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The Kharotabad (Quetta) Incident

What you don't understand is that while yes, Pakistan has garnered a few extremists in its regions, so has Afghanistan. In fact, the problem of Islamic militancy is far greater in Afghanistan than it is in Pakistan. All the international terrorist safe havens are in Nuristan, Kunar; Afghanistan. What has been done to uproot the terrorist safe havens from there? The fact is that Al-Qaeda & its affiliate TTP are the open enemies of Pakistan, & they get their refuge in Afghanistan. All the Chechens, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Sudanese, Somalian terrorists have their safe havens in Afghanistan, which they use to launch attacks inside Pakistan. Pakistan does not have authority over these terrorists. When Pakistan conducted operations against Qari Zia Rehman's group in Bajaur in 2008, they fled & got refuge in Kunar, Nuristan; Afghanistan. This has been a repeating pattern, particularly against the Mehsud group that operates from Khost, Afghanistan; & launches attacks inside North Waziristan. What operations has the US conducted in Afghanistan (besides Kandahar) on the same levels that Pakistan has in Bajaur & South Waziristan? Kandahar is a walk in the park as compared to Afghan provinces like Kunar, Nuristan.

I wish in detail more can be divulged regarding the true face of the US/NATO related activities as well as the other activities being done from across the border as well as in that country against Pakistan.

People should know a lot of things which they don't.

I am a true believer that US is not a friend or an ally, rather its action are more like what an enemy does.

Hope people come out of the denial mode, but it seems both sides are in the denial mode.
Passports recovered from the attackers


People who are wondering about chechens!! why not? it doesn't mean Chechnia is involved in this or Turkey or Uzbikistan for that matter? these rag tags were probably homeless and uneducated souls ; joined TTP/AQ to feed their families. You'd be surprised to find out what an empty stomach can force you to do :agree:
Would you think someone who is earning livelihood and can feed their family would ever think of such lunacy??
I wish in detail more can be divulged regarding the true face of the US/NATO related activities as well as the other activities being done from across the border as well as in that country against Pakistan.

People should know a lot of things which they don't.

I am a true believer that US is not a friend or an ally, rather its action are more like what an enemy does.

Hope people come out of the denial mode, but it seems both sides are in the denial mode.

Please share some more things , which we don't know ?
People who are wondering about chechens!! why not? it doesn't mean Chechnia is involved in this or Turkey or Uzbikistan for that matter? these rag tags were probably homeless and uneducated souls ; joined TTP/AQ to feed their families. You'd be surprised to find out what an empty stomach can force you to do :agree:
Would you think someone who is earning livelihood and can feed their family would ever think of such lunacy??

But who will tell the world that there is a difference between State and its people, that if people of the country found involved in any terrorist activity, doesnt mean that it is State Backed Activity.

---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

Quetta: Explosion in Akhtarabad has been reported along with Firing. (Geo News)
Every One is appreciating FC and Police, even one of my frined said Shabash to Pak Army...
Be a responsible Person find out the fact firts then comment on such sort of incidents.
Facts are still invisible according to some sources they were heading to Quetta from Katchalak.... They were intercepted by Police at their Check Post, where they fail to answer local police (fail to give bribe as well) due to which they were considered Suicide Bombers and have been killed.. some of local witnessess have said that they were offering Namaz...Now its our responsibility to find the facts then comment.... I feel this is another pre judicial killing May Allah Forbid.......
But who will tell the world that there is a difference between State and its people, that if people of the country found involved in any terrorist activity, doesnt mean that it is State Backed Activity.

---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

Quetta: Explosion in Akhtarabad has been reported along with Firing. (Geo News)

this is where the media comes into play! just like any commodity there is a brand manager promoting its name - its the job of media to promote its country's name and real image.
Unfortunately our media revolves around bashing/praising political parties and there is no sense of maturity at times, they even over exaggerate to improve ratings.
It was a case of police bribery. Police receive bribery on Kuchlak and then informed Baleli checkpost that a good party is on the way, then Baleli police received bribe and informed Airport police, when they approached there their money was exhausted. Airport police tied their hands and the case was totally mistreated. These 5 people reached the picket for surrender and they were really puzzled, of of them were unarmed and had proper traveling documents, passports etc. See these pics :


they are terrorists, as the explosives are still on their bodies, for which bomb disposal squad has been called.

are u laughing at urself now or what? I hope u have seen the latest news in this regard. PAK army/FC/police is just like any other pakistanis.. unfortunately majority of them are liers...

They'll lie about everything.. they'll abduct a student and claim he/she was a terrorist wearing 3 suicide jackets and had LPG, LMG, grenade etc etc etc.. see the number of missing people!
Quetta: Postmortem report of five Chechen nationals, including three women, killed by the police and the Frontier Constabulary in Kharotabad area of Quetta on Tuesday , has been issued revealing that a woman among the deceased was determined as seven months pregnant and received five bullets.

The police surgeon Bolan Medical complex during a press conference told that all the slain were killed by bullets and there was no indication of being hurt by any explosion, a fact contradictory to police claim that one of the women had blew herself up by a hand grenade.

Chief Secretary Balochistan while talking to a private television said that two probe committees have been formed to investigate the matter.

He said that the committees would produce their reports to the chief minister Balochistan soon.

The police and the FC on Tuesday gunned down the five unarmed Chechens at the FC check post despite the foreigners have been offering their arrest since their death by raising their hands in the air.

Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik has also ordered a joint inquiry into the incident.

The News Tribe » Kharotabad incident: Autopsy report reveals slain woman
this is just disgusting !! the culprits must be punished, instead of safeguarding them....

---------- Post added at 03:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 PM ----------

GEO showed their passports, I think they were a family, dad, mom, their teenage daughter, their son and his pregnant wife...
So bad, may Rest in Peace. Has government ordered any enquiry.
Sucide bomber family?
We neeed to cleanse our northern areas from these illegal aliens destroying peace and tranquality.
So bad, may Rest in Peace. Has government ordered any enquiry.

inquiries will result into nothing, those from FC are already gone underground, so who will you convict?

by the way there are 3 committees being formulated to investigate, postmartem report says it all !
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