are many views here, all of them represents a spectrum of BD opinions. None of them by themselves represents the only view.

The Pakistan military psychotically apathic towards Muslim issue e.t.c although they pretend to put on another face
Have you heard of black september, 25,000 ppl?

So pls explain what this guy is talking about? Also pls remind him before British bengal, it was the only part of S.Asia to claim and make an oath pledging military alliance to the caliphate.

There are words which can be empty and there are actions - which mean more and show more
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You are not very good at studying the geopolitical importance of BD.

- For one India’ entire NE is blocked by BD. But, you only see BD is surrounded by India.
- The other main point is, BD located at the cross roads between India, China and SE Asia, The future land trade must go through BD.
- No one really knows when a war flares up between China and India on its NE. BD plays a very important buffer role against theirtroop movements. No wonder, both China and India seek good relationship with BD.

These are some of the reasons that the US, EU, Japan, Korea, China and India all want BD inclusion in their respective groups.
In history, the Chinese army entered the Indian plains and never had to pass through Bangladesh...

I remember the Japanese knew about this.

@Tom-tom , I'm unable to understand why suddenly you go bonkers and started writing essays after essays!

I think I already made my position very clear that actually what I desire!

I want democracy revive in Bangladesh,I want a sovereign Bangladesh that's is almost compromised by this pro India establishment, so in order to to get freedom any alliance is acceptable for me!

However I just suggest you to read history properly!

It's Soviet who first recognized Israel ( D jure) , Soviet started invasion at Afghanistan in the beginning, India annexed Hyderabad long ago and now snatch the right of Kashmir as an autonomous state, Chinese also has issue with uighurs ( although I completely don't buy western propaganda here)!

So religious card really won't work for me , so try again and try something new!

I already said that I don't want to become Myanmar or north korean citizen, and if BAL continue one more time ( without free and fair election) , we will turn to another Myanmar/NK and also we have to establish idol of sheikh family and worship them ( its rhetoric, don't take it literally, but for sure people will become slave of them!

How many years you are in UK? When last time you visited Bangladesh?

If you don't know the ground reality of Bangladesh, don't rely on Bangladeshi and Indian media to get the real picture of Bangladesh! It's a suggestion only and you are at a liberty to ignore it anytime!

That's all i want to say! I've no interest to quote every line of your post, because If i do so , it will take years and still no solution!

So it's better let's wait and see , if in a free and fair election BAL wins or lose!

We didn't lease Bangladesh to Sheikh family and never will! If they can get mandate from our people, they can continue ruling Bangladesh I've no problem!

Bottom line is , all I want is a free and fair election under a caretaker govt ( a long term caretaker govt like Fakhruddhin regime) and if still BAL get popular vote and win I will welcome them!

If you don't want foreign or military pressure, force your payari payarisi Hasina to hand over power to a caretaker govt , That's all!
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However free and fair election should be the only goal and whoever wins rule
Brother @mb444 , and I don't think BAL is going to transfer power so easily, at least not without any internal or external pressure!

That's why I proposed a another Fakhruddhin type regime and nothing else!

But did BNP handover power to that Govt ( CTG underst Fakhruddhin) without pressure? No right?

BAL is more strict than BNP as they have taste of power from last 15 years!

So yes CTG like Fakhruddhin ( this time maybe Younus) that can continue 2-4 or even 5-7 years if necessary to unmade what evil things BAL done that's all!

It's not permanent for sure, it's temporary! That's all what I am trying to explain!

However it's my personal take! If you suggest better alternative ( how to force BAL to transfer power to a CTG) I will happily accept this!
Brother @mb444 , and I don't think BAL is going to transfer power so easily, at least not without any internal or external pressure!

That's why I proposed a another Fakhruddhin type regime and nothing else!

But did BNP handover power to that Govt ( CTG underst Fakhruddhin) without pressure? No right?

BAL is more strict than BNP as they have taste of power from last 15 years!

So yes CTG like Fakhruddhin ( this time maybe Younus) that can continue 2-4 or even 5-7 years if necessary to unmade what evil things BAL done that's all!

It's not permanent for sure, it's temporary! That's all what I am trying to explain!

However it's my personal take! If you suggest better alternative ( how to force BAL to transfer power to a CTG) I will happily accept this!
This time around everyone external abandoned her. However the only way she is going to go is nothing short of kicking and screaming ! In America Biden does not like her, four Republican senators wrote a letter to the state department directly accusing her responsible for all those people that went missing. India won't go against USA wishes anymore.
I still would like to see a legitimate elected government, but the problem is the entire administration has been really corrupted by AL. There must be a Purge including military top leaders.
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Expats who are living in America and Europe ( specially UK) please return to Bangladesh!

( Specially lesser Hazrat @UKBengali , the great lackey of Helen of Bangladesh , greater Hazrat sheikh Hasina 😂)

But how many BAL lackeys will agree with the greatest empress Bangladesh has ever produced?

How many beurocrats, top notch police officers or if military will be under threat of deprivation of UN peacekeeping mission will agree with the noble speech of our empress , itihaser rakhal raja , ganotontrer manos konna , Helen of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina? :sarcastic:

Let's wait and see!

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Brother @mb444 , and I don't think BAL is going to transfer power so easily, at least not without any internal or external pressure!

That's why I proposed a another Fakhruddhin type regime and nothing else!

But did BNP handover power to that Govt ( CTG underst Fakhruddhin) without pressure? No right?

BAL is more strict than BNP as they have taste of power from last 15 years!

So yes CTG like Fakhruddhin ( this time maybe Younus) that can continue 2-4 or even 5-7 years if necessary to unmade what evil things BAL done that's all!

It's not permanent for sure, it's temporary! That's all what I am trying to explain!

However it's my personal take! If you suggest better alternative ( how to force BAL to transfer power to a CTG) I will happily accept this!

I understand your view. Unfortunately i do not have a better solution but also see the dangers of another unelected government and what that may mean for BD.

Time will tell... lets hope that intelligent politicians get together and solve this.....
This time around everyone external abandoned her. However the only way she is going to go is nothing short of kicking and screaming ! In America Biden does not like her, four Republican senators wrote a letter to the state department directly accusing her of all those people went missing. India won't go against USA wishes anymore.
I still would like to see a legitimate elected government, but the problem is the entire administration has been really corrupted by AL. There must be a Purge including military top leaders.
@fallstuff bhai , exactly ! It's my thoughts too! BAL left no other way to arrange a free and fair election without a purge!
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There are ideological differences among the main political parties in Bangladesh, which will keep Bangladesh in a state of chaos for a long time. Is there any way to effectively maintain national stability and develop the economy?
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In history, the Chinese army entered the Indian plains and never had to pass through Bangladesh...

I remember the Japanese knew about this.
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Do not speak bull shit all the time. Better you learn how to read a map and understand its geopolitical importance.

Turkey in between Europe and Asian mainland as well as Ukraine/ Russia. BD in between China, India and SE Asia.

Both are similarly important in terms of geopolitics.

You suck with your low IQ. Who said that tomorrow there will be a war between China and India? Bloody idiot!!!!
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