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The last US nail in Sheikh Hasina's coffin

The worst thing, is i lost my thing that allowed me to gain income at ease. Now I have nothing.

Went to, an organisation for halal financial, I told them my situation and now said they help me acquire the thing that help me going.

It been nothing but stringing me along for weeks, with excuse after excuse. I gave the guy a txt outlining All the b.s he pulled. He replied with hurtful abusive sentiments.

Every time this callous prick, brought the creators name in to it.

For those that still carry some internalised racist b.s, just know sometimes the system is alot harder for others. Whilst this callous pak/punjab boasted about his millions of turn over and wealth. When pak men get a taste for bengali girl, we are all Muslim bhia bhia now all a sudden. Keeping bengali men a few rungs below is something of a agenda they have.

I honestly don't really care for saying this, alot of ppl need to hear it even though they may know it deep down.

There many times where I was I nearly lost my life aftab ali style and stephan lawerence style from a very young age

As we know there a few highly successful Jews that are in American institutions, including Israeli lobby groups. They are also in IMF and deep in American gov.

Every year a song and dance is done over holocaust. How ever these same ppl were incremental in to causing a genocide, where this group would be the biggest whipping dog.

I find It heart breaking, alot of these ex-united-yugoslavia MUSLIMS risked everything to smuggle these Jews out. The yugo 's MUSLIMS are extremely proud of it. Only for them to come back cause a situation for yugo's grand kids and childern to wipped out in similiar horrific ways.

They, these Jews that were apart of causing this only think about their own genocide.

Talk about doing a song dance every year where and its rammed down every ones throat.

These Jews that were part of it, than again if you read the Torah, it says everyone is forsaken but them. Well that is the reworked 4th century one anyway.

I am having a computational error with ppl crying about genocide, they now presently bearly remember ( due to them extremely young age at the time.) or haven't lived it. Yet causing it for countless others. Someone pls explain?
Go join NATO. Baby.😂
You are so uneducated that you do not know what NATO stands for.

We must not ally ourselves with China. It is with the Burmese generals who force expelled one million Rohingya to BD and then vetoed against BD in the UN.

China then plays duplicity in BD by bribing Hasina Bibi while giving project money with high interest rates.

No wonder, democracy loving BD people want a fair election. Wait for the result to see BD to fully engaged with QUAD.
However I'm not asking to do so , but if necessary I don't think military will stay in barrack, and that's not going to tarnish their image!

It is the Task of BNP and opposition to remove BAL from power.
Mathe namo , andolon koro , jele jao.
They cannot expect democracy to be handed to them on a plate.
What if Trump is back in power and lifts these restrictions ?

They should not be complacent.

Military Should not be involved in ANY POLITICS.
They should step in only when absolutely necessary
Depending on Military is a slippery slope.

We do not want to end up in a society where the Army controls everything.
Dr Yunus is risky the u.s Clinton's are far up his behind u.s b.s might start coming out of his mouth.
He knows the right ppl in Washington and has access to them. Not a bad thing
Dr Younus has the credentials and the rep
He knows the right ppl in Washington and has access to them. Not a bad thing
Dr Younus has the credentials and the rep

He does but whether he will use it to advance BD interest is yet to be seen. It's one thing to use your connection to fulfill your desire to be the PM, another thing to be a patriotic leader.
It is the Task of BNP and opposition to remove BAL from power.
Mathe namo , andolon koro , jele jao.

They cannot expect democracy to be handed to them on a plate.
BNP is no democracy either! Also you can't remove hitler even by public revolution, let alone movement by opposition only!

Also this time BAL want BNP and other opposition to create chaos , so that they can show to USA and West that oppositions are terrorist, and if BAL fall , terrorists will be in power!

There is no influential leader who can take people to start revolution!

There are still many patriots and worthy people who can rule Bangladesh very well, but unfortunately they have no political background! Nowadays people from Noble family with sense it dignity abhor politics because of these ruthless bastards!

What if Trump is back in power and lifts these restrictions ?
I watch many expert's talk show and they said that trump can propose it , but can't lift these restrictions so easily! In the end America isn't Bangladesh that shall be ruled by one person's will!

Military Should not be involved in ANY POLITICS.
They should step in only when absolutely necessary
Depending on Military is a slippery slope.

We do not want to end up in a society where the Army controls everything.
I'm not asking for military involvement! We don't have to ask them to be involved!

Did we ask them to plot 1/11? We didn't right?

I heard that Americans and British are responsible for 1/11 !

This time they will create such thing if visa restrictions and other restrictions failed!

I just said I will welcome anything that will force the current dictatorship handover the power to a CTG or national unity Govt whatever you call it! I also think this time it will be longer than 2 years! Now let's just wait and see!

But i think brother @fallstuff explained the whole situation briefly and very nicely! You can take a look!

Post in thread 'The last US nail in Sheikh Hasina's coffin' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/the-last-us-nail-in-sheikh-hasinas-coffin.768715/post-14398128

He does but whether he will use it to advance BD interest is yet to be seen. It's one thing to use your connection to fulfill your desire to be the PM, another thing to be a patriotic leader.
There is no patriotic leader among Bangladeshi politicians as well! All of them just want either to grab power or at any cost hold the power! So now it's time to test non political people!

At least partisan gundagiri might be stopped!

Tobe jege jege zodi keu ghumate chay tobe tader jagano zay na!
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People’s comments in a forum like this has no real value in the matter of military takeover. Military will enter the stage when there is a stalemate.

BAL party conducts election unilaterally without participation by major parties like BNP. No important country extends recognition to it.

The situation is then ripe for military takeover. It’s duty is to amend the Constitution in favor of a CTG.

This govt replaces the military govt, it holds national election, and the new Parliament decide which party or parties form the new govt.

I am surprised to see some people talking Dr. Yunus as something good connections with the Clinton family here and there.

Being just a civilian, can he become the Govt Chief Executive without being elected an MP? So, why do people putting cart before the horse?
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I honestly don't really care for saying this, alot of ppl need to hear it even though they may know it deep down.

There many times where I was I nearly lost my life aftab ali style and stephan lawerence style from a very young age

As we know there a few highly successful Jews that are in American institutions, including Israeli lobby groups. They are also in IMF and deep in American gov.

Every year a song and dance is done over holocaust. How ever these same ppl were incremental in to causing a genocide, where this group would be the biggest whipping dog.

I find It heart breaking, alot of these ex-united-yugoslavia MUSLIMS risked everything to smuggle these Jews out. The yugo 's MUSLIMS are extremely proud of it. Only for them to come back cause a situation for yugo's grand kids and childern to wipped out in similiar horrific ways.

They, these Jews that were apart of causing this only think about their own genocide.

Talk about doing a song dance every year where and its rammed down every ones throat.

These Jews that were part of it, than again if you read the Torah, it says everyone is forsaken but them. Well that is the reworked 4th century one anyway.

I am having a computational error with ppl crying about genocide, they now presently bearly remember ( due to them extremely young age at the time.) or haven't lived it. Yet causing it for countless others. Someone pls explain?

It gives me greater computation difficulty knowing that some of these high ranking Jews descended from these yugo' Muslim that risked their childern just for them.
There is member that keeps getting like tigger from winnie the pooh the U.S is our biggest customer.

Have you ever thought, why we have become of a big regional interest, it due to China having great interest in us. Its also due to China giving bdesh the main backbone and important skeletal support. From allowing us access to good industrial machinery systems to supplying our industries with the back linkages.
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Sure you certainly have negated the slogan, now learn to live with the consequences. You are a vassal state not a sovereign one, stop pretending to be as such.

I'm only addressing yourself as the individual you are engaging with has probably never read a history book. His pseudohistory is riddled with cognitive dissonance. Of course both go hand in hand. My post is off topic only because I'm sick and tired of the wE mAdE pAkIsTAn retarded narrative I keep reading from the same inbred imbecilic moron. Should mods wish break this post in order to create a separate thread is welcome.

For the record, east Bengal was never supposed to be part of Pakistan. It was added to the Lahore resolution in 1946 at the Delhi conference after Bengalee leaders of the Bengal provincial Muslim League failed to accomplish United Bengal. Mr Jinnah accepted their request to be part of Pakistan after their abysmal failure. Furthermore, the Ahsan manzil family who founded the Muslim League are not, never have and never will be bengalee. They are the dhakaiya Urdu community who had to hide under the bengalee identity for fear of their lives after 1971 whom they have been living in East Bengal for centuries. Former VC of Dhaka U Dr Syed Sajjad Hussein further corroborates this in his book the wastes of time.

Bongo cognitive dissonance is shocking when it comes to history but it's interesting how some proudly admit and boast to be judge jury and executioner of their own court. Such individuals are nothing more than wastes of chemical elements not even worthy to be compost on an allotment patch more better relegated to the sewage gutters along with their hindutva compatriots who share many parallels in historical methodology.

Here's to the Pakistanis of east Bengal:

"I did not see any ray of hope in my heart in the way the Muslim League movement was going on.

Suddenly, the day when League leader Quaid-i-Azam shouted about Pakistan - "We will fight for India's full independence on the British and Hindu fronts" - I shouted with joy - "Yes, a Sipahsalar commander has finally arrived." Then the sword of
my pride shone."

— Kazi Nazrul Islam, the national poet of Bangladesh/Compiled by Shahed Ali, 1989.

“Honestly, there is no bound to our debt to Quaid-i-Azam. We Muslims will never forget him.

The secure life we are living today only because of him. Otherwise, we would have had to shrink in fear of the Hindus, and the shrinkage would have squashed and destroyed our inner strength. We would get depressed. Even if we were able to make a living in some way, we would remain untouched of success in that unhappy life. That is why we have to be adulated in praising Quaid-i-Azam. That is not an exaggeration at all.”

Quaid-i-Azam Zindabad / Motaher Hossain Chowdhury

- Motaher Hossain Chowdhury rachanabali (First Volume) / Edited by: Syed Abul Maqsood. [Bangla Academy - June, 1995. Pp. 503-512]

“All are gathered together under the flag of nation Remembering you again and again, Your reside still in everyone's heart It is full of you. In every age with your undeniable contribution You will live forever in your divine glory.

Quaid-i-Azam, Your contribution will remain glowy till the eternity.”

Begum Sufia Kama, poet and political activist
— Mahe-Nao. Dhaka, December 1955

“From the dream that only you possess

The dignity of freedom we got

So this day has no decay

Of this day we all are witness

Great Father of the Nation :

Today, in your memory we pay homage.”

Nishaan Bardaar/Sikandar Abu Zafar (Poet & Journalist)

— Mahe-Nao. September 1955

“Suddenly the light shone

A spirit awoke in my soul

The door of darkness opened in front

Who are you, the new-path-seeking enlightener?

Who are you, the creator of the new soil?

Who brings reassurance across the mind,

Who gave the belief in living with entity

In the hearts of countless people

- Is my Quaid-i-Azam

The unity of faith in my strings

Commotion of discipline is rising

Pretty sweet pleasant”

— Mazharul Islam/Former vice-chancellor of the University of Rajshahi. In 1972, he was appointed as the first Director General of Bangla Academy.

O Father of the Nation - Salam!

Your name is written in the Pak-India history.

It is written on the page of eternity,

Knocking the door of the dark prison of century

O enlightened one, you have come to the subjugated Muslim world.

The chains of slavery fell on your advent. ”

- Bande Ali Mia (Poet)

— Mahe-Nao. Dhaka

Poet Benazir Ahmed wrote,

“O Quaid of the new day,

This day is your contribution

The song of light ending the darkness of lies

Is also your contribution .


O Quaid of the new day

No death is the end for you,

Like the living sun

You too are the conqueror of death, the immortal child in the heart of the earth.

- Kabya Bithi, 1954

All above poets from east Bengal.

@ThunderCat @El Sidd
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